02:19:09 https://i.redd.it/njh6bb7y8ab61.gif 02:19:11 JAA 02:21:14 Can confirm, that's how I learnt it. It's very effective. :-) 02:23:58 can't be that effective, those are cobras 03:32:17 fun fact 03:32:42 if you move food to and away from a pet snake over and over again it will bite you 03:43:33 I think that fact is mainly fun for someone watching it unfold :D 04:26:43 Is it possible to delete the history/files directory in an item using the IA CLI tool? I've tried a few combinations but it doesn't seem to recognise it as a valid directory or any files within it. 04:28:26 Yes 04:28:35 Or well, at least it was possible last time I tried. 04:29:17 Well, actually no. You can't delete the *directory*. But you can delete the files in it, and once the dir is empty, it gets removed (like any other empty dir). 04:30:11 You'll want to pass `-H x-archive-keep-old-version:0`, otherwise it will will move history/files/foo.~1~ to history/files/history/files/foo.~1~.~1~... 04:33:42 Ah yep, I've had that pain before. So I can delete if I specificy /files/history/data/d.tgz but it doesn't allow me to do /files/history/data or /files/history/data/* 04:35:25 Yeah, `ia delete identifier history/files/data/d.tgz -H x-archive-keep-old-version:0` should work, and if that's the only file in there, the directories get removed automatically. 04:35:49 I've got thousands of files unfortunately 04:35:54 I just want to nuke everything 04:35:58 :-| 04:36:25 So annoying 04:37:12 `ia list identifier | grep pattern | xargs ia delete ...` or something like that I guess. 04:37:49 It'll delete each file individually though, and in my experience that takes a few seconds for each file. 04:38:23 May I ask why you want to delete them? 04:39:00 Thanks JAA, I'll do it that way. 04:41:39 So bit of a long story, but I was uploading a lot of files. Low memory VPS so the process kept getting killed. I used --checksum to avoid re-uploading the files and re-ran the upload over a few times over a few days. --checksum didn't actually work because it was in a derive or something, so the same files uploaded multiple times and then ended up in the /history/files as duplicates. 04:43:53 https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive/issues/289 :-) 04:44:45 Heh 06:11:46 JAA: Can't use -P with xargs for some reason there? Or is just obviated away? 15:01:26 aleph: You just also need -n or -I or similar. 15:01:49 Point ya 15:02:12 I don't remember whether the CLI accepts the header option before the identifier/filename, so you might need -I anyway to insert the filename at the right position. 15:29:37 JAA: So to continue from -bs. You're right they're not elected directly. You elect members of the "tweede kamer". Which then have to agree on and form the cabinet. 15:29:54 I'd assume the Dutch system is similar to most European countries: general election for parliament, majority elects a PM who then needs to form a government. 15:30:12 Kinda 15:30:32 There's more involvement from the parliament 15:30:48 Ah yeah, reading now on Wikipedia, interesting. 15:30:53 They negotiate a coalition of parties that form a majority 15:32:03 And from there we get the PM 15:32:37 Who then gets to nominate members 15:32:42 Yeah, it's a bit messy 15:35:43 rewby: can we just give up with netherlands 15:35:47 let germany have you 15:35:54 or you can NExit with us 15:35:58 and we can colonize you 15:36:12 Or let the sea take over. 15:36:23 that also works 15:36:31 you've heard the brexit news havent you JAA 15:37:17 In an attempt to retain my sanity, I haven't been following it much lately. 15:37:53 EggplantN: I'd rather not have a nexit. I've seen the clusterfuck y'all have got going on. No thanks 15:38:22 Ah well now we are fully out of EU, we're working on leaving Europe. We've got a referendum coming up to decide which state we want to neighbour when we land in the US. They're currently preparing to frack along our east coast. They estimate around ~8yrs before we hit mainland US. 15:39:17 You're reminding me of an episode of Dr Who where they found some future where the UK had become a starship 15:39:23 Carefull, who knows what will be left of america in 8 yrs 15:40:04 America's politics are much worse than ours, so I think we'll be fine 15:40:16 jut: this is stage 1, i believe we're working to colonise them again to try and bring peace back 15:40:21 Boris will lead us into battle 15:40:45 I can't help but love this video though https://nos.nl/video/2364545-demissionair-premier-rutte-op-de-fiets-naar-de-koning-voor-ontslag-kabinet.html 15:40:55 So incredibly on-brand 15:43:33 Do you really have a thing for bicycles in the netherlands, or is a meme that has got a life of it's own? 15:44:29 A little of both 15:44:49 We really do spend a lot of effort on bike infrastructure. Especially in cities 15:44:59 And kids learn to cycle very early on 15:45:30 And we even made it so that when a bike has an accident with a car, the car is at fault by default. (even if the bike really did it) 15:46:28 There are also more bikes in NL than people. 15:47:34 I believe it's the only country where that's true. 15:52:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6dZy4RueDY 15:54:42 bike are just grate to get around in the netherlands 15:56:23 but the President is just a meme at this point 16:05:03 rewby: I was impressed visiting Amsterdam that the people on the bike could actually use them, unlike London where you're liable to be hit by 3 even on the pavement ... 16:09:01 recolonise the US...hah. Regarding bikes: ebikes really extend the useful distance for a lot of people. 16:12:54 https://visforvoltage.org/ is a big forum for ebikes 16:16:08 EggplantN: remind me to jump to EU before the UK physically leaves 16:16:33 i'll keep you updated 16:19:15 I wanna jump to the EU already ... 16:20:30 The continents will continue to drift from their current locations. They've split and merged repeatedly over millions of years. Not that I expect humanity to last that long, due to our own destructive tendencies. Which is a sobering thought when I consider the time and effort we put into archiving stuff. But here's to hoping. Maybe just maybe things will work out. 16:25:42 I kinda want London to split and rejoin the EU 16:25:44 But it's a bit late 16:25:56 I could see scotland happening though 16:25:58 We've already lost the finance, medical and other groups 16:27:27 At work I really don't think the plan is "expand" in the UK tbh. The europe head office was in Maidenhead and we're selling the building 16:30:56 This morning the FT was running a story about them scrapping workers rights now we're out of the EU, I can see a lot of younger professionals who grew up visiting mainland Europe just deciding to jump ship tbh 16:34:58 Scrapping workers' rights, environmental regulations, consumer rights? surprised_pikachu.png 16:40:14 maybe we should make a brexit page on the wiki 16:45:04 Maybe, though I don't see what'd be on it apart from the .eu domain project. 16:45:22 don't we expect an independent scotland in five years 16:47:30 surprised_pikachu.png is gonna be half the population in a couple years time when workhouses are re-introduced 16:48:09 A whole countries worth of /r/LeopardsAteMyFace 16:52:13 for thinks like https://www.brexitloket.nl/ informational sites dedicated to brexit 16:52:50 "Ik ben burger"? 16:53:55 english citizen 16:55:53 ich bin ein berliner 16:56:30 but don't know of any other countries have those sites as well 16:56:54 https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/lt/brexit-informacija/ 16:59:02 don't worry UK. The US is a few steps ahead of you. 16:59:09 "hold my beer" 17:00:18 What else can the US leave? 17:04:45 UN Security Council? 17:04:58 WCGW? 17:05:41 Well time to brush up on my russian I guess... 17:06:53 hmmm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WCGW "WCGW is a Christian radio station licensed to Nicholasville, Kentucky, Kentucky serving all of Central Kentucky." 17:07:52 yano don't mention beer again. You'll have me AK and Dallas dreaming of the days we can be back in the locals 17:08:59 Did someone mention alcohol 👀 17:09:39 US Senate Majority Leader McConnell is a Kentucky senator. He's been a major power center in US policy for many many years. And has made many a policy that fits on that leopards subreddit. 17:09:48 I haven’t been to a bar in like 10 months or something, I’m gonna have the tolerance of an American by the time this is all over 17:10:01 I'm getting drunk tomorrow at home, with friends, via MS Teams 17:10:11 You do what you got to do 17:10:45 atphoenix: was he the one that said ‘if we elect trump he will destroy the GOP’ ? Bc yeah perfect leopards ate my face content 17:11:36 ehh, several GOP members said that in various ways at various times 17:13:56 and then when DT was given power, most fell right in line. Although now some see blood in the water and are backing away, while others continue to stand steadfastly by their boss (using the mafia meaning of boss here) 17:14:58 www.electoral-vote.com has good coverage and analysis on what has been happening on the US scene. 17:16:05 Dallas: No, that was Lindsey Graham, who is apparently Trump's babysitter this last week 17:16:36 That site is clean html, web 1.0 style. No ads. Should work on nearly any device. 17:17:25 Oh yeah, ty LeighR 17:18:28 I think it was ted Cruz ? Who trump basically said some horrible shit about his wife and he disavowed him then as soon as trump got the nomination suddenly he’s sucking up like fuck to him 17:18:45 that was Cruz for sure 17:18:58 Dallas: indeed, that is my home state's junior senator 17:19:18 Dallas: gonna have to do the unthinkable when you're back in a pub..... 17:19:20 Drink 17:19:21 Bud 17:19:22 Ligjt 17:19:25 *light 17:20:32 Naa screw that, straight back on whiskey and hope I remember how to book the uber home later haha 17:21:01 Honestly I hope some of their careers are ruined after not standing u pro trump for 4 long years 17:22:06 Did someone say beer? 17:28:29 Least you have Uber Dallas 17:30:36 EggplantN: hehe 17:33:32 atphoenix: Speaking of McConnell, I wonder when exactly he'll stop being the Majority Leader. I guess whenever Warnock, Ossoff, and Harris are sworn in, but I'm not really sure. 18:25:54 JAA: it's a bit complicated. This article has a decent explanation, but basically comes down to Jan 20 or slightly after. : http://web.archive.org/web/20210115182321/https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/when-exactly-do-democrats-take-control-in-washington/2021/01/14/809bbd36-56c0-11eb-acc5-92d2819a1ccb_story.html 18:28:15 State of Georgia needs to complete election certification before Warnock and Ossoff can be seated, and Harris needs to be replaced in Senate too. 18:29:22 Ah, I wasn't aware of the replacement for Harris, right. 18:30:03 I believe the Georgia counties have to certify results by today, but the state has time until the 22nd. 18:33:57 I think the Democrats are 'okay' with McConnell still being majority leader at the moment, and may even prefer it as it puts some pressure on McConnell. He appears to be ready to break with DT (having little further use for a damaged DT). DT cannot be convicted by the Senate without some GOP assistance, regardless matter who controls the Senate, as conviction requires 2/3 majority. 18:38:15 Right 20:23:21 Am I right I’m saying once the Georgian senators are in it’s an even number of dems and republicans so they only have the majority when Biden is in the White House bc the vps vote breaks a tie in the senate ? 20:33:18 Depends on when Harris resigns. Her vote as President of the Senate only comes into play at 50-50, and until Padilla is sworn in, it could be 50 R v 49 D. 20:34:52 As soon as all four are sworn in, it'll be D majority. 23:03:37 I have someone in my logs with what appears to be IPV6 address that contains non-hex letters - what am I missing here? 23:16:03 IPv6 addresses can contain colons. 23:16:05 ;-) 23:20:26 the Signal app chat is overloaded. Too many new users in the past week. Going from 10M installs to 50M in a week could stress systems. 23:20:52 Maybe it's time to move to Matrix where the masses haven't yet showed up. 23:36:49 Yeah I've been getting 502's for the last 12 hours 23:46:40 atphoenix: not sure if it's still a problem or not, but the matrix.org homeserver used to have issues. 23:46:53 since pretty much everyone signed up there