00:33:44 https://arstechnica.com/security/2023/11/hackers-can-steal-ssh-cryptographic-keys-in-new-cutting-edge-attack/ 00:44:26 Google is starting to delete all the old legacy account blogs. 00:44:31 I just received an email from them. 00:44:59 "Hi Superkuh, This email address has a legacy Blogger account associated with it that hasn't logged in since 2007. In 60 days it will lose access to the account and associated content; the data will be permanently deleted unless migrated to the Google Account system at Legacy migration page. 00:45:00 The associated blogs that will be deleted are: ..." 00:45:15 I know the account email and password but since it's not a google account google won't let me log in to stop it. 00:45:21 :\ 00:45:42 Bit of a catch22. 00:47:09 Seems like this is a well known problem and they're just cool with it. 00:47:13 Maybe even intentional. 00:57:50 superkuh: This is the off-topic channel. #frogger for the upcoming Blogger project. I hadn't heard about this yet, but it's not exactly surprising. 00:58:19 Yeah, I have nothing actionable to go on besides that. I was just kind of complaining about my personal situation. Thus, off-topic. 01:08:55 It's on-topic for the project though. I suppose we'll grab ancient blogs that haven't been active since anyway, but yeah. 02:46:41 New attack on AMD's trusted computing thing (Secure Encrypted Virtualisation): https://cachewarpattack.com/ 03:00:06 oh lord 03:17:01 'The Linux kernel has been accidentally hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores for the past 15 years and nobody noticed' https://thehftguy.com/2023/11/14/the-linux-kernel-has-been-accidentally-hardcoded-to-a-maximum-of-8-cores-for-nearly-20-years/ 03:32:06 r meanwhile in Universe A, eggdrop A "heads" "towards" the Sun 03:32:08 A. 03:35:18 i what 03:47:26 JAA: that article is incredibly misleading 03:47:45 was about to say something very similar 03:49:15 Like yes, maybe it *is* an issue for performance - I am nowhere near knowledgeable enough to figure that out. But it's not capped to 8 cores. 03:50:31 Yeah 03:51:08 The scaling factor is lower than it probably should be for large machines, and that's about it. 04:34:34 Deleting 4.8 million symlinks is *fun*. 04:58:13 ahh, JAA’s symlinks 04:58:17 it’s a good campfire story 04:59:42 :-) 05:00:02 :) 06:27:06 i can't swallow that! 06:27:31 Not with that attitude. 07:35:04 I have expandable nostrils 07:55:04 ANKLE BECOMES MOUTH 07:55:41 you've used dig, yes, but have you used dog? https://github.com/ogham/dog/ 08:06:11 Neat 09:11:06 We're having some nice weather at the anus 09:34:41 good good 13:29:14 Does anyone recognize this file format? It's used by software used on boards at my school. https://pico.magmaus3.eu.org/-WLocriktJ4/test.enb 13:29:59 file says it is a zip 13:30:33 i know 13:36:27 hmm, web searches say evernote 17:24:08 🤔 if you could bring any public site/service back from the grave of shredded files and archive it, what would you archive? 17:53:36 [link removed] 17:55:39 katia: kinky 19:14:38 -+rss- We don't do DST at this company: https://blog.backslasher.net/no-dst.html https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38275841 19:33:07 One Time Zone to rule them all, One Time Zone to find them, One Time Zone to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. 19:36:50 :3 19:50:59 "Two D.C. firefighters are accused of putting an emergency call on hold so they could pick up a bite to eat at Chick-fil-A." https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/2-dc-firefighters-under-internal-investigation/3318420/ 19:51:02 lol 22:30:38 ugh, i spent an hour trying to figure out why ffmpeg thought this ttml file was "invalid data" before realizing that ffmpeg supports reading ttml but not writing it :| 22:35:03 er, s/reading ttml but not writing it/writing ttml but not reading it/ 22:49:03 https://twitter.com/vxunderground/status/1724910414255825050 22:49:03 nitter: https://nitter.net/vxunderground/status/1724910414255825050 22:49:07 i ... uh... huh. 22:49:30 Hi. I want to archive a few hundred historical documents from the local library (books, newspapers...). The problem is that they can't be archived using Wayback Machine because each image is loaded using javascript and the links to those images aren't loaded in a way that IA can capture them. The names of the images are available in the source code of the each book (for example: https://www.old.dlib.me/sken_prikaz_1_f.php?id_jedinice=1034) and 22:49:31 will show that the images are loaded from lista_skenova section and that they exist in skenovi/nj-gorski-vijenac-engleski folder under the base url. Folder name is different for each document. Did anyone else encounter this type of library preview because I think I've seen it before. I would also like to convert all of those books to pdf and upload them to IA separately. I've began downloading this manually using some basic scripts and wget, but 22:49:31 there is about 1500 pages of this and it would be too labor intensive to continue like that. 22:50:16 Peroniko: → -bs 22:50:40 fireonlive: lol, I love it. 22:50:49 yeah! 22:54:15 https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb/ffmpeg.git/blob/80f6e0378beae69d31f24b036a1365405dea61d1:/libavformat/format.c ugh, i was thinking about submitting a patch to emit a more helpful error message, but ffmpeg leaves format detection up to the demuxers (which makes sense, really) and i'm guessing that putting in a stub would create more problems than it solves :I 22:56:27 idk, could still log something more specific at l330... 23:34:29 $ curl -s https://www.adobe.com/ 23:34:29 OK Bot. 23:38:33 ..huh