08:40:17 That lurker edited Mailman/2 (+23, https://listat.iki.fi/ added to done): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53428&oldid=53300 09:10:38 Please see https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/firehose/ for more details - We’re not accepting any new customers for Firehose, and are in the process of winding down the service for all current customers. 09:10:42 lol ok wordpress 09:12:29 neat that it uses XMPP though 17:50:24 *ctrl-f nhentai* *no results* 17:50:34 is porn even worth archiving? i doubt it 17:51:29 i mention it for completeness 17:52:31 Is something happening to nhentai? 17:53:00 https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-nhentai-sued-in-u-s-court-for-copyright-infringement-240903/ 17:53:27 may be blocked in certain countries or ISPs: https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/1f8rl9d/nhentai_site_down/ 17:58:46 i CAN resolve it on o2 germany mobile. I can't resolve it on netcup. I can't resolve it on hetzner. I can't resolve it on cloudflare dns or google dns on any of those three. 17:59:09 dig +trace walks the DNS tree and resolves it 18:00:10 where I get and which are cloudflare IPs. Cloudflare and Google return NOERROR and no address, while Hetzner and Netcup return SERVFAIL and no address. 18:01:23 site returns 429 easily 18:01:54 Swisscom also returns NOERROR and no address. 18:02:26 I believe they've been fighting domain blocks for years now. 18:05:45 ... so when i said "returns 429 easily" i really meant "doesn't return 429 if you wait even 100ms between requests" 21:37:48 Wondering if anyone can find the website from this article: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-rt-employees-indicted-covertly-funding-and-directing-us-company-published-thousands 21:53:31 Ryz: a few places https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2024/09/04/indictment-russians-tennessee-company-tenet/75074263007/ https://www.dailydot.com/debug/russia-tenet-benny-johnson-tim-pool-indictment/ believe (with fairly good evidence, a quote from their homepage is in the indictement) https://www.tenetmedia.com/ 22:15:02 youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/@watchTENETt 22:15:12 soapbox instance at https://app.tenetmedia.com/ 22:15:51 Ryz: 22:16:49 https://www.youtube.com/@watchTENET * 22:19:28 youtube channel queued 22:32:04 main site queued in archivebot 22:33:02 soapbox is js-dependent, which ab can't handle, but it seems just to be republishing their youtube videos anyway