00:25:54 JAA: a year ago or so I started to see 'fi' ligatures in monospaced text on the web 00:26:02 I want to stab whoever made that happen 00:30:55 Yeah, shell scripts are wonderful with that. 00:31:10 actually they copy correctly 00:31:21 Of course, it's just rendering. 00:32:05 it's not an actual ligature character, it's just the browser rendering adjacent fi with a ligature glyph, which even makes 'final' and 'shell' have different visual length despite monospace 00:35:00 Yep 00:35:16 And 'if' and 'fi' (hence why I mentioned shell scripts). 00:35:19 D: 00:35:36 i've never understood that 00:36:48 TheTechRobo: in many fonts, especially serif ones, "fi" ligatures make the text look nicer 00:37:00 they never *ever* make sense in monospace 00:37:27 yeah, the whole point of monospace is to make everything the same width 00:37:36 why would you then make certain combinations of characters different 00:38:08 https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/14ZQDO/Screenshot_20231119_213749.png 00:39:33 did they put a carriage return in their filename? 00:40:13 seems so, but I chose to ignore the content and context of this, I was just looking for a code snippet with 'fi' :P 00:40:25 TheTechRobo: Pro trick to make someone's day very miserable: `touch $'a.jpg\rb.png\nc'` 00:40:49 JAA: You wouldn't. 00:41:02 I have, to test my scripts with such things. :-) 00:41:03 I once had a buffer overflow in a C program and I created a file with a bunch of funny control characters past the non-existent null terminator :( 00:41:07 it wasn't easy to delete :( 00:41:49 Oof 00:41:59 the name C is fairly accurate in my case because that's roughly what I'd grade my code 00:42:08 `printf '%q\n' *` is helpful in these cases. 00:42:20 nicolas17: does tab-complete not escape those? 00:42:36 Tab completion with special characters is ... interesting. 00:42:41 I just saw the 'fi' in that screenshot you sent and I am disgusted 00:42:48 SEE 00:42:52 that was the point of the screenshot :p 00:43:10 nicolas17: I was more focused on the content of the screenshot talking about an object with a carriage return in its filename for some reason :P 00:43:30 Regular `ls` can actually 'properly' escape filenames these days. Because too many people were breaking shit by copying stuff from ls output. 00:43:45 lmao 00:44:21 code, pre { font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures; } I need to add this to my user stylesheet or something 00:44:21 make a file called `HugeVirusDeleteMePls;sudo rm -rf /` 00:44:36 TheTechRobo: I once found a shell injection bug in a server-side git hook 00:45:09 Oh yes, good idea re user style. 00:45:37 and also found that ';echo${IFS}hello>/tmp/test.txt;# was a valid git branch name (whitespace seems to be the only disallowed thing?) 00:46:29 I'm more shocked that whitespace ISN'T allowed 00:50:08 also if you create a branch called foo, and delete it, and later create a branch called foo/bar, you could cause problems for yourself and for others :P 00:50:33 nicolas17: how so? 00:51:31 Alice creates branch 'foo', pushes it, Bob pulls, git creates file .git/refs/remotes/origin/foo 00:51:41 Alice deletes the branch on the remote repository 00:52:09 git fetch / git pull by default *don't* delete the local refs for branches deleted on the server 00:52:38 later branch foo/bar is created on the server, Bob pulls again, git tries to create directory .git/refs/remotes/origin/foo (to put file 'bar' inside), it fails because foo already exists as a file 00:53:19 does Git not handle that? 00:53:26 or I guess how would it handle that 00:53:28 Hmm, I wonder whether Git should have a mechanism to move the ref to packed-refs in that case or similar. 00:53:49 I'm also not sure if the reflog is deleted when you delete a branch 00:54:02 Though that would also require packing the objects etc. 00:54:14 if you delete your local branch 'foo', it will delete your .git/refs/heads/foo, but I don't know if it deletes the corresponding reflog 00:54:22 so that could also cause a file vs directory clash later 00:55:18 Looks like it does, yeah. 00:56:01 The commit is still tracked by the reflog, but no longer associated with 'foo'. 00:57:37 and the reflog is a similar files-and-directories structure in .git/logs soooo 00:58:10 No, as in, the commit is still referenced *somewhere*, but there's no record of the branch name anymore. 00:58:23 `find .git -name '*foo*'` is empty. 00:58:33 ah, it does delete the 'foo' reflog 00:58:40 the commit is still referenced in the 'HEAD' reflog 00:58:52 Ah right, HEAD has its own reflog. 01:03:54 (Is it really a 'reflog' if it lives in .git/logs/HEAD, not in .git/logs/refs/?) 01:04:15 nicolas17: wait, if each branch is referenced on the filesystem, couldn't you screw up Windows/macOS users by having `foo` and `Foo` ? 01:04:31 probably :D 01:04:41 sounds fun! 01:04:42 :P 01:04:47 git had some hardening for that on filenames 01:04:53 or files called CON or stuff like that 01:05:05 but idk if they're working around the issues with branch names 01:05:06 Aw, I was just going to suggest that. 01:06:03 JAA: they're protecting against that for "files in the repo", but I don't know if they are for branches, maybe a branch called con *will* break things :D 01:06:17 Ah, right 01:07:23 how do they protect it? do they just stop you from commiting a file named CON? 01:10:46 I think git refuses to checkout those files on Windows, rather than blindly opening it and getting a file descriptor to the console 01:16:09 nicolas17: You should see the influxdb insertions :D 01:16:14 insertion log :D 01:16:30 šŸ˜ 01:17:02 @ifre 01:17:03 fireonlive: no. 01:17:06 Ooops :D 01:17:12 You should see how fast its going :D 01:17:37 fireonlive nicolas17 here is the live console https://seashells.io/v/Aw4AvJeZ 01:18:02 are you inserting every websocket response? 01:18:14 Yes 01:19:12 kiska: nice :D 01:19:27 nicolas17: uwu ok 01:45:01 nicolas17 fireonlive what do you think of the influxdb ingestion :D 01:45:03 Fast :D 01:45:51 you should do some aggregation I think :P 01:46:58 i like :D 01:51:10 nicolas17: then rewrite this https://paste.kiska.pw/c/ContemporizedRom 01:51:48 Hrm... I should remove my debug lines :D 01:52:07 Or fireonlive you can tackle it 03:24:47 TclMeElmo++ 03:24:47 -eggdrop- [karma] 'TclMeElmo' now has 2 karma! 03:31:23 :P 04:58:01 https://x.com/sama/status/1726345564059832609?s=12 04:58:01 nitter: https://nitter.net/sama/status/1726345564059832609 05:00:23 https://x.com/tekbog/status/1726347145068814482?s=12 lmao 05:00:24 nitter: https://nitter.net/tekbog/status/1726347145068814482 05:00:32 ā€¦ wrong tweet 05:00:52 https://x.com/swyx/status/1726347406894137586?s=12 ** 05:00:53 nitter: https://nitter.net/swyx/status/1726347406894137586 05:24:21 http://www.williamflew.com/ < old sci-fi mag scans :) 07:09:31 rip server 07:10:35 (not my server) 07:10:36 lol 07:11:26 btw if anyone here uses adobe creative cloud: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/c6e7c794521c9057/image.png 07:13:21 note if you're yearly there's shenanigans ig 07:17:53 ah there we go :o 07:24:03 https://x.com/amir/status/1726465076843176224?s=12 07:24:04 nitter: https://nitter.net/amir/status/1726465076843176224 07:24:05 ???? 07:24:50 https://x.com/ashleevance/status/1726469283734274338?s=12 07:24:50 nitter: https://nitter.net/ashleevance/status/1726469283734274338 07:26:33 https://twitter.com/kvogt/status/1726428099217400178 CEO of Cruise resigns too 07:26:34 nitter: https://nitter.net/kvogt/status/1726428099217400178 07:26:48 https://irc.project10.net/uploads/39981d8f8d51e4ec/chaos.mp4 07:27:37 xP yeeep 07:27:44 extra wat at openai 08:11:23 -+rss- RSS can be used to distribute all sorts of information: https://colinwalker.blog/blog/?date=2023-11-19 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38343385 08:11:26 ......:) 08:41:12 -+rss- Microsoft Hires Former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/20/23968829/microsoft-hires-sam-altman-greg-brockman-employees-openai https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38344385 08:41:13 ?????? 08:41:18 !??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!????? 08:43:55 https://media.tenor.com/cOHDQRRRbHgAAAAd/eating-popcorn.gif 08:47:08 https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1726521023770894829 https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1726521185733882342 08:47:09 nitter: https://nitter.net/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1726521023770894829 https://nitter.net/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1726521185733882342 08:54:37 -+rss- Sam Altman is the CEO of a new AI group under Microsoft: https://twitter.com/satyanadella/status/1726516824597258569 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38344644 08:54:37 nitter: https://nitter.net/satyanadella/status/1726516824597258569 09:00:51 https://twitter.com/MTGrepp/status/1726511052857471410 09:00:53 nitter: https://nitter.net/MTGrepp/status/1726511052857471410 10:31:13 -+rss- Microsoft: We remain committed to our partnership with OpenAI: https://twitter.com/satyanadella/status/1726509045803336122?s=41 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38345115 10:31:13 nitter: https://nitter.net/satyanadella/status/1726509045803336122 12:10:21 Heh Microsoft comes out as the winner in all this. They now have AI hype man and anyone who wanted to follow him, and still have exclusive access to OpenAI. 14:22:48 https://www.wired.com/story/openai-staff-walk-protest-sam-altman/ 14:23:41 second thoughts: https://twitter.com/ilyasut/status/1726590052392956028 14:23:41 nitter: https://nitter.net/ilyasut/status/1726590052392956028 15:16:08 The fuck is going on lol 15:18:06 Clearly, the most stable minded teams to lead humanity into the AGI future. 15:18:22 what matrix client do y'all use? 15:18:39 kick your feet up and watch the fire (and maybe run openai.com through archivebot) 16:11:17 > People building AGI unable to predict consequences of their actions 3 days in advance. 16:11:20 :-) 16:16:53 @_@ 16:19:45 https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/k9w3ei4/ apparently YT introduced an artificial slowdown in FF that goes away if you spoof Chrome UA 16:20:02 Oh, that shit again? 16:20:44 ...again? 16:20:47 :D 16:21:15 They added intentional performance issues for Firefox users into YouTube some years ago to push people towards Chrome. 16:23:29 Or rather, all non-Chrome browsers, because they used an already deprecated API only implemented in Chrome. 16:23:58 ~2018 16:24:00 "don't be evil" google, such a distant memory 16:35:04 the letter: https://x.com/karaswisher/status/1726599700961521762?s=12 16:35:04 nitter: https://nitter.net/karaswisher/status/1726599700961521762 16:37:07 lol signature 12 16:40:10 Hmm, where's the full list? 16:41:46 hmm yeah 16:48:09 https://x.com/vxunderground/status/1726604821242040407?s=12 16:48:09 nitter: https://nitter.net/vxunderground/status/1726604821242040407 16:48:14 ok then lol 16:56:00 https://x.com/snoopdogg/status/1726616549099004309?s=12 16:56:00 nitter: https://nitter.net/snoopdogg/status/1726616549099004309 16:56:02 oh. 17:20:03 Regarding Firefox and YouTube delay, the code is tied to anti-ad blocking and doesn't seem to be browser dependent. In the thread posted to the LTT subreddit people are saying they are seeing this in Chrome too with ad blockers. https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/ka08uqj/ 17:20:23 https://github.com/leafac/kill-the-newsletter 17:20:25 oooooh. 17:20:33 email to RSS anyone? 17:25:32 Nice 17:26:21 Barto may be interested. :-) 17:26:52 :) 17:28:58 I was just thinking I could also use it for stuff like credit card transaction emails and have them piped to (private) IRC or something lol. possibilities are endless I guess 17:55:00 https://0xbro.red/disclosures/disclosed-vulnerabilities/opencart-cve-2023-47444/ 17:55:42 "ur a fucking tim.e waster" What an excellent way to respond to someone trying to point out vulnerabilities in your application 17:55:58 Of course he then decided to just ban him and be kinda rude on a github issue too: https://github.com/opencart/opencart/issues/12947 18:03:18 > Il not into what if's! 18:03:34 Typos aside, maybe you shouldn't be a software developer if you aren't. 18:04:02 if the vulnerability report was bullshit I would still not use this software after that reaction from the developer 18:04:16 Yeah 18:08:11 hmm. 18:08:33 opencart is ringing a bell to me and not in a good way but I canā€™t remember why 18:08:49 probably similar to such above 18:21:26 Lmao what a fucking dick 19:18:12 JAA: lol 19:18:32 i was able to avoid all those crap newsletters with some ugly php code so far 19:18:55 (rss-bridge, nitter is sufficient to my usecase right now) 19:54:34 nice 21:02:25 -+rss- Sam Altman is still trying to return as OpenAI CEO: https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/20/23969586/sam-altman-plotting-return-open-ai-microsoft https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38352891 21:02:28 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/82f71937719fea8a/image.png 21:05:17 "As of 10am PT, 700 of 770 employees have signed the call for board resignation." https://twitter.com/joannejang/status/1726667504133808242 21:05:17 nitter: https://nitter.net/joannejang/status/1726667504133808242 21:08:52 fireonlive: wow the number I saw was more like 600/770 21:08:57 https://twitter.com/sama/status/1726668687577665572 21:08:58 nitter: https://nitter.net/sama/status/1726668687577665572 21:09:06 nicolas17: it's crazy eh o_O 21:10:11 found it 21:10:17 tweet from 7h ago 21:10:20 "505/700" 21:10:30 715 by now, including 'colleagues with tenuous visa situations, a colleague who was literally in the hospital with the birth of their first child, signatories in the air on their way to Thanksgiving break, and many others'. 21:10:36 https://nitter.net/E0M/status/1726694012336460005#m 21:10:45 s/by now/as of an hour ago/ 21:11:34 Their entire feed consists of retweeted quote tweets of https://nitter.net/sama/status/1726099792600903681 . lol 21:25:29 E0M is "Manage eng at @openai. Building GPT-4, ChatGPT, DALLĀ·E, Codex, & GPT-3 APIs. Prev: Dir Eng @Nylas, Co-Founder @Proximate, @OlinCollege alum." 22:47:10 https://www.maizly.com/ 22:47:13 everything. is. corn. 22:52:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2goIhnIy1Y 22:53:46 oooh! handy :3 22:58:15 https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1726517415356629320 22:58:15 nitter: https://nitter.net/elonmusk/status/1726517415356629320 23:03:26 POTUS, FLOTUS, vp, and secondgentleman are now all on Threads. https://www.threads.net/@potus/post/Cz4g59Ur92-