00:55:17 see -ot: we should probably archive crowdstrike related mememery, including youtube videos. 00:55:34 potentially even actual analysis videos. 00:55:40 that "contain their logo" 00:55:45 they're being real assholes 02:50:26 https://www.romhacking.net/news/3074/ 03:21:41 mgrandi: big kudos to that site admin :) 03:24:14 seems like a very well-managed shutdown 04:02:40 I don't know if the forums or posts are in that SQL dump 04:03:04 And there are images and stuff , so maybe it should have a site run for the HTML content 04:40:18 IIRC they have a captcha for downloading actual files, not sure if something's changed with that 06:17:46 Usernam edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+34): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53165&oldid=53138 07:17:03 TIL HPE tries to/will buy Juniper 07:31:23 as it got green light it will 07:32:23 https://techcrunch.com/2024/08/01/eu-greenlights-hpes-14b-juniper-networks-acquisition 07:55:01 Sanqui edited Romhacking.net (+381): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53166&oldid=30518 07:56:02 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53167&oldid=53157 11:13:06 Who is a good person to talk to if we want to wrap a specific Internet Archive collection in a distinct UI/API? (i.e. run a service that uses IA as the backend. This is related to resurrecting Google Poly in a more usable form) 11:13:07 Should I just email info⊙ao or is there a better direct contact? 16:24:22 Exorcism edited MoinMoin (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53168&oldid=53143 16:45:25 Exorcism edited MoinMoin (+79): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53169&oldid=53168 17:37:31 @pokechu22: the files were included in the file that was uploaded to IA 17:38:20 However I'm not sure if the HTML content like images were, see https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/1777/ 18:12:33 RIP https://kotaku.com/game-informer-magazine-shutting-down-closed-react-staff-1851611950 18:13:55 "Every URL for the Game Informer website now redirects to the official statement, erasing more than a decade of articles, reviews, and original reports that helped establish a record of the notoriously secretive and volatile video game industry." god dammit 18:19:11 :( 18:30:17 -___- 18:30:45 life is cruel 18:44:57 life is...... 19:44:06 Damn they really did nuke it all - was hoping it was one of those main page only things :/ 19:56:15 Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to throw the rest of the living gaming magazines into AB at this point. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_magazines 20:07:02 FYI, we're on the front page of HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41141349 20:07:19 nulldata: it was a big 504 when i first looked at it :( 20:08:06 Barto - in that case, should it be re-ran in AB? 20:08:38 Or did AB get the shutdown page? 20:09:47 no, i didnt !a the 504. I actually sent the job when the currently shown page appeared 20:10:13 i did #down-the-tube and added their twitter account to the twitter account list on etherpad 20:10:24 if you have better means, go for it 20:15:03 just threw their twitch in #burnthetwitch, i also see that Ryz saved the site back in '19. Good! 20:21:41 i think they had a discord, is anyone finding a link for it? 20:24:40 got it 21:22:15 fireonlive: life is #robloxd 23:15:33 odd that the HN post linked to http://warrior.archiveteam.org instead of something like the wiki page https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior 23:22:28 Tech234a edited ArchiveTeam Warrior (+46, Update VMWare link): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53170&oldid=52131 23:45:19 btw where is the text for https://tracker.archiveteam.org/ set? It would be nice to have it get pulled in from git or a wiki so more people could update it a bit 23:52:21 It's hardcoded in the tracker's HTML templates.