00:25:07 does somebody know how to archive this? the regular save-page-now snapshot doesn't work: https://kth-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/longz_ug_kth_se/EesSEHqiHHtQabKFAAAx5PsB-5r8MVtnp5NECOtKN-YGsA?e=8s0kaj 00:25:17 https://web.archive.org/web/20231116002236/https://kth-my.sharepoint.com/personal/longz_ug_kth_se/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Flongz%5Fug%5Fkth%5Fse%2FDocuments%2Fbox%5Ffiles%2FKTH%20SR%20Meetup%2F2020%2D11%2D24%2013%2E06%2E13%20Localization%20of%20Unreproducible%20Builds%2F2020%2D11%2D24%2013%2E06%2E13%20Localization%20of%20Unreproducible%20Builds%20%2D%20Jifeng% 00:25:19 20Xuan%2Emp4&ga=1&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview 00:25:37 it's apparently going to be deleted in a few days 00:26:23 → -bs 04:14:15 https://twitter.com/CometMedal/status/1724984490555019356 04:14:16 nitter: https://nitter.net/CometMedal/status/1724984490555019356 06:43:51 https://nitter.net/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1725033086583263400#m < enjoy 06:43:56 nsfw 11:27:11 What are you doing, StepPilot? 15:35:50 :3 17:04:27 +rss- Running Signal Will Soon Cost $50 Million a Year: https://www.wired.com/story/signal-operating-costs/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38291490 17:06:45 oh uh 17:07:08 just 5100Mbps traffic averaged out. not that bad 17:38:55 the comments bikeshedding/analyzing their spend are somewhat interesting 17:40:30 one of my favourite HN comments, though (the top one here): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8863 17:43:35 lolol 18:28:57 :D 18:29:08 oh, new google easter egg dropped: google "suite life" 18:29:20 and bask in the -esque goodness 18:56:35 https://twitter.com/vxunderground/status/1724798697001910416 18:56:35 nitter: https://nitter.net/vxunderground/status/1724798697001910416 18:56:37 lmao 18:56:49 >Your OS WILL BSOD. 18:58:31 Nice 18:59:32 https://nitter.net/AarhusUniCyber/status/1724831712096514123 :-) 19:01:05 I wasn't aware you could buy their collection. 19:10:07 haha :D 19:10:14 and yeee, they just recently announced that 19:10:31 Ah nice 19:10:34 limited run though, out of stock on their site 19:10:41 or they're going to restock later? hm 19:10:49 i don't think they thought many people would buy it 19:11:06 https://nitter.net/vxunderground/status/1725147086432133588 19:11:32 ah, awesome =] 19:11:56 Oh I've done exactly that. And indeed it crashed the antivirus software. 19:12:31 which was a novell 3.12 NLM while unpacking a 500-virus pack onto our toy server at school. Good times, good times. 20:25:17 !ig 2uo0papuzppwho0rkizruzknq ^https?://opac\.imist\.ma/cgi-bin/koha/opac-reserve\.pl 20:26:30 blah 21:18:59 https://twitter.com/immasiddtweets/status/1725216930460811317 4 days 21:19:00 nitter: https://nitter.net/immasiddtweets/status/1725216930460811317 21:29:33 shame https://www.404media.co/users-cant-speak-to-viral-ai-girlfriend-carynai-because-ceo-is-in-jail/ 21:55:30 a-apple? 21:55:32 are you feeling ok? 21:57:07 sit down, this is nonsense 21:57:16 I'm more worried about sid's nuts. 21:57:34 i wonder what they'd taste like 21:57:48 fuck he never said he would- 21:57:50 ;lpsdfkvmdospfmvo[idasfjio[padsfjgoi[aerdjigo[raejio 21:57:58 god damn it 21:58:36 i blame that on the popular expression 'eat my hat' and skim reading 23:05:56 Too bad bash.org is gone 23:06:30 phew 23:10:24 I guess there's always Archiveteam:IRC/Quotes :) 23:11:21 someone give me admin on the wiki 23:11:23 :P 23:11:32 =] 23:14:23 https://old.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/17wu2gz/google_confirms_they_will_disable_ublock_origin/ < manifest v2 to go away ~june 2024 in chrome 23:23:59 https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/17whkmi/546tb_ready_for_the_shredder/ 23:24:04 into the shredder, jesus wept 23:35:03 wait what bash.org is gone 23:35:15 and here i thought this was the apocalypse 23:35:28 Yeah, it vanished in July. 23:35:31 wtf 23:35:38 hey what's people's trick to stay on old.reddit.com all the time? 23:35:51 I use Redirector. 23:35:56 i keep getting infinite redirect failures on www.reddit.com, probably some adblock or tracking thing i'm failing at 23:36:04 but i don't use reddit often enough to figure it out 23:36:12 redirector uh 23:36:39 ^https?://(?:(?:www|np|new)\.)?reddit\.com/(.*)$ → https://old.reddit.com/$1 excluding ^https?://(?:(?:www|np|new)\.)?reddit\.com/r/[^/?]+/s/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ 23:36:51 Doesn't handle their anti-hotlinking bullshit on i.redd.it etc. though. 23:37:56 Oh yeah, and enable for Main Window and Other. 23:38:04 lol https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-reddit-redirect/ has more users than https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/redirector/ 23:38:15 thanks JAA 23:38:29 anarchat: some stupid loser on archive.org uploaded the quotes as text files though so that’s nice 23:38:32 I'm not surprised. 23:38:54 But Redirector is neat, and I also use it for Wikipedia (because the new design is horrible) and other things. 23:38:58 https://archive.org/details/bash.org.txt 23:39:36 I often wonder if I should give a quick look through and then sign my own add-ons to avoid the whole “bought by someone evil” problem 23:39:55 That does mean whenever there’s an update I’ll have to run a diff and then re-sign them though :/ 23:40:27 I looked into that at one point, but at least at the time, it wasn't easily possible to replace the keys. I think it required recompiling Firefox even. 23:41:04 damn. So you need to be blessed by Firefox I guess which would mean publishing in the store I think… 23:41:51 I’m not sure if Firefox has cracked down on side loading add-ons as well? 23:42:23 through some developer mode or whatever 23:43:00 I think so, but I haven't tried it in a long time. 23:43:12 i have so many firefox extensions, it's bonkers 23:43:16 And there might also be difference between Mozilla's and Debian's builds. 23:43:22 differences* 23:44:46 ah ok 23:45:25 I guess too much abuse or whatever 23:45:50 though that kind of sucks for the people that can manage their systems to some degree 23:48:06 fireonlive: why shred x_x 23:54:28 for those curious https://anarc.at/software/desktop/firefox/#extensions