08:09:02 https://twitter.com/mattturck/status/1726017399176999196 08:09:03 nitter: https://nitter.net/mattturck/status/1726017399176999196 08:10:19 https://twitter.com/sama/status/1726099792600903681 08:10:19 nitter: https://nitter.net/sama/status/1726099792600903681 08:27:22 https://twitter.com/alexeheath/status/1726055095341875545 08:27:22 nitter: https://nitter.net/alexeheath/status/1726055095341875545 08:29:25 The clown show continues 08:30:12 popcorn.gif 08:31:23 Gotta wonder, if Sam comes back what happens to Ilya Sutskever, who from what I've read, appears to be the brains behind the technology? 08:31:45 He's the one who led the ousting 08:32:07 presumably, out on his ass 08:39:24 So OpenAI gets their financial hype man back, but looses their top tech talent. I guess then either another company lures Ilya and team - or they start their own org. 08:41:11 Hey, we're basically getting that 6 months pause (at least) ElonX was wanting! 08:57:18 I wonder who wants Quora ceo guy on their boards now... 15:19:43 https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/11/18/nothing-kills-imessage-bridge-because-it-profoundly-violated-user-privacy-security 15:27:03 well, that didnt last long 16:14:22 The integration is now Nothing. 17:51:52 nukke: there's many ways to do this wrong 17:52:05 but I'm impressed at *how* wrong they did it 17:52:52 claiming end to end encryption, while actually just sending messages over HTTPS to their servers and connecting to iMessage from there? no, it's *worse*, plaintext HTTP! 18:24:48 I'm still seeing Matrix servers randomly fetching files I posted on IRC days ago >:( 18:30:16 just feel the warmth that you get when you know your files are causing someones postgressdb to swell and crash at some point 18:49:00 apparently all macOS InstallAssistant.pkg files known in appledb add up to 2.8TB 19:46:02 in which another typeface makes it to HN's front page again: -+rss- Victor Mono Typeface: https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38332635 19:46:11 they certainly have a font fetish there 19:47:46 "Victor Mono is an open-source monospaced font with optional semi-connected cursive italics and programming symbol ligatures." oh great, cursive 22:37:24 the mario wiki just had the 200th issue of its newsletter come out https://www.mariowiki.com/The_%27Shroom:Issue_200 22:39:16 fireonlive: They used to be foot fetishists, but then someone misread that due to a bad font. 22:39:38 Also, programming symbol ligatures are awful. 22:39:53 xP 22:39:57 yes i agree 22:40:27 show me the raw characters, please! 22:59:15 Yeah, or use a programming language that has fancy weird characters like APL if you want to use ≠ etc.