03:19:59 Anyone working on archiving videos from Vimeo? 03:54:27 looks like AT isn't https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Vimeo 04:02:07 Is it at risk? 04:28:48 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53014&oldid=53012 04:33:49 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53015&oldid=53014 04:37:50 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53016&oldid=53015 04:39:50 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53017&oldid=53016 04:40:50 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53018&oldid=53017 04:44:37 This channel may be at risk: https://vimeo.com/user1646158 05:26:41 Gonna attempt to back this channel up myself, but I don't know what I'm doing 05:36:53 Step 1, youtube-dl, step 2, amazon S3, step 3, $200k S3 bill? 05:38:03 yarrow: Do you mean to the internet archive? 05:38:49 I'm just trying to download one Vimeo channel with 42 very low-resolution videos from 13+ years ago 05:39:02 that_lurker: yes :) 05:39:52 hmm tubeup is the way to go, but IA might not like it :-) 05:40:23 https://github.com/bibanon/tubeup 05:54:50 every tool for this is so hard to use for a typical end-user 05:57:10 yarrow: I can grab that once I get home. Though archivebot could maybe grab that too if I remember correctly. 05:57:22 yt-dlp is typically better than youtube-dl :) 05:59:24 the documentation for yt-dlp is making my scalp itch 06:00:18 thats why tubeup is easy. Few steps and you download and upload to IA 06:00:33 I'm not running Linux though 06:00:53 I'm cool and play video games 06:01:08 wsl for the win :-P 06:01:33 And I often find myself visiting ancient websites from what, 2005? 06:02:13 Still going through my records and looking at the investigations that I did to determine if those ancient website owners were still alive 06:17:34 archivebot is taking a run at the vimeo channel :) 06:30:33 that_lurker: good tip, trying that now :) 06:36:18 either I'm doing something wrong or Tubeup doesn't work with Vimeo account URLs 06:39:26 also encountered an error trying a single video URL 06:59:42 wait how does the archivebot download vimeo exactly 07:02:46 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 07:05:19 I've got tubeup to work, but I have to paste each Vimeo video URL in one by one, rather than just pasting the channel URL 07:19:53 well if AB can get them, then there is no need to use tubeup. Though AB will make them visible on in the wayback machine. 08:35:31 Well, it's done: https://archive.org/details/@fhivimeobackup 08:35:52 I'm never going to do that again :P 08:42:33 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53019&oldid=53018 08:49:34 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53020&oldid=53019 08:57:36 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53021&oldid=53020 09:01:36 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53022&oldid=53021 09:03:37 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53023&oldid=53022 09:05:37 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53024&oldid=53023 09:24:41 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53025&oldid=53024 09:27:41 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53026&oldid=53025 09:59:36 yarrow: why didn't you just use the list i !ao'd earlier? ^^ 10:00:17 could have looped over it: https://transfer.archivete.am/RJ4ND/2024-07-22_future-of-humanity-institute_vimeo-pages.txt 10:00:17 inline (for browser viewing): https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/RJ4ND/2024-07-22_future-of-humanity-institute_vimeo-pages.txt 10:00:32 minus the first line ofc 10:00:39 Can you just paste a bunch of links at once into tubeup? 10:03:02 i've never used tubeup, but that would have been an easy for loop 10:03:32 I don’t know what that means 10:04:54 in a shell you could have used a loop to iterate the items of the list, and call tubeup for each individual one 10:05:40 like in bash for example, sth along the lines of: while read line; do tubeup "$line" ; done < list.txt 10:05:52 (don't quote me on the syntax) 10:08:33 i'm sure there's equivalents for powershell etc. 10:08:49 but anyways, you've uploaded it already :) 10:09:00 It’s okay, I deserve to suffer for my sins 10:09:18 God intended for me to be slowly copy/pasting links over and over :P 10:12:50 :D 10:31:52 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53027&oldid=53026 11:09:05 https://baynetlibs.org/ - "The BayNetLibs.org website will closed down effective July 31, 2024. 11:24:23 tzt: thanks :) I copy/pasted your message to #archivebot 11:38:52 c3manu: genuinely thank you for the advice. I tend to do things the hard way because I don’t know how to automate anything. If you know how I can automate archiving podcasts (without spending 2 years learning how to code), please let me know. 14:30:40 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53028&oldid=53027 14:30:42 yarrow_irccloud: Maybe this is something you are looking for? https://github.com/janw/podcast-archiver Also https://github.com/janw/tapedrive is a thing, but it seems to be somewhat stalled. 14:31:18 there is also https://github.com/lightpohl/podcast-dl 14:32:15 all those should work with the rss feeds, so you should not need to manually get the individual podcast urls 15:09:47 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+80, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53029&oldid=53028 15:49:31 yarrow_irccloud: glad to help, i don't judge doing it the hard/annoying way either :) what platform are you on? 16:25:00 IDKhowToEdit edited Discourse/uncategorized (+60, added https://www.isharkfly.com/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53030&oldid=52749 17:58:35 c3manu: using Windows 11, but I ran Tubeup in an Ubuntu virtual machine as part of Windows Subsystem for Linux 18:04:18 that_lurker: I use this app because it has a GUI https://github.com/cnovel/PodcastBulkDownloader 18:10:46 I’ve done about 230 podcasts so far (started in June). It’s very time-consuming and I’m very aware of what a tiny fraction of podcasts I’m getting. 18:16:18 It’s a highly neglected area of digital archiving. For example, Barack Obama’s podcast from 2021 was not archived until I uploaded it about a week ago. 18:17:29 Even if I wanted to archive just, say, every podcast that has been nominated for a major podcast award, that would probably be too much work for me to take on, using my current method. 18:30:25 A podcast published by one of the political parties in Quebec, which holds about 10% of the seats in Quebec’s parliament, was never archived and is now fully lost media. 18:32:29 Page is still on Spotify but the episodes can’t be played or downloaded anywhere: https://open.spotify.com/show/0o6HMksGWjlR1xuWlVoLll?si=tWFk1LUrQlS9VN0h4H2Mmg 21:46:05 Not sure if anyones archived the site recently but Kaspersky is soon being banned from selling its products in US, just wondering if anyone has archived the USA site before it gets taken down - https://usa.kaspersky.com/ 21:50:01 i did save the main kaspersky website, not the usa subdomain 21:50:17 i'll queue that one 21:50:25 Thanks Barto 21:50:41 pipelines are a bit full, gotta wait a bit first 21:50:46 No problem 21:54:34 Barto there's also https://forum.kaspersky.com/ not sure if that should be archived again before the ban happens 21:56:09 Also unrelated to the ban but I noticed https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ has not been archived by archivebot before, there's analysis links that are archived from crawlers etc but not the main site itself and its embedded links 21:56:50 But might be good to archive that considering the ban is going to be pretty major, not sure what sort of stuff they will end up removing 21:59:28 opentip.kaspersky.com seems to get data via POST requests 22:00:06 It wasn't so much about archiving the analyses, just the main opentip page, documentation etc 22:00:26 by the looks of it the documentation for opentip doesn't have much coverage 22:00:33 and a lot of the archives are old 22:01:17 https://opentip.kaspersky.com/Help/Doc_data/About.htm 22:19:28 i just didnt iterate over all subdomains, was tired that day, i'll maybe queue them tomorrow 22:19:54 at least those you mentioned, if anybody goes faster than me, good thing, i'll just head to bed for now