00:05:56 Dango360 edited Roblox (+1686, Asset Delivery API: add info about v1 and…): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53477&oldid=53451 01:48:48 arkiver: see the HN thread, it sounds like people are abandoning it in droves and the owner doesn't seem to care 01:50:42 based on the HN discussion, I'd lean towards a project. I don't have the spoons/knowledge to do it though 03:11:29 lobste.rs pinboard discussion https://lobste.rs/s/qckuit 03:29:47 pabs: That link is 404 for me. 03:30:25 ah, it says "Story was removed." woops 06:44:02 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53478&oldid=53476 07:56:13 Exorcism edited Mailman/2 (+0): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53479&oldid=53478 20:12:16 Manu edited Discourse/archived (+87, add https://forum.hackteria.org/): https://wiki.archiveteam.org/?diff=53480&oldid=53260 20:40:09 JAA: Do we have good ways of archiving indico? I've been informed UKNOF is shutting down and it'd be good to archive them. I've already put their youtube channel into dtt. But I'm contemplating how to do https://indico.uknof.org.uk/ as it seems a bit javascripty. 20:41:52 Indico has the slides for all their talks and it'd be good to have them 20:53:04 can you put up wgbh tv news archvie 21:10:09 rewby: Hmm, first time I hear about that CMS. It seems like a recursive crawl (i.e. AB) would at least get a decent chunk of it. All events can be discovered without JS (link to one on the homepage, then 'older event' at the top left). The lists of speakers/presentations and attendees seem to work fine without JS, and I couldn't find examples with JS pagination. The timetable thingy ('Meeting Agenda') 21:10:15 is JS, but it looks like the actual data is in the page in a