06:30:25 Usernam edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+22): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53446&oldid=53423 07:00:30 JAABot edited List of websites excluded from the Wayback Machine (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53447&oldid=53446 07:53:01 Is there a project in the making to archive the chrome addons that are not manifest v3 compatible? 08:39:29 is it possible to download chrome addons without an account? 09:06:53 looking for archived content from a website that was renamed and sold. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 09:07:13 jeanmardn, do you want us to guess the name? 09:07:47 Considering where I discovered this page... i'm guessing you're going to guess correctly 09:08:39 Where did you discover this place? 09:08:41 I've searched every single URL snapshot 09:08:42 We do a lot of stuff 09:09:11 i'll guess............ twitter 09:09:21 because it got renamed and sold 09:09:26 Oooohh good one 09:09:27 i'm looking for content from an old website, poetry.com which still exists under new ownership and it didnt transfer the data 09:09:37 they basically stole everyone's shii 09:09:38 It'll likely be in web.archive.org 09:09:51 checked there 09:09:59 it got saved in 2014 09:10:01 it's impossible to sort through it 09:10:03 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/20140709022258af7fj 09:10:12 again in 2023 09:10:14 https://archive.fart.website/archivebot/viewer/job/2023080808535650xaj 09:10:22 when did it get sold and what are you looking for? 09:10:29 no thanks. just want information. Not hyperlinks 09:10:34 lol 09:10:45 good luck 09:10:54 I've tried the international database of archives, wayback, archive.org 09:10:56 The wiki has it noted as "lost" so who knows what we did and didn't get 09:11:35 yeah I saw the multiple attempts... if only I could search the archives for my name specifically... but no dice 09:12:04 Yeah no, that's not how we usually do things 09:12:20 How do you usually do things? 09:12:35 Besides archive.fart stuff 09:13:06 poetry.com is a very old project and things were kinda all over the place back then 09:13:18 But these days we try to do proper web archives and upload them to web.archive.org 09:13:55 Yeah it's a hot mess sifting through their archives.... TBH I dont understand any of it but I figured i'd try reaching out. Thanks anyway 09:14:08 Appreciate it 09:14:14 The thing with the wayback machine (web.archive.org) is you need exact urls 09:14:18 It does support wildcard matching 09:14:30 So you can probably try to do something with that 09:14:39 Who remembers exact URLS from 2005ish? 09:14:45 Besides maybe you guys lol 09:14:48 no offense 09:15:23 A lot of websites are formatted like site.com/username/blah 09:15:25 wildcard matching... like it hits on specific words 09:15:27 you can then match on site.com/username/* 09:15:42 Which makes the wbm return anything it knows that starts with site.com/username/ 09:15:57 Classic example being geocities 09:16:34 Alright. I'll give it a go... 10:49:08 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (-67): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53448&oldid=53438 17:19:08 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53449&oldid=53448 17:28:09 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53450&oldid=53449 19:15:52 many log files and similar remember xact URLs from 2005ish, or search engines 19:15:55 ahwell 19:24:31 Bookmarks, browser history... 21:31:20 pabs: I wrote a script to do that severl years ago but I forgot how 21:31:25 But yeah, or it was 21:32:52 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Chrome_Web_Store 21:45:35 If you do want I can go pick thru that script/my logs for details on how it works 22:13:33 OrIdow6: might be a good idea considering what mannie said about manifest v2 going away