01:05:34 Thought that was going to be a WebGL implementation of Counter-Strike 01:10:24 OrIdow6 i think there is a counterstrike version in flashpoint but fairly broken 03:57:42 Hi 05:49:50 wow, signal's top on play store 05:50:02 it's signal, microsoft teams, telegram, zoom 05:53:38 IMO, there was a "user stampede" from WhatsApp to Signal and Telegram. 05:53:59 What's signal? 05:54:03 I don't think WhatsApp policy or practices really changed, but rumors spread and a stampede happened 05:55:00 Also jeez archiving a site with a bunch of files takes forever 05:55:13 Like it's been almost a hour for me to get this one site 05:55:43 Suddenly people I know show up on Signal, and they're all worried that Facebook is going to get their photos from WhatsApp...when these same people have been using Facebook, and WhatsApp itself for years. 05:55:58 lmao 05:56:10 tbh I feel like it's all hype 05:56:20 Well, not hype but I can't think of the right word 05:56:24 Not to mention I advised some of these same people to use Signal...years and years ago...and they mostly blew me off, but now they stampede and overload the Signal servers 05:57:06 which bothers me. All I can say is 'jeeeeeez people'. 05:58:51 KiiwiiWasTaken, Signal is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_Messenger 05:59:29 oh 05:59:36 a texting app 06:03:07 Update on MAGFest: https://nitter.fdn.fr/MAGFest/status/1350554255489454081 (already put link into IA, I don't know if there's anything else worth archiving right now) 06:23:47 yeah i dont get what people think 06:23:54 Sorry KiiwiiWasTaken, should've said that and not just assumed 06:24:02 but yeah Telegram and Signal are both messaging apps 06:24:27 A lot of people are getting scared at Facebook taking their data if they use WhatsApp - Facebook *claim* that WhatsApp is E2E, the same way Signal is (i think it uses the same protocol?) 06:24:34 and Telegram has its own Secret Chat too 06:24:55 atphoenix: it's hilarious how much people dont trust companies because the media says theyre bad 06:25:01 like I agree facebook is NOT a good company, don't get me wrong 06:25:29 i use whatsapp bc parents wont /not/ use it (bc they refuse to listen to me when i say "turn on wifi calling" on their phone...), and i have instagram bc i like instagram but i'm aware that it's feeding into facebook in some capacity 06:25:54 whatsapp is kinda at fault for their tos saying facebook will get data from whatsapp but also >facebook has owned it for YEARS at this point 06:52:30 Yeah getting people to change chat platforms is hard as hell. 06:54:09 Finally got some of us back together from irc onto whatsapp a few years ago 06:54:23 Now it's convincing one of them to move to signal so we can all switch 10:02:59 uh, you guys did eventually backup bitbucket, did you not? I'm looking for https://bitbucket.org/asplake/link_header and it doesn't look to be on the waybackmachine or softwareheritage 10:03:24 is it thus lost? 10:03:40 I'm specifically talking about the repo, not the pypi upload 10:11:11 I believe we got most of bitbucket, I see one capture on WB for that link on the bitbucket project, but it appears to have been a 404, maybe it was removed prior to the bitbucket removal? 11:17:14 It was in the list 11:17:16 So probably 11:29:17 rip 11:29:21 thanks for checking 11:35:48 Link was 404 when we tried grabbing it 13:55:05 https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/communications/logs/Gulf-War/ 13:55:11 Gulf war era IRC reporting 13:55:14 interesting stuff 14:14:00 nice yeah, shouldn't be much of a problem when dealing with individual websites, although watch out if you start parsing forums in languages you're not familiar with because you might not be able to recognize that text is in the wrong encoding 14:14:18 Case in somewhat related point: I thought "ůh, gkeljlfkuo" looked real 14:18:01 lol, that wasn't even wrong charset but rather wrong keyboard layout XD