02:19:00 "posquito: yw! yeah, i expected..." <- I had one where apple's catalog showed 100 episodes, but when I followed an episode back to the "Episode Website", there were more than 300 episodes. 02:20:59 hm, link? 03:02:11 ok, user error on my part. In my defense, here's what tripped me up. Apple catalog shows exactly 100 episodes. When I navigate to the source, it shows many more episodes, and in fact, I can distinctly see them. But, the feed.xml seems to be limited to 100 episodes, wonder if it's a free tier limitation at the host (podbean). 03:32:50 yeah, i suspected as much 03:35:01 podbean states that "The Episode Number Limit setting [...] is available on Podbean's Unlimited Audio and above hosting plans", so maybe. (they also claim that "Apple Podcasts (iTunes) only supports displaying up to 300 episodes" ... idk whether that applies to the catalog itself or just the frontend, but either way, wack!) 11:22:58 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53073&oldid=53072 13:49:56 stackexchange going stackasschange https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/401324/announcing-a-change-to-the-data-dump-process 13:50:15 dumps not going to be uploaded to archive.org anymore 14:42:24 stacknoshare 14:42:51 lackofexchange 14:42:52 stackunderwhelmed 14:43:20 I guess enshittification hit them when they realized they were sitting on an AI training set goldmine 17:12:51 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (-9, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53074&oldid=53073 17:24:53 Exorcism edited Bugzilla (+0, /* Status */): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53075&oldid=53074 19:12:10 Petchea edited Niconico (+267, /* NicoNi-Community */ lost;…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53076&oldid=52715 23:34:01 https://forums.funtoo.org/topic/5182-all-good-things-must-come-to-an-end/ 23:39:40 nulldata: already running in archivebot 23:44:31 Indeed it is. I've thrown the channel in dtt, discord in discard, and mentioned the Git in codearchiver - however it appears their Bitbucket is down. Hopefully just temporary.