00:30:06 I prefer a premium madagascar vanilla ice cream. Also extra dark chocolate ice cream. 00:30:51 black pepper live oil gelato is also good, if you're open to savory ice cream 00:31:02 *olive oil 00:32:54 Kaz, your situation sounds tough. homeless and unemployed tech worker. 00:42:05 hook54321: wait, oreo bits? 00:42:15 You can get M&M too 00:43:05 oh, huh. 00:44:48 yeeeeesss 00:44:57 i mean, same idea 00:44:59 but damn tasty 01:44:49 Impressed that sites like this still exist. Incensed that people still watarmark video archives. http://www.chillywillyfan.com/ 01:46:08 lol 01:46:15 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/kubz7jgt/image.png 01:46:27 no idea what's funnier, the site itself or the vultr ad 01:47:26 or that you're not running an adblocker :) 01:47:59 Funny story, I hadn't actually realized until just a few days ago while working that I did not set up an ad blocker 01:48:43 I like reinstalling windows for whatever reason and this iteration of my OS got Opera but no ad blocker :( 01:53:58 i expect this is still the best one. https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/ 02:00:17 if that's ublock origin then yes 02:00:21 That's what I use 13:30:11 I'm vaguely remembering 2 ways to get URLs archived to the wayback machine, and I'm struggling to find documentation and/or verification that I'm recalling correctly. First: I think there's an IA email address you can send lists of URLs to? Second: I think there some sort of method whereby you can point the IA at a google sheet containing URLs 13:30:21 Are these things that exist? 15:02:40 Iki: https://archive.org/services/wayback-gsheets/ 15:03:04 I'm assuming it's not meant for a ridiculous number of URLs though