02:54:22 I think octopi are pretty intelligent, and cool looking! :-) 08:27:35 Test 08:27:55 Hah, okay. Well, Firefox is frozen on me but I can still type here. o_O 08:28:14 "A breakpoint has been reached." :-/ 08:28:25 I'm too afraid to click the OK button. 08:28:51 No feedback from the browser while typing into it, heh. 08:39:22 Uh, well I found out I can refresh the window by dragging it off screen, then back on. o_O 08:39:34 Must everything I run be so broken? 08:40:06 I blame the non-ECC RAM I'm stuck with, but there's probably more to it than that. 08:40:23 Yeah, pressed OK, it was a death sentence. 08:40:33 Session should restore. 08:40:56 Whew, heheh.