04:42:14 The GME entertainment show is back on the menu, apparently. 05:06:52 Is it now? 05:08:35 Yeah, price increased massively over the last two days, spiked at over $400 again. 05:09:18 People are talking about it getting shorted to 200 % or something via ETFs. 05:19:19 my favorite exchange: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lsgv43/tried_to_quickly_buy_50k_worth_of_gme_before/gor9gxt/ 05:20:34 I loved the 'maybe they come out with a COVID-19 vaccine tomorrow and it'll skyrocket to +1000 %' one. 06:44:09 I don't see the a new $400 but did see a near $200 13:07:14 atphoenix: Apparently there was a $400 order filled in the after-hours. Didn't verify though. 15:19:12 This is the best Chrome extension ever, for searching and navigating and retaining/exporting your browser history. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/history-trends-unlimited/pnmchffiealhkdloeffcdnbgdnedheme 15:20:23 Been using it ~2 years now. Always able to dig deep and find old stuff, by partial title or partial url or period of time. 15:35:48 lol, you need an extension for that? 15:36:11 Yes. Chrome's History feature is intentionally crippled. 15:36:36 Imagine using a browser that actively works against you. :-) 15:36:42 imagine 15:37:27 though exporting link lists is probably something quite unique to the extension itself 16:54:55 imagine firefox's terrible history 16:55:00 where you cannot even see when you accessed a site 16:55:10 or do any kind of reasonably adcanved filtering 16:57:44 or maintain a simple text log without it being some massive bloated database that slows down every aspect of the browser for no apparent reason 16:58:14 Q. "my browser is slow." A. "DELETE EVERYTHING START OVER!" 16:58:36 "you use your browser too much!" 17:01:24 spirit: You can see the most recent access date in Firefox. Filtering is reasonable enough, but yeah, definitely not perfect. Don't know of a browser that has better filtering though. 17:07:40 oh indeed 17:08:13 then i will change my mozilla hate to: imagine a browser that hides anything but toddler-on-a-tablet functionality behind many doors :) 17:08:57 we can't have nice things because we made the internet accessable to literally everyone. 17:09:36 nice things (tm) by high-bar meritorious invitation only 17:24:03 Nirsoft's Browser History View also works well for exporting 17:25:33 atphoenix: modern browsers will not maintain more than 60 to 90 days of browser history. automatically culled. 17:25:34 lost forever 17:26:35 I used to set history time to 999 days in IE 17:32:47 JAA: I found that spike on a chart, but I don't think it was real or more than a very few shares. I've seen similar spikes on other stocks, like one over $1000 yesterday on after hours TSLA. I wonder if these spikes are like 1 share being traded from a left pocket to a right pocket of the same party, as a way to try to manipulate things like trailing loss orders 17:34:35 is/was a pretty common thing in bitcoin to artificially fluxuate volume of orders in order to scare people's bots to sell cheaply 17:35:44 like shaking fruit off a tree 18:24:07 is there something like rsync but smart about renamed files and folders? so it does not delete them but move? 18:25:47 i thought rsync had file numbering 18:26:18 SyncThing has very advanced backup versioning 18:32:02 rsync has --fuzzy, but that only works in some cases (namely if the renames are still in the same directory) and has a bunch of edge cases that require other additional options like --delete-delay. 19:00:03 thy 19:00:04 x 21:09:20 Just discovered the new 404 page https://wiki.archiveteam.org/404/ 21:20:53 nice 404 monster 21:25:58 That's great! 22:04:59 https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/02/report-stadia-undershot-to-the-tune-of-hundreds-of-thousands-of-users/ (more on Stadia dying)