05:43:13 https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1756888470599967000 05:43:14 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/JoeBiden/status/1756888470599967000 05:43:22 RIP 05:45:38 wat 06:09:45 https://x.com/browserdotsys/status/1756720253894037534?s=12 06:09:45 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/browserdotsys/status/1756720253894037534 06:09:47 🤔 06:26:17 we also have to admit that we're not real good at communicating those numbers. 06:31:27 yeah true :) 06:43:27 the first time it happens to you it's very confusing 06:46:51 "AMEX: E35.88 charge declined as you would be over your credit limit. Please make a payment. Std rates may apply. To end text STOP" i am financial god 06:46:55 (oops) 10:11:57 https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2015-04/msg00093.html fuck me :| 16:06:07 so did taylor swift’s team win the superbowl? 16:56:18 I just want to know if the superb owl finally reached the center of the tootsie pop. 17:41:44 licc 18:59:09 https://lab.plopes.org/published/2022-UIST-IntegratingLivingOrganisms.pdf 19:03:46 oh no samsung banned my IP again 19:03:52 * nicolas17 restarts tor daemon and continues 19:20:02 https://i.imgur.com/embJVkL.png 19:22:57 lols i remember that 19:30:11 https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1ap1345/i_applied_for_a_software_role_at_fedex_and_was/ 20:43:31 nulldata: lmao, wtf 20:59:45 +rss- FCC gets tough: Telcos must now tell you when your personal info is stolen: https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/12/fcc_gets_tough_on_telcos/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39349389 20:59:49 >gets tough 20:59:55 >must do most basic thing 21:08:35 >The new rules add an exception for customer notifications as well. If a carrier can "determine that no harm to customers is reasonably likely to occur," then it doesn't have to inform subscribers of the incident. 21:08:36 lmao 22:05:43 "reasonably likely" 22:05:45 :P 22:32:32 "data was already public from credit rating agencies, no additional harm" 22:32:41 f 22:34:17 The title has been edited to remove 'gets tough'. lol 22:34:40 (On HN, not on The Register.) 22:35:36 haha 22:55:46 <+firebot> @internetarchive: STREAMING NOW: @brewster_kahle presenting at @ransomcenter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlsBUgvMFac 22:55:47 nitter: https://farside.link/nitter/internetarchive/status/1757175814599131631 22:55:55 via #archiveteam-twitter 23:25:38 https://www.404media.co/taliban-shuts-down-queer-af-domain-breaking-mastodon-instance/ 23:58:28 .af sounds like a great TLD but when you realize where it’s from…..