00:00:15 https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ - Fucking sad what happened 02:30:43 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/67857c5518d9f4a4/image.png 02:30:59 messages.app is great software on both macos and ios 02:30:59 you're being hacked 02:31:09 it always crashes 02:31:12 lol 02:31:33 1 0day = 1 crash 02:31:38 put like if u agree 02:31:40 ever since my 100GB+ single conversation icloud saga 02:31:43 katia++ 02:31:44 -eggdrop- [karma] 'katia' now has 1 karma! 02:32:06 well I'm fighting whatsapp 02:32:24 apparently if you delete a contact from your iOS address book, WhatsApp deletes the chat history with that person 02:32:39 despite WhatsApp help explicitly saying the opposite 02:33:33 how in the world can I possibly do a bug report 02:33:58 I asked someone who worked at Facebook 02:34:52 he said that 1. the internal bug tracker was "abused" in 2022 so it got more restricted now (I guess developers working on an app can't file internal bugs on a different unrelated app?) 02:35:03 so I imagine I have no hope of contacting them from the outside 02:35:09 2. he actually no longer works there -.- 02:37:42 apparently if you delete a contact from your iOS address book, WhatsApp deletes the chat history with that person < wat 02:37:54 and .... wow 02:37:58 sounds like shit company 02:38:37 https://faq.whatsapp.com/501426001880430/?cms_platform=iphone&helpref=platform_switcher 02:38:51 "Deleting a contact from your phone's address book won't delete the chat history you have with them." 02:38:57 well it fucking does, I tested it, now what 02:39:15 click the 'no' in the bottom right and say it's wrong i guess 02:39:20 then be happy that went to /dev/null 05:11:13 anyone got an archiver that can download entire GitHub organisations? Note that WARC archiving is effectively useless here. https://github.com/orgs/skiff-org 05:11:44 and hooboy do I have Feelings about AT's scraping of GitHub (the archives aren't really useful except for proving a repo existed) 05:15:09 #gitgud 06:43:24 uh 06:43:25 https://www.joom.com/geek/en/stores/62f64f81a96fa268df9eaa2e 06:43:28 annnd they're gone 06:43:38 https://www.joom.com/geek/en/products/62f661838ed09b01ebd4e0e2 "This product is no longer available on our website" 06:43:59 can a non-canadian confirm they see that too? 06:46:30 Still says I can purchase it but I didnt try and go to the cart 06:51:14 ah thanks 06:51:18 must be a geoblock perhaps 06:58:47 says sold out for me 07:23:06 ah here's what i see: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/315bfe0fbb9d1e5c/stores-62f64f81a96fa268df9eaa2e.png https://dl.fireon.live/irc/48b5ef27cbb5ab13/products-62f661838ed09b01ebd4e0e2 ".png 07:23:22 op 07:23:24 oop 07:23:31 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/48b5ef27cbb5ab13/products-62f661838ed09b01ebd4e0e2.png 07:23:48 blurred out photos on the first and then the second one says it's just not on the website at all 07:41:51 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/109df3019e482f95/archiveteam-deepfakes.png 07:41:55 we're doing deepfakes now? 07:41:56 :p 08:33:47 https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/823079483917893632 08:33:47 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/SwiftOnSecurity/status/823079483917893632 08:33:54 on Pokémon 08:36:34 is there a good way to manually reorder files in a tar archive? 08:36:35 (i'm getting poor performance out of zst and i'm pretty sure it's because the files with duplicate data are too far apart in the directory walk) 08:37:25 s/reorder files in a tar/order files when creating a tar/ 08:39:31 hm, i think `-T` will do what i want 08:53:40 -+rss- Waymo car vandalized and lit on fire in San Francisco: https://twitter.com/michael_vandi/status/1756550257851449372 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39333081 08:53:40 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/michael_vandi/status/1756550257851449372 08:53:47 tweet contains videos 08:54:31 "light that shit on fire!" ~ man in video 09:25:53 yep, that seems to be working (now that i've generated a _file_ list, ie without directories...) 12:00:09 fireonlive: still available in CH, i have an opportunity to start smuggling those to your place 12:19:09 fireonlive: and there i am wondering if i should buy the wifi module :P 12:31:17 Barto, i have it and i only used it rarely 12:31:36 it's a bit finnicky to get working because it's actually an ESP32 so you need to flash it and the flipper talks to it 12:31:52 but it's fun i suppose :p 12:32:00 worth the 20€ or however little it costed 12:32:27 and you can always reuse it for other stuff/solder a microsd slot so you can boot it directly(iirc?)/... 12:40:28 i'm no hardware tinkerer tho 12:41:07 so, prolly a no to me since i can simply install aircrack, i guess 12:49:51 you don't need to be hardware tinkerer to use it for its designated purpose Barto 12:57:00 :-) 17:14:10 voltagex|m: I've used https://gist.github.com/benbalter/059b0e6c14c09cb4aae5 in the past, but I'm not sure it does everything you want. 17:18:17 fireonlive: I have made a mistake https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/50eea78d6720388a/image.png 17:19:21 The master.zip is not a 'mirror' by any stretch of imagination. 17:20:09 (Nor is a simple `git clone`.) 17:20:24 #gitgud (and for the more general case of VCS stuff, #codearchiver ) 17:24:30 Sad... https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/049135a61f9e5844/image.png 17:38:51 Is there anything about WORM tapes that makes them physically incapable of being rewritten, or is it just drive firmware controls? If someone were to release or merely prove the existence of patched firmware that ignores the WORM bit in the media ID, would that cause a problem for legal and other processes that assume it's infallible? 17:39:37 I've been reading about tape robots and I keep running across this notion of WORM media whose WORMness is simply taken as an article of faith, it's not like a CD-R where the medium is burned and can't be unburned, is it? 17:44:19 Well you can run a LTO through a deguasser and it'll be wiped :D 17:48:25 yeah but then you've lost the servo tracks 17:49:10 I mean like, for slipping altered records into a tape that someone's going to testify is unaltered Because The Magic Bit Says So and there's nothing other than a CMP JNE saying so. 17:52:59 It just strikes me as weird, like on the tech side there's some gentleman's wink-wink about how strong that protection is, but on the legal side it's treated as holy. That seems like the sort of gap that may cause trouble someday, unless it's stronger than I realize, like maybe there's some mixed-coercivity media that would leave a signature if 17:52:59 it's rewritten, etc. 17:55:20 Wikipedia claims that 'the servo tracks are slightly different to allow verification that data has not been modified'. 17:57:37 Heh. And the citation for that line only supports the shell color, not the servo claim. 17:58:00 Yeah 17:58:09 Time to insert a [citation needed]. 20:14:12 Barto: :D 20:15:07 kiska: oh nooo 20:15:16 rip frames 20:39:28 myself: Bonus points: both refs in the WORM section are dead. Even the first one, which goes to the WBM... Big oof. 20:41:01 I found the second ref, at least, which also mentions the servo thing: https://community.hpe.com/t5/storeever-tape-storage/lto-3-worm-info/td-p/3758326 20:42:16 Follow the ultrium.com link for a little laugh. :-) 20:45:25 fireonlive: wifi module bought 20:45:38 screw you canada 20:47:47 myself: Looks like you want to read the 'Cohasset Associates compliance assessment' that's allegedly somewhere in lto.org's resources section, but I can't find it. 20:48:53 Yeah, I came up empty as well. Hmm. I wonder if there's some tech youtuber who I can nerdsnipe into attacking this... 20:53:19 myself: https://www.lto.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/LTO-Cohasset-WhitePaper.pdf 20:54:17 Ooo. 20:59:53 Yup, sounds like that's 100% implemented in firmware. The "special servo tracks" doesn't mean anything like a wobble that might show evidence of track widening on a second write pass, it's just an "I'm-a-WORM" bit set in the servo manufacturer's word which is written into the servo track. The drive firmware has to give a shit about that bit in 20:59:53 order for it to mean anything. 21:00:38 Is that bit stored on the tape itself or somewhere else? Cause if its on the tape just run a degausser on it :D 21:00:54 And now you have a refurbished tape for use 21:01:14 LTO tapes aren't reusable after they're degaussed, just like voicecoil hard-drives can't be low-level formatted; the tracking information is in the servo tracks. If you blank the servo tracks, the drive can't track the tape anymore. 21:01:29 hrm... 21:01:46 That only works on media where the head alignment is so coarse it can be done mechanically, which means extremely old tape formats, or extremely old stepper-motor hard drives. Those, you can degauss and reuse. 21:03:22 Which is why LTO tapes are so expensive -- if you could degauss them and promise someone that their proprietary info was gone and then resell the tape as blank, they'd be super cheap. But the erasing process takes hours, it's a full rewrite, so used media is pretty rare. (You'd think they could just block-overwrite the encryption key, but companies 21:03:22 are dense like that.) 21:03:48 Which gen is expensive? 21:04:07 I can get an LTO5 tape for $20 AUD 21:04:11 Which is pretty cheap 21:04:41 Prices scale with modernity. Most hobbyists are using 5 or 6 because the drives are somewhat affordable, and the media too, but 1.5TB per tape isn't exciting. 21:05:29 Brand new LTO7 tapes are $60 AUD 21:05:33 but no drives :D 21:05:42 Barto: :3 21:05:45 canada bad 21:05:52 Australia good 21:05:53 :p 21:06:06 maaaaybe :p 21:06:43 LTO8, for 12TB per tape, is like $55/tape and $7000 for the drive. I can get a reasonably nice car for that much. 21:06:55 fireonlive: Urgh the 30hz refresh is killing me 21:07:35 But anyway, that doesn't matter, it sounds like the same wink-wink-the-firmware-says-its-WORM-trust-me-bro mechanism persists across generations, a proof that the emperor has no clothes would really fuck some legal things. 21:16:10 kiska: smooth as vaseline uwu 21:25:53 The HP LTO8 is $46.26 right now. Used drives aren't 7k. If you hoard enough data you can save enough to buy a car by going with tape instead of HDs, which have gone up recently. 21:39:24 https://old.reddit.com/r/developer/comments/1aoeaj3/why_do_to_code_lag_into_software/ 21:39:27 w a t 21:39:53 also who needs cars when you have data? 21:39:59 🥰 21:43:40 You add lag to the software whenever you add a new feature. When your manager later gives you the task to improve performance, you say it'll take a few weeks, enjoy your free time, and reduce the lag a bit at the end. Or so I've heard. 21:54:30 ooh good idea 22:13:27 https://twitter.com/Prolotario1/status/1756385281295442108 22:13:27 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/Prolotario1/status/1756385281295442108 22:13:33 someone sent me this and i don’t even 22:46:54 now it all makes sense :O 22:49:59 💡 23:02:39 The information age: leaving your S3 bucket publicly listable: https://informationage-production.s3.amazonaws.com/ 23:02:50 what's this 23:03:05 Static files behind https://www.information-age.com/ it seems. 23:03:13