00:01:00 thuban: yeah, that "400k queued URLs" figure looks suspicious to me and I think we'll need more ignores later 05:16:38 Does anybody else use docker volumes for each project? 05:17:57 I think it is useful because you can use a drive that isn't the boot drive, and you can see the size occupied by each project 08:03:52 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (+105, add Merklemap to the service list): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53435&oldid=52668 08:04:52 PaulWise edited Finding subdomains (-2, typo): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53436&oldid=53435 08:40:58 PaulWise edited Mailman/2 (-61, mail.kde.org): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53437&oldid=53428 08:40:59 PaulWise edited Mailman/2 (-10, mail.kde.org): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53438&oldid=53437 13:52:00 Hello, could someone please archive https://threats.kaspersky.com/ with archivebot please. Due to the recent ban in the US I thought it might be worth getting a recent capture of this, also https://statistics.securelist.com/ 17:16:41 well JAA says 177013 so that will be it i guess :) 17:16:51 #177013 for nhentai project 18:36:33 Hi 18:44:08 How can I download unarchived file from web archive? 18:47:12 game24: what do you mean? 18:58:15 How do I download files from the internet archive? 19:00:24 game24: What exactly are you trying to download? 19:00:42 The file I requested was not archived 19:02:49 https://web.archive.org/web/20030308002200/http://www.geocities.com/vbturk1/kim500.zip 19:06:25 hola 19:11:53 game24: Trying to look into it 19:33:05 game24: I'm unable to find a copy sadly, you might want to stick around on the chance that someone who knows this better than me will come by, but it doesn't look good 20:22:34 re #archiveteam, I have a (blank) account there if it makes sense for me to just acknowledge we've seen it 20:48:25 quick question: the deathwatch has an entry for cohost, but without the shutdown date + the announcement. should i update the line? 20:49:18 Definitely 20:50:03 should i also move the line to the top (of 2024), or should it stay at the same position? 20:50:55 It's sorted by date, so I'd recommend putting it next to Google Jamboard 20:51:18 good to know :3 20:56:57 Magmaus3 edited Deathwatch (+71, moved cohost and added read-only date): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53439&oldid=53432 20:57:19 not sure if i did it 100% correctly, but hopefully that's enough :3 21:06:31 That's nice, plenty of time 21:10:14 Site being overloaded? 21:18:38 I take it someone reached out to the co-host folks? As they explicitly asked in their blog post 21:20:40 I mean, we've only known about it for like... 20 minutes 21:21:12 I can lead, been a while but this is in my interest area 21:21:37 (Also thanks for the mention of Jamboard pokechu22, need to get that stuff finished) 21:37:21 If we need something elaborate at all, that is 21:37:22 Oh haha I didn't realize i caught it early 21:38:08 It was more than 20 minutes actually haha 21:45:04 i got the sitemaps for whisper (2012 to 2017, 6000 urls). can it be possible queue the txt to arcbot? 21:45:12 btw i don't want the urls in the sitemap to be archived, just the sitemaps themselves 21:47:13 wait nvm seems i already spn'd them 21:53:42 OrIdow6: indeed seems they're overloaded https://cohost.org/jkap/post/7614295-ough 22:02:41 Not doing much for their financial situation I imagine 22:23:54 OrIdow6: are you handling co-host outreach? If so, lmk if/when you need something from me or want help. Also, I will nominate #nohost as project name 22:24:12 rewby: Yep, writing an email now, and thanks 22:24:36 #nohost++ 22:24:37 -eggdrop- [karma] '#nohost' now has 1 karma! 22:25:04 I'm kind of hoping they join the IRC, but as a consequence I don't think we should make the channel too mocking haha (not that #nohost is bad... now I'm thinking of what the most insulting name possible would be) 22:25:54 Send them to -bs? 22:26:06 Yeah, but I mean, if they stick around 22:26:18 Maybe Cc archiveteam⊙ao on your email. :-) 22:27:04 Ah fair. I mean, no host is really just an observation and very much in line with our pun based naming scheme 22:27:14 Yeah, I think #nohost is a fine channel name. 22:27:19 JAA: ooi, what does that email go to? 22:27:51 rewby: arkiver, Jason, and me, at least. 22:28:50 Ah I see. Never did see that email before 22:29:07 It's at the bottom of the wiki homepage, and also in a few other places I think. 22:29:53 "nohost" is indeed a good name 22:34:54 Anyone else want to be CC'd? 22:35:25 You can cc rewby⊙pc 22:35:35 Alright 22:36:48 Might not have been the smartest idea to post that, but it's on my GitHub commits too sooo 22:37:57 * DigitalDragons runs off to sell rewby's email 22:38:11 That's a dedicated one for at stuff 22:38:28 It's intentionally not on my usual private mail server 22:38:52 I was gonna say, am I the only one here not using protonmail? haha 22:39:17 * JAA raises his hand. 22:39:26 My normal email is a self hosted postfix thing with a pair of proxmox mail gateways Infront for antispam 22:40:03 I use zoho mail for most things 22:40:06 I wanted a quick email addr for at stuff and proton asks the fewest questions 22:46:03 Sent 22:47:18 Nice PS, lol 22:47:22 Lol 22:47:43 Thanks! 22:47:43 Eh it's a decent email. Should maybe have included a bit more about how we do archivinf 22:47:58 You get to keep your +o for another day 22:48:08 >:-] 22:48:49 (It's also called a cellphone, not a spellphone apparently) 22:49:45 Also, OrIdow6, it seems we've settled on #nohost judging by the amount of people 22:50:09 Rare moment where AT gets a project name in minutes 22:52:40 rewby: Good point, and maybe we should have a template for these emails somewhere 22:53:01 Or just a link to a wiki page 22:53:33 We'll just explain when they join IRC or reply 22:53:44 Yeah 22:55:12 And yeah, quick convergence 22:59:35 Usually we end up bikeshedding the name more 23:11:18 Sanqui created Cohost (+243, Created page with "The first post-twitter…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?title=Cohost 23:12:18 Dango360 edited Roblox (+7978, start section on apis; asset delivery api,…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53441&oldid=53306 23:13:18 Sanqui edited Cohost (+215): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53442&oldid=53440