00:16:50 :( 00:17:12 evening 00:29:25 update: ea will soft-launch the new sims forums on 15 july https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/18380440#Comment_18380440 00:30:49 plan is supposedly to have the old forums go read-only for "a few days/weeks" before redirecting to the new, which is convenient for us if it indeed happens 00:34:05 (clarification: read-only will itself be "[a] few days after" the 15th) 00:34:14 a grab was tried in 2023, but that seems to have been aborted. What was the reasons for that? 00:35:02 inadequate storage on pipeline, iaui 00:35:20 JAA, are you going to wait for the read-only and then unleash qwarc? ^ 00:35:30 *aiui 00:40:45 ah good. Was afraid it was aggressive rate limiting 00:46:55 how do we get more storage on teh pipeline 00:56:07 it should be fine to just run it on a different pipeline with more space (there's several that have 1TB+) 04:00:26 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52702&oldid=52696 06:21:50 PaulWise edited Deathwatch (+130, Kontalk): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52703&oldid=52694 11:03:42 Reposting b/c I messed up and posted in #archivebot... 11:03:42 looking for scans of a Japanese 8-bit microcomputer magazine called "RAM" -- Random Access Magazine. 11:03:43 https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%BB%A3%E6%B8%88%E5%A0%82%E5%87%BA%E7%89%88%20RAM&udm=2 11:03:43 Looks like this: https://auctions.c.yimg.jp/images.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/image/dr000/auc0403/users/3072c7d3a14646df2d0... 11:03:44 Anyone know of a source for Japanese computer magazine scans? 11:04:03 These go on the auction sites a lot but I can't find hardly any inside content, especially full magazine scans. Looking for TRS-80 program listings to see how the Japanese TRS-80's might have been used (if differently). So far I only see a blackjack program but TRS-80 is often on the covers. Seems like a good history set that's missing even 11:04:03 though the magazines are readily available on Japanese auction sites still. 11:04:04 https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/450508578_10159717507421087_4796163161625371137_n... 11:04:04 e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%BB%A3%E6%B8%88%E5%A0%82%E5%87%BA%E7%89%88%20RAM&udm=2 11:04:27 turnkit: i checked Anna's archive real quick, but can't find anything that looks like the covers from the search you posted :/ 11:04:29 https://annas-archive.gs/search?index=&page=1&q=random+access+magazine&sort= 11:04:33 https://annas-archive.gs/search?q=%E5%BB%A3%E6%B8%88%E5%A0%82%E5%87%BA%E7%89%88+RAM 11:04:44 didn't they have a magazine project or sth? 11:04:50 maybe someone else here knows more? 11:05:45 hang on. are those sth else? https://annas-archive.gs/search?index=&page=1&q=%E5%BB%A3%E6%B8%88%E5%A0%82%E5%87%BA%E7%89%88+RAM&content=magazine&sort= 11:05:55 I think the language barrier keep many non-Japanese unaware of their retrocomputer materials, and the Japanese cultural barriers may keep them from contributing pdf scans to Westerners. 11:06:18 different mag?  https://annas-archive.gs/md5/b926ae06b859d20d7fdbde9f5ca06424 11:06:45 yeah, that's looking french ^^ 11:07:13 fichtre! 11:07:24 lol 11:08:01 this is the other search term I used... the publisher...  https://www.google.com/search?=&q=%E5%BB%A3%E6%B8%88%E5%A0%82%E5%87%BA%E7%89%88%20%E6%9C%88%E5%88%8A%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A0&udm=2 11:09:39 darn... also only modern stuff on Anna's. 11:09:39 You'd think someone would specialize in Japanese retrocomputing magazine archiving. Some MSX groups...  Well, if anyone might know it could be someone here perhaps. 11:11:40 I mean it sounds like something gaming Alexandria might do but also it’s gotta have the money and drive behind it 11:17:32 you mean? https://www.reddit.com/r/alexandria/ 11:21:57 hurrdurr  yeah - okay -- I'll check https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/ 11:35:08 Thank you! 12:41:53 turnkit: you might have to wait a bit until the US timezones are awake and maybe back from work for more answers :) 12:44:34 turnkit: i looked and they don't seem to have the one you're looking for, but magzdb is always a good place to check (even though their selection in languages other than russian and english is limited) 12:44:57 despite being associated with libgen, i don't think anna's archive indexes it 13:07:54 since turnkit briefly left: 13:07:58 12:44:34 turnkit: i looked and they don't seem to have the one you're looking for, but magzdb is always a good place to check (even though their selection in languages other than russian and english is limited) 13:08:05 12:44:57 despite being associated with libgen, i don't think anna's archive indexes it 13:08:07 thanks for checking 13:09:13 the cultural gap might be the main challenge bc I have to think some 8-bit otaku has a collection and another likely has scanned some 13:20:37 that seems plausible, yeah 14:38:23 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52704&oldid=52702 17:14:17 i'd like to recommend lowendtalk.com for archiving, there's pages that havent been archived since 2015 17:32:04 Hocked TUAW: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/ac935552f9135961/hocked-TUAW.png 17:33:52 (article under: https://www.404media.co/a-beloved-tech-blog-tuaw-is-now-publishing-ai-articles-under-the-names-of-its-old-human-staff/) 17:34:32 might be worth keeping a soft eye on old niche publishers 20:34:14 thuban: Sounds good re Sims forums.