18:04:23 If only this had made more of an impact on society back in 1996: https://archive.org/details/you-can-be-a-woman-engineer 18:21:31 Okay an API end point broke grrr 21:08:57 Interesting, all Minecraft accounts are to be migrated to Microsoft accounts in the future: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/java-edition-moving-house 21:09:24 ...And there's a window of the amount of time this will be allowed s: 21:10:03 Hopeful me says F2A seems nice, cynical me says Microsoft z: 21:13:10 com on Minecraft why 21:14:08 There's that cape as a reward and that's all what the younger folks eye out for~ 21:14:20 i dont want my Minecraft account bind to my Microsoft account 21:15:17 its kinda the same as facebook and oculus 21:16:56 Side effect, free money for the people who can't access their old email addresses anymore because they expired s: 21:17:07 *free money because of the people 21:17:57 its a shitty move