00:32:18 anyone know of a mastodon instance related to FOSS that accepts bots? fossjobs.net had an account posting the RSS to fosstodon, but thats apparently not allowed 02:30:30 there's always botsin.space 18:42:46 Oh joy, of all the days for the Mint forums to be down, it's when I'm trying to find help for why I suddenly can't send any emails. (And neither of the two threads I want to look at are in the WBM.) 18:43:21 It's giving me a "sending of the message failed / error writing temporary file" error and all the other search results are like a decade old and for Windows systems. 18:50:16 Have you checked Google's cache? The search results I'm getting are there. 18:50:34 Aka prepend 'https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:' to your URL 18:52:36 Oh, it's the usual - my root folder's too full. 18:52:46 I didn't plan it very well when I set this up ages and ages ago. 18:52:48 *partition 18:53:07 * Doranwen ran through the set of quick "free up space" commands she has and freed up a few hundred mb which let it work. 18:53:37 I could tell right away as soon as I opened up a terminal window - it complained about not being able to set stuff, and I was getting errors elsewhere about issues with privileges. 18:54:02 I think I need to figure out how to partition something to take some of the space off of / 18:54:28 Ah yes, that'd do it. 18:54:42 Reminds me that I need to resize my laptop's rootfs sometime. 18:56:09 I like to just wait for linux to inform me shits full and nothing works. 18:57:41 reminds me of that OOS that crashed all my grab-sites 18:57:43 xP 18:57:47 'whoops hello' 19:01:22 * Doranwen goes to see how she has the partitions set up again 19:03:11 Yeah, swap, root, and home. Swap's nearly full, home's the one with the free space - but I've never tried resizing a partition with data on it before. 19:04:07 And I don't think I can do it without rewriting everything - because I can't make free space at the *beginning* of the partition, only the end. 19:04:56 If it fails to write temporary files... split out /tmp into its own partition (or use a tmpfs if you have the RAM). 19:05:39 Or as a quick-and-dirty fix, you could try to set the TMPDIR env variable for Thunderbird. Not entirely sure whether it respects that, but it really should. 19:09:29 One page I came across suggested creating a /tmp file, rather than a separate partition. I was like, what?? 19:09:59 A /tmp partition of its own ought to be doable. 19:10:11 Yeah, that's another hacky option. 19:10:26 File on another partition, then bind-mount it to /tmp. 19:10:54 Well, that would certainly be easier than creating a new partition. Question is, are there tradeoffs? 19:11:16 Partition changes are just always a pain if you're already using the full disk. I'm using LVM and haven't allocated the entire disk, so I can always grow or create extra partitions as needed. 19:12:21 It's possible to shrink partitions, but make sure you have a good backup before you try it. :-) 19:14:22 s/bind/loop/ above, bind-mounting is replicating a directory instead. 19:15:48 * Doranwen files the info away 19:15:51 Loop-mounting has some overhead since you're effectively stacking file systems. I'd say it isn't ideal for /tmp. But it would work and solve your immediate problems. 19:16:33 Well, I cleared old logs and got rid of 200 mb and that got me out of the errors. 19:16:41 But this is likely to reoccur. 19:17:44 i was running DiscordChatExporter in 'fancy' mode with the progress bars etc and it almost filled up / on my primary friend-colo server 19:17:56 just 20GB of logs of it redrawing the bar graphs i assume 19:18:56 I supposedly had 1.5 gb free but it didn't like that for some reason. 19:19:52 I remember when I had 5 gb free - it keeps shrinking, and I can't figure out what's taking up the extra space. All the programs I've checked and rechecked, uninstalled anything I don't need, etc. 19:20:55 Anyway, I think I'll try the /tmp file method later - I've got to run in a few minutes, but that sounds promising. Thanks for the info! 22:11:31 I was just thinking about the whole reddit api debacle. Some people had mentioned ideas in some threads about federated reddit alternatives and I had some theorycrafting in the shower. 22:11:55 I was thinking "what if we had individual "subreddit" servers and much users had home servers kinda like how mastodon does it" 22:12:15 Then your home server could provide you a view into the subreddits they peered with 22:12:36 The home server provides the identity 22:12:45 The subreddit servers provide the community and posts and such 22:12:58 This way moderators of a subreddit could still, you know, moderate 22:13:08 And users could be free to access using whatever tools they liked 22:13:16 And then I realised: we had this years ago 22:13:26 It was forum software with the original openid 22:13:37 Your openid provider provided the common identity 22:13:52 And each forum was hosted by/for the community that lived on it 22:14:20 The only really new thing in this idea is a single unified interface that allows you to view many independently hosted forums 22:14:28 And even then that's not really true 22:14:38 It's really just a unified api for accessing data from these forums 22:23:47 Tapatalk? 22:24:53 They're trying to establish a walled garden for an open ecosystem, but still, it's something like that. You can self-host your forum, and people can access it with the Tapatalk app in a unified interface. 22:27:16 Only problem tapatalk fucking sucks 22:28:52 That's what I've heard. Never actually tried it since I have no interest in closed-source software. 22:29:45 I did use the API before to archive some forums though, and it's pretty nice to get the data in a consistent format across different forum softwares. 23:10:09 What about lemmy? I've seen lots posted about it but not had a chance to look into it at all.