00:12:30 “security” 00:17:53 anarchat: Re Multi-Account Containers, yeah, it is clickety sadly. You can avoid the long-press though; there's a separate button to directly select a container. You can see it in the screenshots on AMO, too. 00:19:30 it's the *second* time someone's work on Apple-hacking-adjacent stuff, with which I helped, gets them an Actual Job 00:20:23 I'll go be salty for a day or two and then get over it 00:20:36 JAA: i just gave up 00:21:16 Fair 00:24:28 https://x.com/snoopdogg/status/1725196796618817785?s=12 00:24:29 nitter: https://nitter.net/snoopdogg/status/1725196796618817785 00:24:30 what 00:51:33 What a wild day. Apple adopts RCS, Microsoft announces less ads in Windows (in the EU), Google announces the final final final (we double-swear this time) date for manifest v2 removal, fireonlive ponders the taste of someone's nuts, and Snoop gives up smoke. Am I missing anything? 00:52:14 Holy shit wtf is this day 00:55:19 One of those things isn't as wild as the rest, but yeah. 00:55:37 wonder which :P 00:55:57 RCS as in the version control system? 00:55:59 ;) 00:56:27 i what 00:57:23 next thing you know Apple will be allowing you to install Linux on their iPhones... 01:31:44 !a https://link.sdg9accelerator.org/ 01:31:56 of course I did 01:34:47 https://www.ft.com/content/647b4c4d-f4d5-46cd-bc26-8c943b6995e7 *shocked Pikachu* 02:51:10 https://data.nicolas17.xyz/installassistant-torrents/ macOS installers, if someone wants to do some data hoarding^W preservation 02:51:22 they have Apple's CDN URL as webseed, so if Apple still has the file, it should download fast, and if it doesn't... it will stall until some other data hoarder gets around to seeding it 02:53:04 going forward it may be good to put them on WBM, but that requires having a good solution for deduplication... 02:54:51 Hehe, webseeded from Apple's CDN, nice. 02:58:21 yeah, someone can get the torrent and download from Apple, and then seed to others once Apple kills the file 03:00:06 I like that the procedure is the same "load it in bittorrent client" whether you need the file or want to help preserve it or both, and whether the original host still has it or not 03:00:45 Yeah, torrents are neat. 03:05:45 >seed 03:05:58 😇 03:07:58 fireonlive: ok that's it we're taking you to the vet to have you fixed 03:08:10 UwU 03:08:23 nicolas17: Careful, he probably likes that. 03:09:09 I will note that is a fetish that people do indeed have 03:09:15 :| 03:09:22 though it’s kind of those “one way street” fetishes 03:09:23 If it exists, there's someone with a kink for it. 03:09:33 Sir, this is a family friendly establishment. 03:09:54 once you go nullo… 03:10:02 ah yes 03:11:38 😇😇😇 03:12:55 (I would refrain from googling that phrase) 03:13:06 (Certainly don’t put it in Google images) 03:14:52 Oh, beautiful. 03:15:00 brb searching it on my work computer 03:15:06 poor JAA 03:19:36 Meh 03:19:45 But you know that 'don't do that' doesn't work. 03:19:54 I wouldn't have searched it without that comment. :-P 03:19:59 :P 03:20:04 true true 03:26:15 ...other stuff's no-go? 03:52:05 :D 09:01:58 https://youtu.be/Ao5Kq0hJwzY substitute day with week and here’s me what about the rest of you 14:58:09 🤔 https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/11/secret-cryptomining-rig-found-hidden-in-the-floors-of-a-polish-court/ 15:16:54 crazy 17:15:17 https://lounge.crowpro.net/uploads/df197764a74ebfde/cybertruck-bike.jpg 17:23:06 Heh, I post on r/linuxmint asking for advice on how to setup a new build with an M.2 and HDD when the M.2 is smaller than the current drive in this system… and someone recommends this type of setup (with an updated tutorial link to this one): https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1609 17:23:28 * Doranwen fails to see how this is an improvement on a standard /home partition in a single-OS build 17:40:43 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/f55e44ac0dadf095/image.png 17:41:27 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/0f7e5518fb73b34c/electroboom-mehdi.gif 18:13:44 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/british-library-ongoing-outage-caused-by-ransomware-attack/ 18:14:33 https://half-life.com/en/halflife25/ 18:14:46 https://nitter.net/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1725577437554020715 18:14:48 are you ready? 18:15:32 A 25th anniversary update for HL1 has been released 18:16:25 And a new documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbZ3HzvFEto 18:18:42 if you don't have HL1 already it's also free to get to your steam account: https://store.steampowered.com/app/70/HalfLife/ 18:18:55 to add to* 18:42:11 hey fireonlive 18:42:26 reminder to stop being cheap and feed eggdrop more memory 18:43:31 thanks imer :D 18:57:49 memory++ 18:59:02 * imer pokes eggdrop 18:59:15 c'mon do something 19:00:35 I think it’s doing the very slow anti-flood join all channel thing 19:00:37 i hope 19:00:39 ,, 19:02:35 If it's that, you can probably make it quite a bit faster. I join 200 channels in 30 seconds on reconnecting. 19:05:21 hmm yeah it does seem quite conservative 19:05:37 i'd have to see if it exposes that in the source 19:05:41 s/source/config 19:05:55 ok: (no output) -0ms- 19:05:59 -eggdrop- [karma] 'memory' now has 1 karma! 19:06:10 ayy 19:06:18 that was... 19:06:39 like 10 mins 19:06:40 lol 19:07:27 ,, llength [channels] 19:07:28 ok: 41 -0ms- 19:07:31 for... 41 channels 19:09:08 it does send a bunch of who stuff to get account names and such but hm still... 19:09:31 15 even, joined at 18:50:34 and message at 19:05:55. 19:10:01 I think irssi joins the channels in batches of like 50 at once. lol 19:10:32 oof lol 19:10:37 what's going on poor eggdrop 19:10:51 I'm not entirely sure what irssi does exactly under the hood on joining though. It also requests some stuff. 19:11:09 h2ibot does a WHO query on every channel on joining, but it just limits itself to 1 message per second. 19:11:43 So there's one big `JOIN #foo,#bar,...` and then a series of `WHO` at that rate. 19:14:36 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/27c50ba0246c66ab/image.png 19:14:38 ah! 20:45:52 OpenAI announces leadership transition https://openai.com/blog/openai-announces-leadership-transition https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38309611 20:45:53 sama is out 20:47:17 saliagato 3 minutes ago | root | parent | next [–] We all know what. HN moderators are deleting all related comments. 20:47:18 o_O 20:47:23 now i'm curious 20:50:07 ah, https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely 21:59:06 https://twitter.com/ericschmidt/status/1725625144519909648 21:59:07 nitter: https://nitter.net/ericschmidt/status/1725625144519909648 22:01:58 i'm not worried about his employment 22:04:23 he might already have proposal from big companies :D 22:06:49 could probably retire and never work again 22:07:31 he can do that, or he can create a second startup, he has the world open to him 22:07:58 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38310831 22:08:01 * fireonlive 🤔 22:08:06 ye 22:19:38 looks like posting a link on a matrix-bridged channel means various matrix homeservers continuing to fetch that URL days later 22:30:58 Discord is shutting down their OpenAI-integrated bot. https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/17/23965185/discord-is-shutting-down-its-ai-chatbot-clyde 22:38:27 https://twitter.com/sama/status/1725631621511184771 22:38:27 nitter: https://nitter.net/sama/status/1725631621511184771 22:43:49 A few people on HN just posted they received noticed API access is moving to pre-paid billing 22:45:53 :| 22:47:09 Seems to smell like some sort of financial issue. 22:47:22 Welp time to cancel my sub 22:50:22 https://cosmosmagazine.com/nature/birds/wheee-bird-takes-1000km-spin-through-typhoon/ wheee 22:55:25 > Clyde will disappear by December 1st and it’s not clear why. 22:55:37 I wonder if it might have something to do with the massive costs of running it :^) 23:01:19 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38310213 webscale 23:01:22 "Not a good year for guys named Sam blank-man" 🤣 23:02:15 nulldata: "looks like AI did take some people's jobs" 23:02:20 good thing kojima didn't call him sam carryman 23:27:48 I continue to be deeply amused at how HN breaks every time there's a moderately popular story 23:28:12 ("single server" is not an excuse, there are many things that run on a single server dealing with considerably bigger loads) 23:28:24 (even on a single core) 23:59:16 https://www.axios.com/2023/11/17/microsoft-openai-sam-altman-ouster