02:18:46 Someone just randomly told me they have Microsoft Windows 95 Upgrade floppy disks. As far as I can tell, they aren't on IA either. (I only found the German version and some beta.) Neat. 02:26:26 JAA: like 02:26:35 upgrade TO 95? 02:30:45 nyany: Honestly not sure. There was a way to upgrade 3.1 to 95 with floppies, so it might be that. 02:32:20 There are a bunch of CD versions of it on IA in various languages. 02:35:36 It says 'For distribution only with a new PC' on the labels though. 16:29:14 also its friday 16:29:17 wheres anonymous 17:30:35 Oh god not again 17:30:44 I think I would cry 17:31:52 /SANICK AK anonymous 17:40:51 I thought he wasn't supposed to forget 20:43:28 anyone following what's going on with freenode? 20:49:58 no. what's up? 20:54:05 whew boy 20:54:11 they lost control of their domain names 20:54:40 it's an over simplified but that's basically where they are right now 20:55:01 yikes 20:55:41 and the person who now owns them is demanding/insisting to be in charge of the network; so there has been back and forth between the two in #freenode on freenode 20:58:08 well, that sounds like freenode the entire time since lilo died 20:58:11 what's changed? 20:59:03 it's a company that owns the domain now 20:59:04 besides people with passwords personally enriching themselves by selling stake to PIO 20:59:29 is it PIO holding freenode hostage now? 20:59:35 you mean PIA? 20:59:41 yeah PIA 20:59:49 it's someone else 21:00:03 oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol 21:00:07 something called "freenode limited" 21:00:49 i stopped using freenode when it became woke culture, post-meritocracy movement, elect joe biden, george soros funded. 21:01:08 lolwat 21:08:21 the whois database hasn't been updated 9 months, and says Freenode Limited