19:02:59 This new internet is so much better omg 19:03:39 I've left the computer on for more than a week without touching it. On my previous internet I'd have to restart hexchat because it'd stall on a netsplit or something 19:03:58 No issues this time, everything's still connected :D 20:30:21 TIL the UK apparently has an explicit law that establishes perpetual copyright on Peter Pan: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/copyright-notice-duration-of-copyright-term/copyright-notice-duration-of-copyright-term#perpetual-copyright 20:36:54 while that's absurd I would actually prefer it to the "extend copyright to ridiculous extents to appease one company" approach 20:37:14 extend all copyrights* 20:43:59 Yeah, agreed.