00:10:13 Anyone try this? https://halloy.squidowl.org/ 00:19:54 nukke: do you update right away on tuesday or do you let others be microsoft's guinea piggies 00:22:28 Nah we wait a day usually. Haven't had many issues lately but we also don't have that many windows servers at work (<150) 00:22:58 At home I only have 1 windows machine and I update whenever I boot it up 01:05:47 ah :) 01:08:40 https://www.newsweek.com/homeowner-baffled-washing-machine-uses-3-6gb-internet-1862675 01:54:47 Ah so that must be how they launder Bitcoin! 02:29:25 https://old.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/1bva2qs/shrinkflation_boycotting_businesses/ 02:29:44 "we couldn't possibly give you full pumps" ~ billion dollar company 03:30:47 https://www.404media.co/xz-backdoor-bullying-in-open-source-software-is-a-massive-security-vulnerability/ 03:31:20 >“Three years ago, F-Droid had a similar kind of 'bullying' attempt as the Xz backdoor,” a longtime developer of F-Droid reports 03:44:09 :-| 05:36:35 so 45drives came out with this 05:36:37 https://45homelab.com/ 05:36:47 "Premium Storage Servers for the HomeLab" 05:36:51 wonder if any good 06:05:26 Fuck yeah graphene https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/google-fixes-two-pixel-zero-day-flaws-exploited-by-forensics-firms/ 06:05:44 https://grapheneos.social/@GrapheneOS/112204441311327128 08:05:28 fireonlive: looks pricey compared to the usual used hardware people go for 08:06:30 used hardware, or rather old cpus, suck though, soo slow :D 10:14:01 fireonlive: seems it’s just the chassis even, bring your own mobo? 13:02:46 https://github.com/ifupdown-ng/ifupdown-ng/issues/234 14:25:31 ^ that is a good thing tbh, pressuring people into doing stuff is lame 14:37:00 >@Neustradamus it is suspicious that you're nagging maintainers of several projects trying really hard to say that there's a problem with them while also being the person to request the compromised xz version to be put in vcpkg. 14:37:12 this is the scary part 14:49:36 oh. missed that tidbit 15:13:40 oh hey, Neustradamus 15:14:08 they were brought up in the xz debacle, something about Jia Tan following them on github, and them having a long tail of issues asking to change some crypto stuff in mail protocols? 15:15:02 they posted this kind of issue in a lot of repos: https://github.com/ongres/scram/issues/23 15:21:26 and they are still around eh 15:47:48 fireonlive: Looks cool, but last time I checked no shipping from EU, so import taxes will be a bitch 16:02:01 that_lurker, have you seen the kickstarter for ugreen NAS? those ship to (maybe from?) germany 16:07:52 katia, Yeah i have looked at those. I will most likely just build a simple unraid nas at somepoint myself. 16:08:09 I don't think any techtubers recommended the 45homelab chassis, even though a bunch got one for free or were sponsored 16:08:16 But yeah those look nice and are well priced atm https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/urgreen/ugreen-nasync-next-level-storage-limitless-possibilities 16:08:30 yeah very good price 16:08:38 the value proposition is just not there. I think the prebuilt with a skylake xeon and **16GB** of RAM is like $2k usd 16:08:41 building a comparable system myself would cost more 16:12:19 nukke, yeah and for me to get one I would need to pay somewhere around 300 - 400 € toll 16:14:19 s/toll/VAT 16:15:00 the rosewill rsv-l4500 can fit 12 drives iirc and it's usually like $150usd shipped in the us 16:15:24 (no backplane tho) 18:14:19 irccloud now supports reactions to messages 18:32:10 nukke: reactions? what does that mean in the case of IRC? 18:32:36 https://blog.irccloud.com/static/reply-threads/threads.png 18:33:21 inline reaction emojis 18:34:02 oh I guess the spec is "message tags" https://blog.irccloud.com/reply-threads/ 18:34:09 https://ircv3.net/specs/client-tags/react.html 18:36:35 well not supported on efnet i think? 19:07:58 nukke: "message tags" are machine-readable tags attached to individual messages, not displayed as part of the message content 19:08:24 reacts are a specific type of message tags 19:08:59 arkiver: efnet? :p 19:09:23 err hackint 19:12:28 looks like nuke supports "account-notify away-notify cap-notify chghost extended-join multi-prefix sasl tls userhost-in-names" 19:12:41 so not yet sadly 19:23:10 oh also, I think the server only has to support message tags 19:23:52 then reactions are the client's problem, the server can just forward the tag without knowing what it means 19:27:58 ah 20:49:28 pabs: https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-devel/2024-April/002593.html 21:37:13 ah kde too 21:37:14 hm 21:42:53 https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-devel/2024-April/002595.html 21:42:53 >I'm for sure nobody of importance here, but when you demand stopping releasing tarballs because some compression tool has been compromised you could as well demand to shut down all SSL servers because of the heartbleed bug or whatever. 21:43:03 interesting take, i guess.. 21:44:24 * Barto facepalms 21:55:56 https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/992/397/9c9.gif 22:11:10 yeeeep 22:16:33 +rss- Apple explores home robotics as potential 'next big thing': https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-03/apple-explores-home-robots-after-abandoning-car-efforts https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39935597 22:16:36 i'm just picturing like 22:16:40 a siri-like home robot 22:16:55 and it's just going to fucking wreck the place 22:20:00 nice 22:20:10 using siri day to day is like 22:20:16 the ultimate anger management test 22:23:18 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/ed48b2482672bbe8/power-cables-FAQ.png 22:23:21 oh, thank you. 22:31:40 That was a misunderstanding. It was about stopping releasing source tarballs because source tarballs can be exploited to hide code, not because the tool used to compress them can have a backdoor. 22:58:14 is there a summary or writeup about that xz thing that you recommend or think is worth reading? i've managed to avoid having to do that so far 22:58:38 How technical do you want it to be? 23:00:22 i think fairly technical would be alright 23:01:21 but i don't want to have to read gcc code for specific optimisation flags or sth like that ^^ 23:02:00 https://gist.github.com/thesamesam/223949d5a074ebc3dce9ee78baad9e27 is a decent starting point then and links to other things, too. 23:03:19 and has some possibly helpful comments as well. looks good to me, thank you :) 23:04:59 something to read on my train ride tomorrow 23:07:45 Internet connection on a train in Germany‽ 23:11:18 why do you think i’m asking the night before? :) 23:13:48 Ah yes :-) 23:17:30 sometimes it actually does work okay though. but mostly in long-distance trains 23:50:23 * JAA hasn't been so lucky yet. 23:55:55 -+rss- Roku files patent to inject ads via HDMI: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230388589A1/en https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39936016 23:57:07 "Disclosed herein are system, apparatus, article of manufacture, method and/or computer program product embodiments, and/or combinations and sub-combinations thereof, for ad insertion by a display device coupled to a media device via a high-definition media interface (HDMI) connection, where the media device provides media content and/or a control 23:57:07 signal. When the media device pauses the media content, the display device can determine that a pause event has occurred and insert an ad shown on the display device. Further, some embodiments include determining the context and/or content of the media content that is paused, and determining an ad that is customized to the determined context and/or 23:57:07 content to be displayed on the display device. In some embodiments, the display device can determine additional information from the control signal that may also be used to determine the ad to be displayed on the display device." 23:59:43 How novel.