01:17:01 Question about the CompuServe forums: Was FSFORUM archived, and if it was, how much of it? 01:44:29 RW_Barraken: not by archiveteam--we did a grab of 'the compuserve forums' before they shut down, but by that time they had been winnowed substantially (https://web.archive.org/web/20171113232912/http://member.compuserve.com/forum_center/directory); i'm not sure the flight simulator forum ever made the transition to web access 01:44:31 (https://web.archive.org/web/20040611132203/http://member.compuserve.com/forum_center/dir.jsp?letter=F). 10:43:01 I've some issues archiving youtube videos with the archiveteam-warrior docker component. anyone has an idea what it could be? log below 10:43:03 https://convoschat.1337.cx/file/1/NFv7AvWkzt2kYkN9 10:56:04 c3manu: I was just looking at it. I was hoping for an RS offer in the US. But yeah, those two pipelines are working very well, so if someone wants to sponsor one, let me know. 10:56:36 The offers are available until 2024-08-29 08:00 UTC. 14:02:31 their VPS offers also seem to be limited in numbers btw, not just in time. the arm vps offers were already gone when i got to it. 14:02:52 wanted to grab one for other things 14:05:15 Yeah, usually all these offers are limited. 14:12:18 they put "limited in numbers" on the RS offers, and "for a limited time" on the VPS ones. i made the mistake to take them by their word :) 14:13:09 but i'm confused, i checked again just now and the offer is available still/again? on wednesday afternoon? 14:15:07 maybe i can still grab one then when i'm home :) 15:08:05 JAA: are there any noteworthy updates on our AB predicament btw? 15:16:22 c3manu: Normally, these are only 24 hours, but this time, it's a 'summer sale' and available until tomorrow. 15:16:44 No updates unfortunately. 16:34:08 bummer. but we do know what's going on, right? (sorry if i missed it, have done a bad job at keeping up lately) 16:41:47 ah, found out what the issue was with the offer. the nuremberg option is already sold out, so i guess i got a vps in vienna now. the website just does a bad job of communicating it. 19:13:08 https://insideevs.com/news/731502/tesla-is-erasing-its-own-history/ 19:16:54 Exorcism edited Running Archive Team Projects with Docker (+1, typo): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53395&oldid=50894 19:22:55 Ka edited Discourse (+18, /* Uncategorized List of Found Discourse Forums…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53396&oldid=53323 19:22:56 XVRWiki edited Talk:Xinreality (+21): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53397&oldid=53388