00:24:35 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fire%20balling 00:24:37 TIL 00:40:29 -+rss- Starbucks is raising prices almost every month now: https://old.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/1bta4eh/starbucks_raising_price_almost_every_month_now/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39912060 00:40:32 *sad gay noises* 00:57:44 what's next, avocado toast prices on the rise too? 00:57:49 this kills the millennial. 00:58:55 uwu 00:59:52 -+rss- 7.4 earthquake in Taiwan, 34km depth: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=16.34123,-246.42334&extent=28.51697,-223.43994 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39912330 00:59:53 eek 01:00:01 ...buy your hard drives now? :x 01:23:25 https://www.techspot.com/news/102473-ssd-price-hike-hits-buyers-hard-double-digit.html 01:23:36 SSDs were already going up in price. this is gonna blow things up 01:25:42 oof 01:26:10 petition to people to stop producing things so we can pause archiving for a bit, until prices go down again 01:29:21 'ok everyone, take 5.... months' 01:30:45 year of the linux desktop? 🤔 https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam 01:32:23 also blows my mind how hard nvidia is destroying amd 01:32:40 thanks steamydeck 01:32:47 yeah, 78% sheesh 01:33:43 the majority of AMD's percentage is from integrated GPUs, too! 01:33:59 dedicated AMD GPUs are just not popular at all 01:35:13 doesn't help that those AMD PRO drivers are a fucking pain to install, too. I think they still only officially support ubuntu22.04 and rhel? 01:43:48 :| 01:43:50 i hope not 02:39:20 Yes I know it's proprietary, yes I know it's Microsoft, but damn do I miss Windows XP... 02:39:34 I still use it on occasion in my projects, but you know. 03:00:06 systwi_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Q4IIW98ow 03:05:08 fireonlive: So much nostalgia. :-D 03:05:19 :D 03:19:53 oh man, theming XP was fun. I remember you had to download patched .dlls 03:20:04 or just get the patched XP Black Edition ISO 03:21:49 Oh yeah! I remember rolling a copy of Black Edition XP. 03:22:39 First time I had used [Resource Hacker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Hacker?useskin=vector). :-) 03:23:56 https://archive.org/details/windows-xp-black-edition 03:25:18 Oh, Black Edition, nice flashback! 03:30:48 ooh :) 03:31:07 remember 'tinyxp'? https://archive.org/details/xp-01-full-xp-normal-install 03:32:50 I remember reading about it some time after XP was my daily driver; unfortunate timing on my part. 03:33:32 Similarly, anyone remember MiniXP on Hiren's BootCD? 03:33:45 https://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd 03:34:19 Hiren's BootCD rings a bell. 03:35:03 ooh 03:35:14 i'm surprised that's still around 03:35:16 How about BartPE? 03:36:16 Heard of it but never used it, personally. 03:36:30 :-) 03:36:43 hmm don't rember that one 03:36:47 did Barto make it :p 03:36:56 BartoPE 03:37:13 i think maybe it was hirens? but at one point they 'removed all the warez' and went freeware/opensource stuff only 03:37:25 Oh 03:37:27 nLite! 03:37:27 so some people were saying only to use the older versions because it had the cracked 'good stuff' on it 03:37:39 ohh right nlite 03:37:52 fireonlive: Maybe referring to the newer Hiren's BootCD PE?: https://www.hirensbootcd.org/ 03:38:05 ahh perhaps ye 03:38:45 Ah yeah, nLite, I think I learned about it around the same time as TinyXP. 03:38:52 It still exists, although it changed the name to NTLite a decade ago. 03:39:06 IIRC I used it somewhat recently, for some project. I think? 03:39:17 https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1bufvdi/multiple_buildings_collapse_after_quake_hits/ 03:52:51 re JAA's daylight savings yesterday: https://www.reuters.com/science/white-house-directs-nasa-create-time-standard-moon-2024-04-02/ 03:53:20 jaas trivia fact about DST* 03:55:40 calling it now, next OSS incident will be because of an overworked ntp developer 03:56:07 :-) 03:59:57 nukke: https://chaosfurs.social/@foxo/110864629267603298 04:04:48 that reads like a horror story 04:06:39 it's the "missile knows where it is" copypasta 04:07:25 1 death reported in Taiwan so far. Let's hope that doesn't change too much. :-| 04:51:45 :( 04:54:04 D: 04:59:25 https://twitter.com/FFmpeg/status/1775178805704888726 05:01:59 * pabs wonders if TSMC will be OK 05:03:00 >Hi, This is a high priority ticket and the FFmpeg version is currently used in a highly visible product in Microsoft. We have customers experience issues with Caption during Teams Live Event. Please help, 05:03:03 lol 05:06:44 Check who replied to it ;) 05:06:54 The issue not the tweet* 05:07:42 TSMC have shut down/evacuated (some of) their fabs. We'll see... 05:08:14 hmmm 05:08:23 nukke: i'm glad he knows his way around! 05:10:45 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Taiwan_earthquake already reports 4 deaths 05:12:33 fuck 05:12:38 anyone 'member IRCXpro? it's OfficeIRC now: https://www.officeirc.com/Products/Server 05:12:54 they also have a web chat interface too: https://www.officeirc.com/Products/WebChat 05:13:02 Ah yeah, that was reported at 04:05, minutes before I looked for numbers, but I didn't see it. 05:13:49 pabs: Not much info there, but: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-03/tsmc-evacuates-production-lines-after-major-taiwan-quake 05:14:21 hmm 05:14:24 not good 05:25:05 Lots of videos with landslides. At least one person died in a rockfall while hiking. :-| 05:25:33 eeek 05:25:50 JAA: according to wikipedia, all 4 deaths were due to rockfalls (three while hiking) 05:26:33 Yeah, this looks terrifying: https://old.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1bujlxz/not_a_good_day_to_be_hiking_in_taiwan/ 05:26:55 there's 26 collapsed buildings so I'm sure the death toll will increase :/ 05:32:08 https://old.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1bug6x5/todays_earthquake_interrupts_a_set_news_anchor/ 05:32:16 just keeps on going :o 05:32:52 https://old.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/1bufcu9/72_earthquake_in_taiwan/ 05:32:56 oh wow those buildings 05:38:37 oooooh 05:38:54 Anonymous public voicemail inbox https://afterthebeep.tel/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39910119 05:38:56 love this idea 05:40:01 listen to 160 btw 05:40:02 :p 06:18:16 *sighs at forum user* Gotta love it when someone responds to a detailed request for help with "See [link to a thread that doesn't apply to the situation]." 06:19:52 'Nevermind, figured it out' 06:58:27 JAA: Haha, no, sadly I haven't. But I'll wait another day in hopes someone will have an idea, before I go the long, expensive, and tedious route. 07:06:11 Doranwen: I was just giving an example of an even worse forum response. 07:06:39 And of course there's the good old DenverCoder9 approach. 07:24:46 nukke: " comment:5 by Elon Musk, 11 months ago " https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10341#comment:4 from that ffmpeg tweet 07:25:02 how should i read this? is this Elon Musk himself, or some second person named exactly that? 07:29:20 i think just some dude who named himself that 07:30:14 very good though ffmpeg too to twitter to say this 07:32:37 agreed 18:34:20 whatsapp is down 18:39:01 like forever? 18:54:42 https://downdetector.com/status/whatsapp/ 19:18:49 https://metastatus.com/ 19:19:21 Is it Friday yet? 19:32:47 nukke: https://isitfridayyet.net/ 19:34:24 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/3068b5ac75b5bd84/nukes.png 19:39:06 http://frideynight.com/ 21:39:38 (nukes != nukke btw) 21:39:45 unless he's a fed :p 21:40:33 I think nukke is a zombie has they had a flight in Boeing 21:41:06 he did skip a bunch of days and not remember... 21:41:39 https://lounge.kuhaon.fun/folder/1775ac8f42f69ebc/susp.gif 21:43:28 🤔 21:53:22 https://mosequipment.com/products/mission-darkness-cybercylent-emp-faraday-car-cover 21:54:20 lol 22:11:45 brooooo 22:13:16 >Comments are turned off. Learn more 22:13:20 cowards 22:46:56 now Apple had outages too https://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/ 22:50:41 it's not even patch tuesday 22:52:41 when is the solar eclipse?