06:49:21 Hallo, I wanted to ask whether there is a way to back-up nhentai.net. They were having legal troubles, went offline for a few hours and the entire database might be lost if the site gets shut down. Here is an article https://torrentfreak.com/pirate-site-nhentai-sued-in-u-s-court-for-copyright-infringement-240903/ . At first I was not going to bring 06:49:21 it up, because it is porn, than I recoiled from my own dismissal. I do not live in Victorian England. There is art on that site that I have seen nowhere else. It has cultural significance since certain numbers are used to refer to specific works. These numbers are the nhentai urls for that work. The site is to big for me to back up alone. 07:03:51 arkiver: ^ if done that is going to need a warrior project 07:04:17 and there is somewhat heavy limiting on the site. 07:05:30 and they are using buttflare 07:07:08 What has to be done and can I help? 08:15:16 Is there a tutorial on creating new Warrior projects anywhere I can look at? 08:16:25 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Dev/New_Project 08:16:30 points to 08:16:39 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Dev/Seesaw 08:16:52 which says it is outdated 10:18:35 thanks for the ping that_lurker 10:20:38 !tell MetaWo looking into it 10:20:38 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell MetaWo when they join next 10:20:45 and to note - nothing wrong with archiving porn 10:33:24 we can do a project for nhentai.net 10:36:08 arkiver: will cloudflare be an issue, or can we get through it with appropriate dpos/rate limiting? 10:37:19 thuban: i have no idea honestly 10:43:57 When will I learn to not click on links 🤦 10:52:39 thats where we throw a /32 of v6 at the problem :P 10:52:54 with nhentai you can most likely do con 3 11:30:21 monoxane: note that #telegrab is always in need of IPs - it's basically IP limited 11:30:26 and low concurrency per IP 11:34:55 ah, v6 does not work on telegram though 11:35:06 at least not a year ago or so, i need to check that again 11:36:40 I need to redeploy my kube cluster to enable v6 and do some other cursed networking things 11:36:59 but I do have a fair bit of public ip at my disposal so when I get that sorted I will be using it 11:40:06 got cilium? 11:43:42 katia yea running cilium 11:43:53 nice nice 11:44:37 * katia tempted to reinstall all kube nodes to nixos+k3s 12:06:31 arkiver: cf should not be a big problem if the site is not in "under attack" mode, which it doesn't appear to be yet 15:23:38 And there you have it https://www.reuters.com/technology/youtube-terminating-tenet-media-channel-after-us-indictment-2024-09-06/ 15:24:38 As usual it does bother me that whenever something hosted on their platforms gets into the New York Times, these companies immediately delete it all, as if that's going to do any good 15:28:36 Did it get chucked into #down-the-tube 15:30:24 it did 16:13:22 RE Retrospring: I threw it into AB but it didn't discover any of the user pages like https://retrospring.net/SumeruZine 16:32:46 test 16:38:36 Test failed successfully 17:35:00 can archivebot do scheduled/periodic grabs or is that something that needs to be set up separately, feeding into AB? 17:37:20 It has to be done separately 17:38:51 every year nerdear.la has info about the current conference and doesn't keep an archive with conference schedule etc. of previous years, some years the whole site was redesigned/rewritten so it wouldn't be easy to keep the old site working on a /2022/ path either 17:38:54 so I figured the easiest way would be "get it into WBM every month or two" :P 17:40:55 You can use eggdrop to remind you to check it every so often (specifically setting a reminder each month; I don't think eggdrop does recurring reminders) 17:55:07 maybe it's time I get archivebot-submission powers then >.> 18:54:33 Interesting, nhentai.net resolves again on Swisscom's DNS. 19:13:27 I propose #177013 as the channel for nhentai. 19:22:37 There was apparently a massive purge in February, by the way. 177013 is among the ones that were removed.