00:09:50 I fucking hate Roku 00:09:58 coming from someone who's had like five of them 00:10:14 yes thank you I want to pay for ads on my TV thank you 02:02:03 the state of TV/home teahter is dire 02:03:18 linux *still* doesn't support HDR so you can't just use a mini PC running Linux without compromising in one way or another. nvidia shield also started injecting ads. using the TV OS is a horrendous experience. most streaming services are either expensive and offer ads or cheap and offer ads 02:10:18 🆓 https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/the-outer-worlds-spacers-choice-edition https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/thief-5bb95f 02:10:33 nukke: ugh, the shield too? 02:10:48 i was just thinking a bit ago maybe apple and them were the last ones 02:11:19 i'm surprised linux doesn't support HDR yet 02:22:36 https://dozzle.dev/guide/analytics `--no-analytics DOZZLE_NO_ANALYTICS` 02:22:38 🤔 02:22:48 i actually, truly, and deeply hate TVs and associated stuff 02:24:19 we've got a fire stick that bugs out, hangs, crashes, and stops responding to input a couple times a week; several rokus that all dont respond to the app/wifi remote around 90% of the time; an android tv (google tv? idk, whatever) that stopped working after boot (but the boot logo shows up fine...) and the manufacturer refused to fix it under warranty 02:25:29 you can use windows but then you're stuck without a "remote" style interface in 99% of apps (if there even *is* a windows app and you don't have to just use your browser) 02:26:07 if you use linux you're *definitely* stuck using a browser 02:26:44 the "best" option is somewhere around "a wireless keyboard and touchpad, and a browser" which *sucks* 02:27:33 at least the solution to streaming services is simple though 02:29:58 ugh, firestick is no fun either eh 02:30:01 has my name in it too! 02:30:20 given it's amazon i bet they under specced it and then bloated the software lol 02:30:29 "best" is really stretching it. you need chrome because widevine is a *must* if you wanna watch content at anything more than 1080p 02:30:49 nukke: i mean... what's better? 02:30:58 also the same solution to streaming services works there 02:31:00 * steering hoists a flag 02:31:04 * JAA adjusts his eyepatch. 02:31:27 keep in mind, best != good ;) 02:32:15 oh yeah i didn't mention all the ad's on the fire stick... the roku has ads but i don't mind them at all, just unobtrusive banners on home & screensaver 02:32:22 that's fair, but again, even if you have pirated hdr/dolbi vision content, you won't be able to play it properly on linux 02:32:39 the fire on the other hand literally takes away your home screen sometimes and replaces it with an ad that autoplays sound which is obviously what i want when i just hit the home button to stop plex playing theme music 02:32:54 i mean you can do tonemapping to effectively transform it into sdr, but at that point you're just not playing content "as intended" 02:33:12 steering: ewww 02:33:16 (but then again people, in the year of 2024, are okay with watching hdcam rips) 02:33:33 yeahh sure but note i didn't specify an OS for that browser to run on xP 02:33:42 nukke: that's how i watched dune 2 🫣 02:33:45 telesync lol 02:33:50 Back in my days, we were happy to get a 240p CAM. 02:33:50 petition to ban fireonlive 02:33:53 xD 02:33:56 personally idgaf about hdr 02:34:15 nukke: to be fair, a friend wanted to see it and was only here for a short time/didn't want to wait like i suggested :3 02:34:26 so i was like ok fine 02:34:35 i have a few cams right now, but those are for kiddo 02:34:45 so she doesnt drag my wife to the theater to watch the same movie for a 2nd and 3rd time 02:34:54 this conversation is gonna give me an aneurysm 02:35:01 :D 02:35:03 can't believe I am speaking with y'all 02:35:07 i mean 02:35:12 how else am i supposed to get kung fu panda 4 02:35:16 * fireonlive whispers REMUX into nukke's ear 02:35:23 😩 02:35:26 keep going 02:35:34 fireonlive was mad at me the other day 02:35:42 2160p 02:35:45 i downloaded all the old episodes of NCIS at 480 02:35:54 >:| 02:36:04 and overwrote his higher quality ones 02:36:09 NO 02:36:12 right??? 02:36:14 !kickban steering 02:36:17 i cri everytim 02:36:21 hey, only overwrote S19 and S20 02:36:31 ah :P 02:36:32 still 02:36:33 cri 02:36:35 the latest stuff is still 1080 :P 02:37:01 soon: 'hey i moved to 140p' 02:37:07 :d 02:37:09 would if i could 02:37:21 * fireonlive slaps steering around a bit with a large dildo 02:37:48 steering is the type of mfer that would use liblzma 5.6.1 to compress his 480p ncis rips just to "save space" 02:38:21 no one tell him about ffmpeg 02:38:31 or tdarr 02:38:35 👀 02:39:15 HandBrake, and no changing any settings allowed. 02:40:20 I actually did try zip up a bunch of videos when I was 13 or so 02:40:23 `ffmpeg -i $file -profile:YIFI ...` 02:40:34 err, YIFY 02:41:07 aXXo 02:42:07 <3 axxo 02:44:21 nukke: i'm sure you loved the quality 02:44:55 >ARCHIVE TEAM'S MASTER VIDEO 02:45:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V87G6_K8ZAQ 02:45:07 uh, what is this 02:45:50 JAA/arkiver ^ lol 02:46:51 ಠ_ಠ 02:54:41 got an alert for it today lol 02:58:22 axxo was better than yify lol 02:58:42 i don't like my shows looking like stop motion, i don't mind potato resolution though 03:02:09 * fireonlive cleans the vaseline from steering's eyeballs 03:02:12 :3 03:44:43 -+rss- Fake AI law firms are sending fake DMCA threats to generate fake SEO gains: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/fake-ai-law-firms-are-sending-fake-dmca-threats-to-generate-fake-seo-gains/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39934696 03:44:45 lol 03:55:05 Aah, we got one exactly like this last year over an image on one of our wikis. 03:57:19 This has been going on for far longer than decent-enough LLMs have been widely available, so the claim that it's 'AI' seems dubious. 03:58:47 Ah, AI images, that seems reasonable enough. Previously, they used random existing images, ironically enough. 04:00:48 oh wow, a DMCA against the AT wiki, sheesh 04:00:55 o_O 04:01:04 do you remember which image? 04:02:28 No, I'd have to dig through my spam folder. It was PD or CC0 or similar. 04:03:56 we need to come up with more ways to inject ads into places 04:04:13 then patent them, and sue whoever tries to use them 04:04:26 The website looks very much like the site I found back then. So yeah, same shit, different colour. 04:08:04 JAA: https://twitter.com/jamespotterdev/status/1775971832404849034 04:08:52 lol no attempt was made to hid or lower the blow of a price increase xD 04:11:34 Beautiful 04:20:37 ah np 04:21:00 the fuck lol 04:50:16 ffmpeg 7 is out: https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr7.0 04:51:59 Multi-threading! Nice 04:52:46 :D 04:57:17 https://github.com/dockur/windows/ 04:57:37 >Source: Archive.org >Transfer: Slow 04:57:39 ...fair 05:46:23 https://github.com/atuinsh/atuin >Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server. 05:47:08 "As well as the search UI, it can do things like this:" # search for all successful `make` commands, recorded after 3pm yesterday" `atuin search --exit 0 --after "yesterday 3pm" make` 05:47:13 o_O hmmmm 07:01:30 steering: re "best != good ;)": i've unironically startend to refer to that with "the least shitty one". there's just too many things it applies to. streaming services, the current laptop market... 07:02:15 JAA: guess who's caught a train witheout tables for their notebook 🤡 07:03:24 Ah yes 07:04:18 fireonlive: can i haz that in a browser? firefox keeps autocompleting URLs for me that already 404d the last time i tried 😂 07:05:00 JAA: but it's a short-distance one, to be fair 07:05:09 Right 07:07:38 i was linked this podcast on the xz stuff btw, which has a nice interview with the dev who found it. but after that it's immediately into speculation on who might have done it, which sucks without knowing about the technical details. https://risky.biz/RB743/ 07:08:08 reading it on my phone now :) 07:09:37 c3manu: that would be nice! 07:19:17 ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: balsamic vinegar 07:19:21 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08M9BXP1B 07:21:02 100 millilitres of balsamic vinegar 07:24:05 That seems surprisingly cheap. 08:03:12 the way this xz backdoor gets injected seems pretty cool to me 08:03:44 although i rarely read up on how such exploits work 08:06:18 Sure is, very sophisticated mechanism. 13:10:57 A bunch of people learned a bunch of things about how the executable sausage is made, just in service of understanding this backdoor 13:16:46 nicolas17: re: ad conversation, I'm sure you're aware of this right? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sony-patent-mcdonalds/ 13:21:44 myself: i like that, the executable sausage 13:26:55 echo executable sausage >> bandnames.txt 15:02:04 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/03/technology/prevent-cyberattack-linux.html 15:03:29 >But he’s been too busy to rest on his laurels. The next version of PostgreSQL, the database software he works on, is coming out later this year, and he’s trying to get some last-minute changes in before the deadline. “I don’t really have time to go and have a celebratory drink,” he said. 15:04:19 Typical German 16:16:56 https://archive.is/tc9bN 16:17:05 the non paywall/login version 16:59:12 https://axleos.com/an-irc-client-in-your-motherboard/ 17:00:18 Nice 17:05:33 "The IRC client itself, as a client, isn’t that usable because this project is an elaborate joke✱." ;( 17:05:56 :-( 18:05:45 -+rss- Fortran on WebAssembly: https://gws.phd/posts/fortran_wasm/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39944275 19:09:36 Discord viewbotted YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J54eUQ0xuhk 19:09:37 lol 19:13:15 Has someone grabbed that video? That is technically against Youtubes TOS even though it most likely was an accident 19:15:08 I highly doubt YouTube will actually do anything about it other than maybe penalise its algorithm stuff in the background 19:16:02 that_lurker: indeed; as part of an april fools sampling 19:16:11 i'll double check it made it to WBM though sec 19:16:43 yep got it 21:40:35 -+rss- Apple Updates App Store Guidelines to Permit Game Emulators, EU Music App Links: https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/05/app-store-guidelines-emulators-music-app-links/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39946694 21:41:12 >Guideline 4.7 permits apps to offer HTML5 mini apps and mini games, streaming games, chatbots, game emulators, and plug-ins. 21:41:12 >Apps may offer certain software that is not embedded in the binary, specifically HTML5 mini apps and mini games, streaming games, chatbots, and plug-ins. Additionally, retro game console emulator apps can offer to download games. You are responsible for all such software offered in your app, including ensuring that such software complies with 21:41:13 these Guidelines and all applicable laws. 21:41:25 hm 21:48:26 that means eg. Nintendo can offer an emulator app that lets you download (buy?) NES games, rather than having to include them all inside the app and be subject to individual review whenever new ones are added 21:49:27 of course it won't allow third-party emulators to do that, since allowing game downloads would be against 5.2.1 21:52:58 ahh 21:53:13 what if they included, like, a 'tetris clone' 21:53:22 and you could add your own files/point it at an arbitrary url 22:30:35 glad you can emulate switch with suyu so nintendo is fucked either way 22:39:02 FSR upscaling to 4k and 60fps 22:40:29 ryujinx too :3 22:40:34 can't stop the signla 22:40:36 signal 22:45:13 so you can convert a steam deck to a switch with better gpu