04:22:12 oh interesting, netcup now offers servers in the US (Manassas, Virginia) as well: https://www.netcup-news.de/2024/07/04/jetzt-neu-entdecke-jetzt-unsere-server-angebote-in-den-usa/ 04:22:29 "Low cost on the East Coast" xD 04:38:02 ooh 04:38:15 >man ass as 04:38:20 this is fireonlive bait isn't it 04:42:53 PaulWise edited Deathwatch (+131, mbed.com): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52705&oldid=52703 05:55:06 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=52706&oldid=52704 12:42:44 #archivebot request: please scrape https://www.greataustralianpods.com/ because it seems somewhat precarious and contains a lot of good information. Thank you :) 16:21:12 fireonlive: Am I hearing something about a new AB pipeline in the US? :-) 16:24:38 No you're not :p 16:24:40 /s 18:40:18 JAA: could we use one? :) 19:33:07 There is a company I've recently started working with that might be a good candidate for some ArchiveTeam stuff. located in Midwest USA 20:30:30 c3manu: Not urgently, but it might be something to keep in mind for their special offers. 21:40:33 can i recommend bluelight.org 21:40:57 it's a forum with 8 million posts, been around since ~2010 at least 21:45:05 oh jk its been around since 2000 22:26:15 hello 22:32:18 :3 22:32:43 this is where i make suggestions for archiving correct 22:34:35 ye 22:34:46 ok