01:38:35 emerald: If the goal is to get the content on IA, I think it would probably be simpler to use tubeup: https://github.com/bibanon/tubeup 01:39:16 However, IA isn't a big fan of large/mindless youtube dumping, so please be mindful 01:43:36 (tubeup is also mentioned in the section directly above the section you linked) 05:43:41 jodizzle: I was looking at tubeup, but it appears I can't use it to upload videos I've fetched already? Unfortunately the channel in question has been purged already 05:47:59 emerald: Ah, I see. You probably could get tubeup to work in some capacity, but I think you'd have to hack it a bit. 05:48:27 ah, in that case i'll fork the repo and get hacking i suppose 05:49:39 Might not be worth it. I think what the wiki recommends for manual upload is good: basically upload everything you got out saving the videos, including metadata. 05:50:13 Looking at the tubeup source could still be good for figuring out how to set IA item metadata, though 05:51:30 And how it uses the internetarchive python library to automate the creation of a lot of items 12:39:14 EggplantN, I think you confused me with someone else 12:39:35 I did not :) 12:39:57 Well, I didn't re-ask questions that had already been answered 12:40:54 Namely the concurrent you did 12:40:58 Sometimes staff would give contradictory (exact opposite) answers and I would ask for clarification, but I didn't just ask the same question more than once 12:41:32 I only asked that once based on the math that redlizard did 12:42:12 It is in the topic, for a reason :) 12:42:12 Either way we try to be as helpful as possible, we have wiki's topics etc to try and avoid a lot of questions 12:42:55 redlizard was arguing we were underutilizing our compute by orders of magnitude and could accelerate our archiving massively within the limited window we had 12:43:01 seemed worth exploring 12:43:14 I read the wikis and topics and didn't ask basic questions that were covered there 12:43:21 in what way? we were limited by yahoo's servers a majority of the time? 12:43:36 And we made that apparent all of the time. 12:43:50 We occasionally had times where additional compute could have helped but mostly not 12:44:10 It was an in-depth technical discussion 12:44:22 You can go revisit the logs if you want 12:44:27 yahoo: fucking it up even in death 12:44:36 (seriously verizon come on) 12:44:37 If you don't have a copy, I can send you one 12:44:47 The issue was yarrow we already knew what we could and couldn't do. 12:44:58 Well, why not just say that? 12:44:58 We had tested extensively and run on going checks 12:45:03 We did 12:45:07 Not to me 12:45:08 by having it in the topic 12:45:17 the topic didn't say that 12:45:18 Trust us, we know what we're doing ;) 12:45:23 it said 5/IP 12:45:29 its because we found that 5/IP was the max 12:45:34 through our testing and checks 12:45:42 yeah, but it didn't say you did ongoing testing 12:46:06 as I recall, you said redlizard might have had a point 12:46:09 but my question is, how would have upping the amount per IP increased our archiving if we were already at yahoos server limits 12:47:23 either way, my views still stand. We need help and we're all busy people. Replying with "69.420%" isn't help ;) pinging 3 OPs at like 3-4am to ask a question thats in the topic isn't helping. 12:47:23 We appreciate every bit of help we get, as long as it is help :) 12:57:01 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vNh3ZD0G/%23noanswers%20log%202021-05-01 12:57:52 specifically: 12:57:59 [2021-05-01 17:53:37] So I figured, if we raise the speed on those invalid 404s, we will get more invalid 404s, but we might still get more total successful kids. 12:57:59 [2021-05-01 17:54:04] Thus, >testing if yahoo can handle a higher kid rate 12:57:59 [2021-05-01 17:54:36] interesting, for now i'm fairly happy how it is plus i'm about to need bed but i will look into tomorrow morning possibly 12:58:18 yes you did not give me chance to look before asking either 12:58:30 we did also do changes similar to that 12:58:31 what? 12:58:38 we moved all kid items to a private queue 12:59:09 after red lizard suggested this? 13:00:13 after I said "interesting, for now i'm fairly happy how it is plus i'm about to need bed but i will look into tomorrow morning possibly" 13:00:13 we looked into it and decided that IF we could increase it we would like it to be ran by those who we could easily ask them to change their concurrents 13:00:24 So people with orchestration we asked to contribute there 13:00:31 I know you were running all your VMs by hand 13:00:47 so, it wasn't true that you "already knew what we could and couldn't do." 13:01:03 you had to test it 13:01:40 you had to look into it and see what was possible/effective 13:01:53 the question was NOT already answered 13:02:10 We did know what was possible at that time. 13:02:15 We didn't go harder than 5/IP 13:02:22 even once moved to private 13:02:33 because it wouldnt work but in case it did, we prepared for it 13:03:10 the bottom line is redlizard made a suggestion that you hadn't thought of and had to test after they suggested it to see if it would work well 13:04:00 that's not an example of something asking an obvious question that's already answered in the topic 13:04:22 that's something making a sophisticated suggestion that you decided was worth testing 13:04:30 *someone (not something) 13:05:01 on another topic, if you don't want people to make jokes, you should put in the topic "don't make jokes" or otherwise tell people not to make jokes 13:05:03 we hadn't thought of testing per item rate limits because that isn't possible for us to do for end users with how seesaw-kit and pipeline.py works, that alongside redis hands items out randomly we could only do this with a whole new queue/project. So we weren't going to test it due to how complicated it is. 13:05:07 yarrow 13:05:14 please, lets finish this up 13:05:16 like I said 13:05:24 we're busy people I have work to do, and archiving to do 13:06:01 I would just suggest you step back from community management tasks and stick to technical tasks 13:06:11 because your approach to community management is damaging 13:06:51 it isn't emotionally competent 13:06:52 look i'm new here but my two cents is maybe the best way to do feedback isn't insulting a mod 13:07:39 it's not an insult, it's just very frank feedback. 13:07:48 eggplantn gave real, valid reasons why it didn't happen from what i can see 13:08:05 people have different skillsets appropriate to different kinds of roles in a volunteer organization 13:08:22 allie_signet, you are missing a lot of context 13:08:42 Yeah, like I said we're doing our best, we try our hardest and its at times like this when yourself and serx try to make us feel bad about the work we do for free it is really quite sad. 13:08:44 yeah, i am, that's why it's two cents and not a dollar 13:09:13 I'm not mad about staff decided to test or not test certain ideas. I'm mad about staff being overtly hostile toward volunteers 13:09:16 Either way, please drop this and continue to contribute or not. 13:09:32 I donI'm not trying to make 13:09:36 We really thank those who help out 13:11:05 *I don't know anything about what serx said or did. I'm not trying to make you feel bad about the work you do. I'm just pointing out how your behaviour was hurtful to me in this context and how this sort of behaviour can be damaging to a volunteer community by creating a hostile, unfun atmosphere rather than a fun, welcoming, friendly one. 13:11:44 Outsider volunteers like myself are also doing work for free and spending money contributing to projects. We are volunteers who deserve the same respect and decency that you do. 13:11:47 Please, drop this 13:11:49 We have work to do 13:14:39 If you have expectations for volunteers' behaviour that are not being met, it can go a long way simply writing a short list of rules or guidelines, such as: 1) Don't ping mods (optionally: within the hours of X to Y UTC) unless it's an emergency, 2) Don't give joke answers to questions, 3) etc. If you don't communicate this stuff, people aren't mind readers and will have no idea what will make you mad or not. 13:15:13 urgh wrong button 13:18:41 I've reached out in DM, he can discuss me all he likes there. 13:52:36 fwiw: i found yarrow's repeated questions disruptive, and said so, well before the 'can we try 100 concurrent' and eventual kicking. no mind reading was necessary. 13:53:18 (because i value the work archiveteam does despite my limited engagement with its technical infra, i try to be exceptionally patient and helpful in chat... but part of "community management" is keeping the community congenial to the people already in it. if i was put off, how much worse for the ops receiving repeated pings for redundant questions while trying to manage the 13:53:20 project! and that's a load-bearing effort.) 13:56:19 You said it much better than I can say it myself 13:56:37 Especially when the more people that ask and do stupid things, simply slow us down 14:17:19 Hi, jokers. 14:18:04 I see Yarrow decided to YOLO into the history books. 14:20:38 It seems so. Anyway hello! How is you 14:21:01 Got called a Nazi on twitter, responded disproportionately. 14:21:31 Can I expect a letter from yarrow in the next 2-3 days stating his position? 14:22:13 I would hope so, he is still in -bs 14:24:39 What's the backstory on yarrow. I don't know how long they've been with the project. 14:25:24 When I see terminology like "Your actions are not emotionally competent", I have a strong feeling they exist to Karen out everyone's time, for sure. 14:25:41 < yarrow> it's not an insult, it's just very frank feedback. 14:25:45 I need to use this more often. 14:26:00 * SketchTheCow gives your mom some frank feedback 14:27:58 (First time I saw yarrow was during the 2021 yahoo answers project.) 14:29:26 That is where he has come from 14:31:24 Just getting a grip on the situation. So he came in, had Some Extra Ideas, demanded life take the lemons back, talked shit, got hit, and then came to the world's most amazing, court of last resort, #archiveteam-ot, to show off his boy scout download badge and ranking and try to get the Eggplant fired? 14:37:13 I think thats pretty much it, wanna bitch about me, please do it in DM. 14:37:17 I'm happy to hear it 14:38:19 I mean, you've probably been a dick the whole way through, but that's my technique as well, so you tearfully going "I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU" isn't going to be a big surprise. 14:39:04 I get he wanted to switch horsemen mid-apocalypse, and come up with additional ways to acquire data and optimize, but we had a pretty good run 14:40:54 can you blame people for being dicks when every other day is a non-negotiable deadline? 14:41:27 Oh you can talk to my girlfriend 14:48:24 Hi! 14:48:33 Is this the Anime club? 14:49:16 To add to the yarrow situation it's not clear to me what lead to the ban since there was little activity from yarrow between their kick and ultimate ban, but maybe it was supposed to be a ban in the first place. Other than that I think that summary is accurate. 14:52:22 spirit: Да, вы пытаетесь пропатчить KDE2 под FreeBSD? 14:53:34 til how to spell smegma princess in kyrillic 14:53:55 lol 15:03:33 I was talking to the elusive JeffN on Discord and he said that we require registration for Tor users to access project channels. Is that accurate? 15:33:03 possibly. I remember there were some issues with tor users at some point? 15:35:37 wasn't there a supposed tor user in #microscope a while ago? 15:35:53 He was saying that something with Hackint's services were giving him issues registering an account as well. I'm really just curious for my own information more than anything. 15:38:02 yeah, so checking #archiveteam, unregistered tor users are banned, presumably for some sort of abuse coming from it. any idea what the issue with registering was? 15:38:46 "I can't get in those channels anymore, you don't like tor/anonymity and hackints services are borked so I can't register." 15:38:52 That's what he posted 15:40:11 They were having a discussion about archiving LiveLeak in Jason's channel on The-Eye Discord, and I was directing them to the project channel, and that's what he replied with 15:51:28 I didn't do the ban, but I believe someone was abusing it to spam or bypassing a ban. I just tried to signup for a hackint account 'anonymously' with the instructions and it appeared to work. https://www.hackint.org/transport/tor#Anonymous_Account_Registration 15:53:15 Yeah, we find Tor a huge pain in the ass, sorry 15:54:58 Makes sense. I just hadn't realized that restriction was in place. And for registration, he probably tried it once, had an issue, and never went back. 16:04:48 Tor deserves the reputation 18:18:56 https://ped.ro/blog/code-blocks-but-better 18:49:32 why dont more site have rsync capabilities 18:49:43 take for example, thetrove.is 18:49:54 tons of rpg books in pdf format, most are OOP 18:50:09 why dont have an rsync endpoint so people can help you archive 18:53:21 Looks easily scrapable though 18:53:36 Much easier than many others 18:55:00 oh it is 18:55:08 with right wget params 18:55:25 but still, rsync server would be so much easier, send up bw limits and everything 18:55:40 plus when theres updates, you can just nab the deltas 18:55:41 Heck, I'd say you could just throw it into grab-site or archivebot and it'd just work :tm: 18:55:56 eh, its a lot of data for grab-site or archivebot 18:56:11 SO IF ANYONE HOARDS TABLETOP RPG BOOKS 18:56:15 hmu 18:56:18 hahahah 19:17:17 Craigle: Yes, that's accurate. If there are issues with the anonymous registration, they should bring that up in #hackint. 19:21:04 Thanks for the confirmation JAA. I hadn't really thought about it previously, but it obviously makes sense to block unregistered Tor access. And agreed, Hackint issues are not AT issues. 19:44:52 jodizzle: AB did a *beautiful* job with pemberley.com - got every single one of the stories buried in that stupid JSON table, along with some stuff that *wasn't* in there. 22:44:27 Streisand is now in effect. 22:44:36 What? 22:44:37 oh lord yes 22:44:56 What is "Streisand"? 22:45:10 Barbara? 22:45:13 are you new to the internet? 22:45:17 just curious 22:45:31 because its implied that all IRC channels are logged by someone 22:45:33 I'm not new to the internet. 22:45:38 just like everything on discord is logged 22:45:44 The Streisand Effect. Barbara Streisand got pissed someone posted picture of her house to the internet, and sued to have them taken off the internet. So they became the most popular pictures on the internet. 22:45:56 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect 22:46:04 Oh the Streisand Effect. 22:46:05 thats the price you pay when you discuss on public accessable places, like this one 22:46:25 No, I'm not new to the internet, not at all. 22:46:29 if you want convo's to be private, you either encrypt your conversation, or use a server that you control 100% 22:46:30 Somehow I doubt that you believe me. 22:46:41 I have heard of that effect. 22:47:05 and although your connected to the irc server is encrypted, you're assuming the connections between all the servers in the network are encrypted 22:47:18 hence the R in IRC 22:47:26 If you want a private conversation, you talk to yourself. 22:47:28 I'm assuming nobody is some creep who records everything I say. 22:47:45 Yet apparently such people are omnipresent? 22:47:50 Virtually all chat software records all messages. 22:47:59 * arkiver logs everything 22:48:01 you're welcome 22:48:07 heh i do too 22:48:10 There are ones that claim to have 'disappearing' messages, but that's bullshit. 22:48:21 Why even use such services then? 22:48:25 why? 22:48:27 Why webchat at all? 22:48:28 JAA: hah thats funny 22:48:30 My irc client logs all messages, only so I can see them whenever I want 22:48:31 Don't post to the internet what you don't want other people to see and potentially keep a record of. 22:48:35 yup 22:48:43 anonymous: you're free to use your own irc client, you know 22:48:49 You should assume any conversation you have in a public space is being recorded or otherwise preserved. 22:48:52 How much money does it cost? 22:48:57 $0 22:48:58 completely free 22:49:09 >You should assume any conversation you have in a public space is being recorded or otherwise preserved. 22:49:26 you should assume everything you do on the internet is recorded 22:49:31 because 99.9% of servers have logs 22:49:45 Why do they have logs? 22:49:53 For several reasons 22:49:54 Generally for monitoring 22:49:57 monitoring 22:50:01 diagnosting 22:50:05 monitoring, or because they're required to by law 22:50:10 preventing denial of service attacks 22:50:14 law, the list goes on and on and on 22:50:15 Monitoring is not the same as recording. 22:50:32 so someone can monitor this cahnnel say from the FBI/NSA/etc 22:50:34 ጠӋ ṃƎṦȿɐġΈչ ἂɍḘ ṔṜȱṯξḈțēÐ ʙƴ ṦԵґὫᾖԌ ËӆÇřφϤṪıộἦ. 22:50:42 oh snap im stealing that 22:50:46 lol 22:50:54 Looks like standard Zalgotext to me. 22:51:01 Recording means I can monitor and look at what is going on later 22:51:08 im sorta surprised this fact is new to you 22:51:10 I don't need to be watching 24/7 to see what's happening 22:51:13 Oh no, our evil plan is foiled! 22:51:17 nooooo 22:51:23 JAA is really... NSA 22:51:25 (Insert xkcd 538) 22:51:27 hahaha 22:51:32 Yes, recording means monitoring of the past present. 22:51:36 can confirm 22:51:51 No monitoring of the future? That's sad. 22:51:59 you guys dont have logs from the future? 22:52:15 wpull needs time travel support! 22:52:23 arkiver can code that in lua 22:52:25 i have faith 22:52:42 now the advantage of IRC is that you cant log if you arent here 22:52:46 unlike discord 22:52:46 I'm sure he can, but then it's in Lua. 22:52:56 Is degeneration into sarcasm natural in internet communities, or is it done specifically to tease those secretly deemed idiots? 22:52:57 which keeps a preputal searchable log 22:53:02 We need to develop an AI that generates predictive logs, like AI that generates predictive lyrics and melody. 22:53:12 okay so you're new to the internet 22:53:16 the internet runs on 2 things 22:53:18 1. Sarcasm 22:53:19 2. Porn 22:53:22 thats it 22:53:43 don't forget the people that archive the sarcasm and porn 22:53:44 What did you expect when asking the same question over and over? 22:53:44 if I pull my logs from the late 90's, i will find sarcasm, and porn 22:53:59 I'm not new to the internet, but bragging about my internet prowess would only make me seem even newer. 22:54:07 So how do I resolve this situation? 22:54:19 ARPANET was created for distributing porn, wasn't it? :-) 22:54:23 Hiding my powerlevel has had unintentional consequences. 22:54:23 if I pull my logs from the late 90's, i will find sarcasm, and porn / you have just invented bash.org 22:54:51 What about sarcastic porn? 22:55:06 * SCSi puts on his wizard hat 22:55:08 anonymous: by not getting upset on the internet, under any circumstance. it's a sign of weakness and easy meat. 22:55:29 but you're from the internet, so you already know this. 22:55:30 You mean I should be the upsetter? 22:55:48 nah, you're amusing at this point 22:55:50 >but you're from the internet, so you already know this. 22:56:08 STOP LOGGING MY CHATZ 22:56:10 I lurk except in places where archives are less obvious. 22:56:13 holys hit 22:56:16 he's logging? 22:56:19 yeah 22:56:21 i know right 22:56:31 So I assume it's not archived because I want to have some sort of internet social interaction. 22:56:32 oh damn, he's going to find out my porn habits 22:56:33 it's easy just type like **********************************8 22:56:34 SCSi: Can I blow your mind? 22:56:40 nyany: plz do 22:56:41 see, secret? 22:56:43 I'm logging too 22:56:46 holy shit 22:56:47 If I was completely honest with myself, I would lurk 100%. 22:56:51 no one can see it it's encrypted :) 22:56:57 does my password of hunter2 show up as ******* to you? 22:56:59 or just me 22:57:06 ******* here 22:57:10 okay good 22:57:17 it shows up as hunter2 here 22:57:17 you're such a voyeur. pervert! 22:57:20 This is a severely unfunny situation. 22:57:24 why? 22:57:31 Secr3tlyAP0rnst4R!^ 22:57:32 you have once again invented bash.org 22:57:44 hey, why can I see my password 22:57:53 oh it just hides it from other people 22:57:53 It's unfunny because of the predictive and repetitive attempts at "humor". 22:58:01 you know so that you can see it if you need 22:58:25 And because I'm being treated like an idiot and trying to be fooled into revealing my IRC password. 22:58:34 do you 22:58:37 My password honestly is 1234 22:58:38 do you even have an irc password 22:58:40 oh my god 22:58:42 Either that or I'm misreading the situation with my non-existent social skils. 22:58:45 *skills 22:58:58 >do you even have an irc password 22:58:58 you're one of today's lucky 10 thousand! 22:58:59 The lounge forced me to set a password, so I went for 1234 22:59:09 >10 22:59:10 http://bash.org/?244321 22:59:11 >thousand 22:59:16 Numbers or words, choose. 22:59:20 no :) 22:59:27 choosing is hard. 22:59:32 being non-binary means i don't have to choose ;) 22:59:51 That doesn't apply here. 22:59:58 Choosing nothing is still a choice. 23:00:04 There's an expression for this. 23:00:15 Hobson's choice. 23:00:40 You know anonymous your IP is public on IRC. If you’re concerned about privacy I’d deffo enable a hostname :) 23:01:10 Your smile emoji is misplaced. 23:01:21 emoticon 23:01:21 You give me a crisis, and smile? 23:01:29 >emoticon 23:01:31 false 23:01:34 I smile in the sight of pain :) 23:01:36 :(: 23:01:38 : ) is an emoticon 23:01:45 I'm seeing yellow, that's an emoji. 23:01:46 so is :/ 23:01:55 oh, you're using a cheezy client that replaces emoticon with stickers 23:01:59 :<:>: 23:02:02 that'll be your client 23:02:05 looool 23:02:07 next thing you'll tell me is roses are red and violets are blue and pineapples belong on pizza 23:02:09 😂🅱️🎂📈😀🎈👀👀👀🍻🅱️🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🅱️🅱️🅱️ 23:02:16 god that's horrific 23:02:20 fucking hell EggplantN 23:02:20 nyany: watch it son! 23:02:22 >oh, you're using a cheezy client that replaces emoticon with stickers 23:02:25 weechat doesn't like that 23:02:34 🍌 23:02:35 I just chose a username 23:02:39 Thelounge loves it 23:02:40 and logged on 23:02:48 teehee 23:02:55 SCSi, that was some good popcorn. 23:02:57 https://irc.fu.is/uploads/417e2004c2f12e34/9A9E8787-7A5A-4446-8A27-73A47E78B411.png 23:02:59 poor anonymous 23:03:04 ? 23:03:09 What happen? 23:03:16 Sad things 23:03:16 someone set us up the bomb 23:03:17 ¿ 23:03:24 What you say? 23:03:29 JustArchiveThings 23:03:30 is he going to be upset when we can find out where he's from by his IP? 23:03:31 all your base are belong to us XD 23:03:52 Possibly SCSI he could enable hostname :) 23:03:57 AK stands for Archive King, anything I see is archived forever ;) 23:04:06 I have no idea how to "enable hostname". 23:04:14 turn main screen on 23:04:19 EggplantN: https://transfer.archivete.am/Jc3tC/emoji.png 23:04:24 https://www.hackint.org/faq#Can_I_get_a_vhostcloakspoof 23:04:27 Look, if you people are the archive legends, then there's something I want to see. 23:04:33 oh my 23:04:38 It's very important. 23:04:44 anonymous: what's that, now 23:04:47 What do you want to see. It’s 9inchs I must warn you 23:04:49 what is thy request, oh internet guy? 23:05:05 lolololol 23:05:07 9 inches 23:05:09 jesus christ 23:05:13 i've seen it 23:05:16 WHAT 23:05:16 isn't that a band 23:05:17 it's nowhere near that big 23:05:21 not even half of that 23:05:26 Overcompensating much 23:05:33 Kaz leave me alone I’m talking with the cool kids 23:05:40 one day son 23:05:43 lol 23:05:47 Wait it's a friday, Egg has been drinking, it's probably more like 2-3 now 23:05:53 I want to see the episode of the Oprah Winfrey show in which Al Gore says "cereal". 23:05:55 anonymous: just so you know, thsi channel is logged and can and will be used against you in the court of lulz 23:05:59 anonymous: NYPA 23:06:07 IRC isn't serious business. 23:06:23 so is the internet still new to you? 23:06:24 lets all join in 23:06:27 like blowing your mind 23:06:40 seems right to me 23:06:49 Lol 23:06:51 hahaha im not changing my nick, then i'll screw up all the channel shit im on and get dinged in idlerpg 23:07:00 hackint has idlerpg?? 23:07:02 no 23:07:02 hahaha 23:07:06 another network 23:07:07 freenode 23:07:08 Well? 23:07:15 Even I'm confused now 23:07:15 smh 23:07:16 Can I see Al Gore saying this, or can't I? 23:07:16 AK smells 23:07:17 hackint's idlerpg has been down forever 23:07:18 waiting for chanserv ghost command to be used on AK 23:07:20 Can anyone provide? 23:07:27 AK: yes 23:07:28 idk my dude i archive picrews not oprah 23:07:28 AK: just so you know you can be banned from hackint 23:07:30 for that 23:07:31 it's on the inernet 23:07:33 er.. nickserv 23:07:36 SketchTheCow is going to be so upset he missed this. 23:07:47 Might wanna deop me now Kaz 23:07:49 >it's on the inernet 23:07:51 meh 23:08:01 I can't find it. 23:08:10 damn that sucks 23:08:12 good luck tho. 23:08:12 It's like a soap opera with 29012 episodes. 23:08:23 You can't find an episode index with each one. 23:08:33 I can't? or YOU can't? 23:08:34 SO 23:08:41 because really it sounds like you're the one struggling here 23:08:44 when is archive team going to be archiving pornhub 23:08:46 for... reasons 23:08:52 Both of us. 23:08:55 Neither has provided. 23:09:03 SCSi: we blew our chances already 23:09:04 i haven't looked 23:09:07 lol, get it 23:09:09 blew our chances 23:09:11 Please try. 23:09:14 oh man we missed the money shot? 23:09:15 pay me. 23:09:24 use your 1337 h4x0r skills 23:09:27 how much? 23:09:32 i don't think you quite understand how this works 23:09:35 idk, 3 bitcoin? 23:09:40 that seems like a fair price 23:09:45 I don't use crypocurrencies 23:09:49 your loss. 23:10:02 "don't get upset at the internet" 23:10:13 ayyyyy 23:10:16 lmao 23:10:19 RIP 23:10:20 lmao 23:10:27 The one true AK is back 23:10:33 hello again mr internet 23:10:34 What? 23:10:37 what? 23:10:40 what? 23:10:42 what? 23:10:43 in the butt? 23:10:46 please 23:10:47 unfunny 23:10:48 wait no 23:10:50 funny un 23:10:52 https://share.aktheknight.co.uk/riJe0/BOREZoyi50.png/raw I will forever remember the time I was the top of the (leader)board 23:10:55 homosexuality is unfunny 23:11:06 sexuality is unfunny 23:11:11 hahahahahaha 23:11:18 the best romance films are the ones about wars 23:11:24 homosexuality is unfunny // aw come on you didn't need to insult me like that 23:11:26 cmon 23:11:28 get some help 23:11:35 I asked 23:11:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Deg7VrpHbM 23:11:48 Can anyone help me find the clip of Al Gore on the Oprah Winfrey show? 23:11:53 yes 23:12:00 For free? 23:12:01 money can be exchanged for goods and services 23:12:02 yes for 2.5 bitcoin 23:12:10 come on 23:12:23 anarcat 23:12:24 loool 23:12:27 bitcoin is bad for the environment, just mail some cash to *ADDRESS REDACTED* 23:12:28 do you play minecraft 23:12:42 oh lord are you like 11 23:12:47 no 23:12:49 i probably have shoes older than you 23:12:53 anonymous, are you sure you're from the internet? https://youtu.be/fbGkxcY7YFU 23:13:15 no 23:13:20 nobody is from the internet 23:13:21 you've gotta be new 23:13:24 except lain 23:13:30 Wayward: oh man i haven't actually heard the song in so long 23:13:33 i forget what you even came in here for now 23:13:36 other than light entertainment 23:13:37 to complain 23:13:40 Kaz: to delete miiverse shit 23:13:41 that IRC is logging everything 23:13:44 no 23:13:46 I told you 23:13:50 I just lurk mostly 23:13:51 and we need to STAND UP TO TYRRANY 23:13:54 anonymous if you need help i'd advise checkout this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZopNkz_Nlg 23:13:55 on wikis typically 23:14:04 how does one lurk on a wiki 23:14:05 standing up to the tiranny of /var/log 23:14:06 you know what you do on wiki's is logged 23:14:07 just keep the tab open? 23:14:11 loooooool 23:14:11 kaz 23:14:13 lololol 23:14:13 by reading wiki articles without an account 23:14:16 systemctl status is a tool of the MAN 23:14:18 awt 23:14:20 you mean 23:14:21 Refresh Special:RecentChanges every minute. 23:14:24 rsyslogd? OPPRESSION 23:14:25 doing what the point of a wiki is 23:14:30 realmen use netplan allie_signet 23:14:30 I read and learn 23:14:31 wait no 23:14:32 what its intention is 23:14:40 hey listen, systemd is oppression 23:14:43 that's why i'm not real nor a man 23:14:44 team init for life 23:14:49 I spent too much time on Encyclopedia Dramatica 23:14:50 why tf am i here 23:15:05 true i've switched to openrc and regained most of my sanity 23:15:08 why do you assholes keep pinging me https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/qnz693l8/image.png 23:15:12 That explains some things. 23:15:16 a lot of things 23:15:20 any new Chris Chan drama? 23:15:22 many things 23:15:25 I don't follow that 23:15:30 ain't that the point 23:15:36 it's fun for older memes in general 23:15:43 problem is 23:15:49 it's turned into a bit of a personality trait for you 23:15:53 what has 23:15:56 this is not good 23:16:03 Kaz__ 23:16:03 Kaz__ 23:16:04 Kaz__ 23:16:08 encyclopedia dramatica's irony? 23:16:13 I haven't even been ironic yet 23:16:19 Kaz__: I can set up a bot to ping you every hour if you want. :-) 23:16:21 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/1b13be9ca3c4ca63/20210508_091403.jpg meanwhile on my way to an interview 23:16:22 the fact your brain has been rotted by ED 23:16:27 i'll disconnect this shit 23:16:33 how has it been rotted 23:16:40 Good luck kiska! Let us know how it goes 23:16:43 HOLY CRAP KISKA IS ASIAN 23:16:46 hahahah 23:16:50 * SCSi logged 23:16:59 Have you just noticed? 23:17:01 my internet is saturated so the image is loading 1 line at a time 23:17:03 * how do I shot web 23:17:07 is it noods? 23:17:12 Tbf I didn't know lol 23:17:16 please the web has been dead for a long time 23:17:16 hahahah i never really payed attention 23:17:19 how do I hide ip address 23:17:32 uh, shooting your network card 23:17:32 you hide it 23:17:40 Unplug your router. 23:17:42 did it work 23:17:45 I doubt it 23:17:47 Nobody tells you about this, but that's the secret tip. 23:18:03 anonymous | Hackint WebIRC | ~anonymous⊙bdbc 23:18:06 it's not worked yet 23:18:10 lmk when you change it 23:18:11 HOLY CRAP KISKA IS ASIAN <--- everyone wears those masks now. 23:18:14 Oof 23:18:20 that's just gibberish you posted 23:18:24 it means nothing 23:18:30 k 23:18:31 Well I kinda have to cause I am on public transport 23:18:31 except I use bell 23:18:39 and you live somewhere in the ottawa area 23:18:49 (ottawa is in ontario) 23:18:53 and illinois 23:18:57 there is more than one ottawa 23:19:04 i wasnt going to post that 23:19:09 HOLY SHIT, nyany A FELLOW CANADIAN, YOU'RE NOT ALONE 23:19:09 cuz i didnt wanna get in trouble 23:19:14 EggplantN: fuck me 23:19:15 but why do you feel the need to expose others like this? 23:19:21 anonymous: because 23:19:24 anonymous: except it contains other bits of data, like your IP.. 23:19:25 "anonymous" 23:19:33 EggplantN psilocybin legislation when 23:19:43 Wayward: https://transportnsw.info/covid-19/covid-19-what-you-can-do#accordion-use-a-face-mask-content 23:19:48 cannabis is just a meme at this point 23:19:53 Who's going to h4x0r their way into anonymous's computer now? 23:19:53 jesus christ 23:19:55 kiska: when they said mask the ip 23:19:56 always has been, in fact 23:19:59 thats NOT what they meant 23:19:59 so you lurk on ED 23:20:07 I made that clear 23:20:11 why do you bring it up now 23:20:17 i dont know if you are seriously this naieve, or are just the best troll we've seen 23:20:21 face masks in anime will never be the same 23:20:30 well, it's WIN for me either way 23:20:37 nobody has won anything 23:20:39 this is not a challenge 23:20:43 we are all losers on this blessed day 23:20:44 do you want me to put on my robe and wizard hat? 23:20:53 archiveteam does cosplay? 23:20:56 I want you to tell me why everyone loves doxxing me 23:20:59 exposing my location 23:21:03 AK: only at the weekly meetups. 23:21:07 mate 23:21:08 cuz you post it for everyone to see 23:21:12 nyany: I heard something about their mom winning 9 inches, I think. 23:21:12 this information is 23:21:16 available about most people here 23:21:17 anonymous: it's fucking irc 23:21:18 lol 23:21:22 Kaz__ I think my invite got lost in the post, I haven't had one yet 23:21:26 prove it 23:21:29 it's on the way 23:21:29 this is not unique to you it's just how IRC works 23:21:31 ghosted! 23:21:32 man 23:21:33 RIP again 23:21:35                                                  23:21:35                                                  23:21:35                                                  23:21:35                                                  23:21:35                                                  23:21:37 he just keeps falling for it 23:21:47 this is not unique to you it's just how IRC works 23:21:48 how do I find Wayward's location 23:21:58 ask him 23:22:00 Wayward, are you on planet earth? 23:22:00 he's somewhere over that way 23:22:01 ...ward 23:22:09 nobody asked me 23:22:11 where does brittney spears live? 23:22:12 and yet you know 23:22:14 How? 23:22:19 uh 23:22:19 anonymous: because you didn't know where you were 23:22:20 your IP 23:22:22 you needed someone else to tell you 23:22:29 why would we ask you where someone else is 23:22:31 How do you know my IP address? 23:22:35 Where is that stated? 23:22:40 everyone on IRC has that exposed 23:22:43 /whois anonymous 23:22:47 Where? 23:22:47 type that in for us fella 23:22:48 you mean 23:22:50 ? 23:22:55 I think I need to go lie down and die 23:22:57 I haven't memorised it 23:23:02 icanhazip.com 23:23:02 OH NOT ME 23:23:07 DONT KNOW WHERE IM AT 23:23:09 HO HO HO 23:23:20 Where is Bras Base, Otwaon Canada 23:23:30 this is SCSi 23:23:33 i hide my location from myself in an attempt to keep myself from the curse of knowledge 23:23:36 I'm not seeing an IP address 23:23:39 Bra base is in lingerie corner right? 23:23:50 no. 23:24:09 I live inside an aws data centre 23:24:11 Explain, SCSi 23:24:14 hahah, now nobody will know who i am 23:24:16 explain what 23:24:21 explain why 23:24:23 why what 23:24:26 I've got DN 23:24:28 I live inside an aws data centre // are the racks comfy 23:24:28 I did whois SCSi 23:24:35 and didn't get your IP address 23:24:40 RIGHT 23:24:41 anonymous, if you type /whois anonymous it will show thus: 23:24:41 > anonymous is ~anonymous⊙bdbc * Hackint WebIRC 23:24:43 cuz you cant 23:24:55 Wayward, that's just gibberish 23:24:55 cuz i have a vhost setup 23:25:04 some really long non-existent email address 23:25:05 its gibberish to you 23:25:10 oh god 23:25:11 you are new 23:25:13 to the internet 23:25:16 no 23:25:17 yes 23:25:18 email address 23:25:19 100% 23:25:19 yes 23:25:19 nice 23:25:20 anonymous: this is you. https://ipinfo.io/ 23:25:20 confirmed 23:25:24 4chan doesn't have these weird links 23:25:25 LOL 23:25:28 neither does ED 23:25:28 LOOOL 23:25:30 lololol 23:25:31 okay 23:25:32 or most imageboards 23:25:32 ok 23:25:37 oh 4chan 23:25:38 oh no 23:25:40 I just never cared for IRC 23:25:42 oh gods we got a channer 23:25:44 so you're new to the internet and hanging out in the slums 23:25:45 looks like IP :P 23:25:56 arkiver is that ipv6 23:26:00 /s 23:26:00 no 23:26:02 IT IS 23:26:02 aaabaaajss has a stroke 23:26:02 its ipv5 23:26:05 please pray for this kid's soul if they ended up on fuckin chan 23:26:16 *and* ED 23:26:17 that was years ago 23:26:21 fuckin multi track drifting 23:26:23 I already did 23:26:23 4chan + ED 23:26:24 jesus 23:26:28 like 23:26:32 can we stop calling ED 23:26:32 do you need therapy? 23:26:36 we all know he can't get it up 23:26:37 I guess Bras Base is in Kingston 23:26:40 why your Pee Pee No Worky 23:26:41 poor ED 23:26:45 fucking 23:26:46 okay 23:26:47 XD 23:26:48 no comment 23:26:50 i mean 23:26:51 he'd like to 23:26:52 let's call it the other nickname 23:26:52 i got pills for that 23:27:02 i do deal drugs for a living 23:27:04 æ 23:27:12 i have no doubt 23:27:13 I deal packets 23:27:13 whoa how'd you mate the a nd e 23:27:18 the power of tard 23:27:21 Anyone want a byte? 23:27:23 Did a and e consent to this? 23:27:24 it's called google dot com website 23:27:32 æææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ 23:27:32 what's google dot com 23:27:33 i'll trade you some bytes for a vaigra 23:27:35 I thought it was from DN 23:27:39 death note? 23:27:42 are google dot com and kim dotcom related 23:27:45 free. 23:28:03 these brown dry old things from trees, huh kaz 23:28:09 I don't even like nuts 23:28:10 no 23:28:12 that's treez nuts 23:28:20 urine nuts, then? 23:28:28 let me just put it out there 23:28:28 peez nuts 23:28:29 did you just 23:28:33 'pee is stored in the balls' me 23:28:36 no 23:28:41 Kaz__: is it?? 23:28:44 i never knew 23:28:52 ED is not a medical journal 23:28:54 I think I got cancer reading this chat 23:28:55 please don't treat it like one 23:28:59 what then 23:29:01 AK: my eyeballs got HIV 23:29:05 am I supposed to mention know your meme? 23:29:10 both are helpful in their own ways 23:29:10 AM I BEING ENTERTAINED? 23:29:12 every message about this topic makes me want to get SRS More 23:29:16 JAA: probably 23:29:19 oh i am 23:29:20 this is great 23:29:21 JAA: you are free to go 23:29:24 most fun ive had ina while here 23:29:25 Are you not entertained?! 23:29:34 is this a reference to a movie I didn't watch 23:29:42 at this point 23:29:43 the book is too long 23:29:46 theres a lot of crap you didnt watch 23:29:47 didnt see 23:29:48 I only read the prequel 23:29:49 didnt do 23:29:55 I'm young 23:29:59 like 11? 23:30:01 we can tell 23:30:02 no 23:30:02 good thing they didn't delete that movie right after publishing it 23:30:09 like i said 23:30:10 so, you can see it at a later time 23:30:12 i have shoes older than you 23:30:13 I'm old enough to use IRC according to the law 23:30:21 uh 23:30:22 law where 23:30:22 wait what 23:30:26 what law 23:30:27 there's an age requirement for that? 23:30:28 international treaties 23:30:28 fuck 23:30:30 since when does IRC have law 23:30:37 Wait there's an age limit? 23:30:38 the rule of the internet 23:30:40 allie_signet: ur under arrest 23:30:40 Bird law? 23:30:40 I have a few IRC Cop friends 23:30:49 where tf is fionera 23:30:52 EggplantN is probably too old for irc tbh 23:30:54 cue JAA using judge dredd quote 23:30:55 this is entrapment 23:30:59 oh totally 23:31:04 he's fishing for us to ask A/S/L 23:31:06 how do I conceal my location 23:31:10 disconnect 23:31:12 AK: He mostly hopes there isn't an alcohol limit I think. 23:31:13 you type /server 23:31:18 alcohol is silly 23:31:20 or hit alt-F4 23:31:23 fuck irc 23:31:26 it's a depressant with mainly negative effects 23:31:28 keep em going anonymous 23:31:38 arkiver, can you elaborate on that 23:31:40 yeah. i prefer depression to this! 23:31:49 this is making my autism tingle 23:31:51 i prefer alcohol too all of you 23:31:57 shocked 23:31:59 i wanna scream n shout 23:32:02 nobody could've seen that coming 23:32:04 n let it all out 23:32:06 EggplantN: not to warrior projects 23:32:21 hrm true 23:32:21 anarcat do you play the game of craft belonging to the first pronoun 23:32:27 I must know this 23:32:34 arkiver: DPoS projects are people now‽ 23:32:43 anonymous: no idea wtf you're tlking about 23:32:49 no people is no DPoS projects 23:32:50 minecraft 23:32:54 do you play it 23:33:01 https://i.imgur.com/ZVR1GNc.png 23:33:05 how did we go from talking about oprah winfrey show to talking about minecraft 23:33:09 no 23:33:12 now 23:33:12 Wait you guys get paid? 23:33:16 okay 23:33:22 does al gore play minecraft in that episode of oprah, anonymous 23:33:23 i get paid 23:33:24 > oprah winfrey show 23:33:29 this is VERY important 23:33:30 you dont get paid to hang out on irc all day? 23:33:31 anonymous: first you'll need to register a nickname on hackint. /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER 23:33:43 anonymous: are you in love with oprah 23:33:44 wtf is going on here 23:33:45 anonymous: once you've done all that, type /msg hostserv take hackint/user/$account exactly. 23:33:53 bruh 23:34:01 that sounds like it will hack me 23:34:04 Wayward: you know his password is going to be hunter2 23:34:05 i ain't your bruh 23:34:05 dollar account? 23:34:12 the server is just called hackint 23:34:14 dollar is a hack character 23:34:14 its a variable 23:34:15 what, you'll steal my dollars account? 23:34:16 don't use it 23:34:20 my credit card information? 23:34:27 you're not old enough for one of those 23:34:28 the three lil digits on the back? 23:34:30 and naked pictures of your mom 23:34:30 got got his ip 23:34:36 checkin' all the shit in his comp 23:34:37 american hackers use $ 23:34:42 i got this dudes credit card info and shit 23:34:43 lul 23:34:54 I do everything for the lulz 23:35:18 but honestly, I liked the internet better when I lurked 100% 23:35:28 the internet liked it better that way too 23:35:30 I like 99% 23:35:35 Then I appear for the memez 23:35:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP1SsfnSFDs 23:35:40 pseudo-unlogged messaging is still messaging 23:35:51 OH 23:35:53 that reminds me 23:36:00 I found a really nice sounding jingle on youtube 23:36:11 carrot for a cock? 23:36:17 while looking for a touhou parody 23:36:32 I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCOQNw8334Q 23:36:41 it's so aurally pleasing 23:36:47 uh 23:36:51 where is content ID when you need it? 23:37:09 at the content id store 23:37:11 Why can't American media have intros as good as this? 23:37:24 I don't know if it's South African or Indian, but it still sounds great 23:37:32 excuse my autistic tangent 23:37:36 what were we talking about? 23:37:44 A frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex. 23:37:47 I just really like that video for some reason 23:37:53 no, that's conservative man 23:38:02 .... 23:38:06 my eyes hurt 23:38:11 i am confused now 23:38:30 That reminds me 23:38:56 Wayward: looooooooool 23:39:05 thats where brown frosting comes from 23:39:08 gay is never funny 23:39:09 is anonymous looking for friends 23:39:14 gay is always funny 23:39:16 no 23:39:20 Wayward lockdown been frustrating you? 😂 23:39:22 i'm gay and funny 23:39:29 allie_signet: hi gay and funny 23:39:30 i'm nyany 23:39:34 https://youtu.be/65nKr2DGZF4?t=640 23:39:37 hi nyany and gay and funny, im scsi 23:39:37 that rhymes and i hate it 23:39:41 this story is so interesting to me 23:39:46 Bad nyany, I wanted to make the dad jokes 23:39:52 it boggles me 23:40:20 the 1986 dan rather incident 23:40:26 wait waht 23:40:31 the video 23:40:44 anonymous: do your parents know you're on the internet talking with strangers? 23:40:46 watch from 10:40 onwards until the next song 23:40:54 do your parents know? 23:40:59 yes 23:41:01 mine do 23:41:03 cuz im also 42 23:41:08 you're prob 15 23:41:21 I am older than moot was when he founded 4chan 23:41:21 of course your parents also let you know 4chan and ED 23:41:30 anonymous: what year was that 23:41:33 and don't look it up 23:41:33 s/know/be on/ 23:41:38 2003 23:41:40 obviously 23:41:41 so im calling CPS 23:41:44 early october 23:41:53 CPS? 23:42:01 man 23:42:04 you're edgy as shit 23:42:04 lol i was out of college by 03 23:42:05 fuck 23:42:27 Kaz__ Am I edgy? 23:42:33 whelp folks, im old 23:42:34 i hate that you know when 4chan was founded, yknow 23:42:38 terrible knowledge to have 23:42:46 ideally i'd like to not know it even existed 23:42:47 4chan came from 2chan 23:42:50 came from 2channel 23:42:53 came from amezou 23:42:57 came from ayashii's world 23:43:05 *horrible* 23:43:08 yeah 23:43:11 hiro founded 2channel, owns 4chan own 23:43:13 *now 23:43:14 your parents really failed you 23:43:15 im sorry 23:43:17 why 23:43:44 because you know way too much about a website that is really the septic tank of the internet 23:43:55 no one should know things about 4chan 23:43:59 the fact you dont use a VPN or tor to go on 4chan 23:44:03 is like raw-dogging hookers 23:44:06 that's banned 23:44:09 for posting anyway 23:44:17 yeah 23:44:19 but you can't have adblockers with those 23:44:21 can't break the rules on 23:44:24 *looks at notes* 23:44:26 4chan? 23:44:28 a site with no rules 23:44:30 you can have adblockers with a vpn 23:44:32 it has 17 rules 23:44:44 i hate this, anonymous 23:44:48 why do you know this much 23:44:48 me too 23:44:51 wait 23:44:53 this is our future folks 23:44:53 why did you do this to yourself 23:44:57 because 23:44:59 we're saving history, for ppl like him 23:45:01 I wanted to stop being new 23:45:06 I decided to learn the internet 23:45:10 4chan is the worst place to do that 23:45:10 on 4chan 23:45:11 oh lord 23:45:17 I guess I should have started with somethingawful 23:45:22 on ED 23:45:23 nah 23:45:24 it's like getting into games journalism through gamergate 23:45:25 ytmnd 23:45:30 do you have stairs in your house? 23:45:33 or into real estate through groverhaus 23:45:33 why 23:45:54 d-do i have to explain why 4chan is horrible? 23:46:00 I know why 23:46:03 but it's important 23:46:07 oh do tell 23:46:11 why is it important 23:46:14 I haven't watched the birth of a nation 23:46:15 i don't think 4chan is horrible 23:46:17 but it's probably like that 23:46:23 nooo 23:46:25 important despite everything about its contents 23:46:36 my favourite 4chan board is /f/ 23:46:44 it's rather lovely at times 23:46:46 wtf is /f/ 23:46:53 i havent been on 4chan in 15 years 23:46:54 flash 23:46:56 just because a birth of a nation is historically important does not mean i make a fanclub of it 23:46:57 only really /tg/ 23:46:59 adobe flash animations/games 23:47:06 the only fun board 23:47:10 or immerse myself in it 23:47:11 you know people can hack your pc with those right? 23:47:15 so you hang out on /f/ but you don't know if you have stairs in your house? 23:47:19 (obligatory RIP flash) 23:47:21 that'd be a change of pace 23:47:29 nobody does 23:47:34 flash is completely safe 23:47:38 probably 23:47:40 no 23:47:45 are you an adobe spokesman 23:47:48 I still play dicewars.swf daily 23:47:49 the worst I ever had was an attempt to print 500 black documents 23:47:55 >are you an adobe spokesman 23:47:55 oh, whew, guys flash is safe 23:47:58 Please tell me this channel is being archived, I wanna re-read this evening whenever I'm needing a laugh 23:47:58 adobe hates flash 23:48:01 they admit it's dangerous 23:48:02 oh it is 23:48:08 actually its not 23:48:11 AK you should know that 23:48:15 the archive team channel is not being archived 23:48:19 i mean i archived some shit for flashpoint i do know how much adobe hates us that's the joke 23:48:20 cuz irony 23:48:33 I didn't download flashpoint 23:48:36 SCSi: yeah we have no surveillance here 23:48:41 because it could contain loli 23:48:45 which is illegal in my nation 23:48:56 then download infinity 23:48:59 you do use 4chan 23:49:18 the /l/ board has been dead for 17 years 23:49:24 mate 23:49:30 16? 23:49:30 if a site has a loli board in the first place 23:49:33 probably ain't a good sign 23:49:37 under a different owner 23:49:57 !ao #archiveteam-ot 23:49:57 that wasn't the first place though 23:50:01 AK its archiving now 23:50:03 probably like the ninth 23:50:04 archivebot is working it 23:50:12 the flash swf files from 4chan contain loli porn in .rar files stitched to the end of the .swf files. 23:50:14 wait maybe 23:50:19 Lmao, Thanks Eggplant 23:50:24 I doubt it 23:50:27 !ao #archiveteam-ot --igset shit-conversation 23:50:28 JAA 23:50:34 can you confirm i did that right 23:50:36 anyway 23:50:39 based on a lot 23:50:46 I consider myself a great accidental troll 23:50:56 I just say whatever and end up trolling somehow 23:51:10 this was noticed earlier by probably SCSi or someone 23:51:14 !ao #archiveteam-ot --igset shit-conversation --explain 'anonymous' 23:51:39 !ao #archiveteam-ot --igset 23:51:46 yeah we still don't know if you're incredibly naive and misled by being on the worst websites or an incredibly good troll 23:51:52 it's both 23:52:03 either way it's not like i have anything to do besides watching WARC files grow so 23:52:11 WARC? 23:52:23 archive team containers 23:52:32 Web ARChive format 23:52:34 why are IRC users so weird 23:52:39 obsessed with technology 23:52:40 (this is a personal project, not archiveteam) 23:52:44 whoa archiving 23:52:49 woo hoo 23:52:53 who cares 23:52:54 (maybe i should make a grab script for it but /shrug) 23:52:56 me 23:53:01 i'm a literal archivist it's my job 23:53:03 I only care about that al gore appearance 23:53:16 then show me al gore on oprah in the 2000s saying cereal 23:53:33 lol 23:53:36 im giving him the benefit of the doubt 23:53:37 i work in old newspapers the oprah department is down the hallway to the left 23:53:56 SCSi don't 23:54:02 I refuse your benefit of the doubt 23:54:03 and i was scrolled up when i typed that 23:54:04 god dammit 23:54:07 give me pure honesty 23:54:10 always 23:55:00 wat 23:55:03 i think you're 11 yo 23:55:03 unfunny 23:55:06 (maybe i should make a grab script for it but /shrug) // it's currently a weird headless chromium script, so 23:55:10 I'm not 11 23:55:26 digibro once said you become self-aware at age 14 23:55:28 i like it how you bitch about logging your miiverse or whatever 23:55:32 thinking back, he was right 23:55:35 somehow 23:55:36 and here you are 23:55:41 intentionally making us archive this 23:55:45 on some random irc 23:55:45 cuz its fucking hilarious 23:55:49 to whom 23:55:53 to everyone here 23:55:53 a bunch of techies? 23:55:58 I don't care 23:56:02 my age underflowed and now i'm unself aware 23:56:02 you're nobody 23:56:03 you cared earlier 23:56:07 awww 23:56:09 thats mean 23:56:09 you're right 23:56:11 we're nobody folks 23:56:13 I have severe anxiety 23:56:14 sadface 23:56:18 oh same hat 23:56:18 but I can't let it show 23:56:20 right? 23:56:27 oh wait, we're self help now? 23:56:31 osdd-1b, anxiety, depression and adhd let's goo 23:56:40 ooooooo anxiety and crushing depression 23:56:45 I've had two near anxiety attacks already 23:56:47 we're all jacked up 23:56:48 I don't have dpression 23:56:50 *e 23:56:54 only anxiety 23:56:58 look my guy 23:57:00 you know whats great for anxiety? 23:57:02 if this is being bad for you 23:57:07 benzodiapines? 23:57:08 leave 23:57:11 that's what i do 23:57:12 okay 23:57:22 don't force yourself if something is being bad for you 23:57:24 o-oh 23:57:34 RIP 23:57:42 no 23:57:52 omg he dmed me 23:57:57 lol 23:57:57 getting into a gunfight at work 23:57:59 thats great 23:58:01 for anxiety 23:58:07 20:57:39 anonymous | I left, hope you're happy 23:58:12 and a bunch of armed robberies 23:58:15 oh jesus christ 23:58:15 I sure am 23:58:29 lol 23:58:30 RIP 23:58:36 i have all these guns and no gunfights :( 23:58:43 o rly 23:58:48 well 23:58:50 its not fun 23:58:51 folks 23:58:52 i'll tell you that 23:58:53 folks holy shit 23:58:56 oh fuck 23:58:58 what now 23:59:01 20:58:36 anonymous | what is 23:59:08 lol 23:59:09 lol 23:59:11 loooool 23:59:23 in-fucking-credible 23:59:46 23:59:58 *totally not my ip*