17:19:38 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FH4YHM8EIVEJ:https://www.moddb.com/mods/gta-liberty-city/downloads/beta-30+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-d 17:19:58 google cache still has the download cdn links like https://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/179726 17:20:07 and the moddb cdn still serves the files 17:27:48 would it make sense to sequentially ask moddb for all files? 17:28:15 https://github.com/citizenfx/fivem is in imminent danger of dmca takedown, see https://twitter.com/ElFodder/status/1417171286992826368 17:29:31 apparently take-two interactive/2k games is interested in shooting the gta community in the head, all modders and particularly the rp community that depends on fivem, because they're complete nincompoops 17:29:55 don't they realize that more than half the streaming of gta on twitch is gta5 RP? they're completely insane 17:32:02 ... the response tweet to https://twitter.com/ElFodder/status/1417171286992826368 seems to imply fivem had a credential compromise and is now back up? 17:32:40 but that doesn't change the fact that take2 is taking down tons of mods 17:35:27 this latest wave of legal notices from taketwo is very very disturbing 17:54:41 take-two has a history of this kind of behaviour 17:55:47 but also, tons of projects get fraudulent DMCAs 17:56:03 i had to deal with a fraudulent DMCA on a minecraft modding project once; thankfully mojang had our back 17:56:22 well, okay, they didn't exactly "have our back" as much as "they were impersonated in a legal document" 17:56:24 but yeah 20:22:13 Lord_Nightmare: I'm grabbing all the https://github.com/citizenfx repos now. (Just the actual repo, no issues etc.) 20:39:24 ... I might regret that. https://github.com/citizenfx/chromium 20:41:46 rip 20:43:54 Now git is indexing the pack even though it will just get thrown into a bundle anyway. :-| 20:45:27 * Doranwen is wishing she *did* know Python now, as she's trying to figure out how to use pyautogui, lol 20:47:11 like, I think I understand the comands I need - with one exception - but I have no idea how to set it up *sighs at self* 20:47:20 really should've looked into this stuff earlier in my life 20:48:44 * JAA switches to his cliché advice voice: The best time to learn that was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now. 20:48:47 :-) 20:49:14 lol yes 20:49:27 wouldn't the second best time actually have been 19.9 years ago 20:49:36 LOL 20:49:46 Heh 20:50:45 I've tried searches to figure things out but I'm getting nowhere - the learning curve is a wee bit steep, and there's only so far I can make myself go on a random course (without a proper teacher and assignments) before I have to see the direct relevance to the puzzle I'm trying to solve 20:51:41 * Doranwen is not quite desperate enough to sign up for a real course with a teacher and assignments 20:52:11 buy the book https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ 20:52:18 I've asked a friend on Discord who knows some Python, so we'll see what she suggests 20:52:22 it's great for self learning if you are interested 20:52:29 motivating style and projects 20:54:47 I'm not very good at "let's learn this thing" and just working on whatever the course says 20:54:59 I tend to be very much "I need to solve this problem" "let me learn about the thing I need to solve this problem" 20:55:12 and slowly building my picture of things from there 20:55:18 of course, that only works with some things, lol 20:55:23 at some point you need to realise that you will need to learn some fundamental basics 20:55:39 or you will just write shit code and waste your time on things that dont work 20:55:46 right, but I don't tend to remember those basics until I can tie them to something in my head 20:55:49 that's the problem 20:55:57 treat it like a novel 20:56:03 physical copy 20:56:10 read it when pooping 20:56:14 LOL 20:57:26 Doranwen: if you have an idea for what to work on, just start working on it 20:57:32 search around a lot 20:57:44 yeah, I'm in the "my searching isn't turning up anything I can understand" stage 20:59:01 what are you searching for? 20:59:05 I will keep trying, but I feel like I'm missing the piece in between to make sense of it 20:59:30 two things, but one I don't think I can really search for - their examples all have >>> in front of them, and I'm not sure why that is 20:59:41 the other thing is how to set up a repeat for a specific number of times 20:59:52 >>> is usually example code 20:59:56 ahhhh, ok 21:00:07 a 'repeat' is a loop 21:00:13 so loop for n times 21:00:29 i'd search "python loop n times" or similar 21:00:31 should show sometimes 21:00:32 I thought it was, I just wasn't understanding the results I got 21:00:38 ok, will give that a try, thanks 21:00:39 in this case it is 21:00:47 for i in range(n): 21:00:49 do something 21:01:00 (">>>" is the prompt in the python repl) 21:01:04 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop) 21:01:27 'python repl' maybe outside what Doranwen knows at the moment though 21:01:36 lol yes, it is outside that 21:02:01 the actual keystroke commands, the pyautogui manual was quite clear about, actually 21:02:10 and I'm pretty sure I've got the right sequence set up for what I need 21:02:17 if you are just getting started with python 21:02:26 i'd not try to use anything like pyautogui 21:02:43 :( 21:02:48 just do command line, when you're really comfortable with that, you can start using that "autothis" "autothat" stuff 21:02:51 that's the reason I *want* to do it 21:02:55 make sure you know the background first 21:03:28 well in that you're not really trying to learn python, but more just how to create a GUI, and python is necessary evil for that 21:03:36 (not only python, but yeah) 21:04:27 as far as I can tell pyautogui doesn't actually create a gui of any kind 21:04:41 it's basically setting up macros with the option to do visual stuff 21:04:43 ah 21:04:49 what I need it for are only keystrokes, though 21:04:51 yeah i was basing what i said on the name 21:05:05 very simple, doesn't even need to do any x or y coordinates 21:05:09 well yeah seems to have clear examples 21:06:59 yeah, they were clear enough that I feel like I really do know how to set up all the commands I need, except for getting it to loop around the right number of times 21:07:15 which is where I'm reading a search result :) 21:07:37 ('pyautogui' would have been an appropriate name for https://github.com/chriskiehl/Gooey) 21:08:51 Doranwen: good :) 21:11:56 Doranwen: Are these separate from regular loops? Or you just want to know how to do loops in Python? 21:13:06 well, I'm reading about how to do loops? 21:13:12 because that'll teach me how to do this? 21:13:17 and I'll remember it because I have this purpose for it 21:13:56 * Doranwen is mostly understanding what she's read, but is going to look at a few more pages in hopes they'll clear up the confusing parts she doesn't understand 21:18:13 https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#for-statements 21:20:56 thanks 21:36:16 * Doranwen found some helpful pages and is beginning to understand and solve each puzzle she's coming across 21:37:50 Does that mean we can call you “Dora The Explorer” :P 21:45:11 * Doranwen winces 21:45:38 I might not have chosen my nick if I'd known that would come along 21:46:03 * Doranwen is *Doran*, not Dora, but soooooo many people have missed the N over the years 21:46:10 oh well, lol 21:58:42 nothing like a good puzzle to solve to motivate me to learn something, lol 22:10:37 at this point I've got it working except that the pause function doesn't work some of the time :P 22:10:46 and I'm not quite sure why 22:13:06 it doesn't like it when it's called *before* stuff, so I just added in a tiny move of the mouse and told it to take some time doing so, lol 22:13:09 and that fixed it 22:15:47 Wow, the git pack indexing finally finished just now. 22:15:51 1.5 hours... lol 22:20:23 And now it's running `git pack-objects` even though everything is already in a single pack... *facepalm* 22:23:09 lol 22:23:23 thank you all for your help - I have got my script working and doing what I want it to do and it is beautiful 22:23:28 * Doranwen also learned quite a few functions along the way