00:18:00 i archive a lot too but not websites 00:19:05 whats you archive? 00:22:23 mainly anime and 0day 00:24:46 filling up some zpools already 00:33:29 my files date back to 1999 so :) 00:38:20 zips back to 96 and videos .asf/.rm etc. back to 99 00:39:49 ooh cool :) 00:51:25 is all that here goin to archive.org? 01:10:15 generally yes 01:34:29 you basically just confessed to being the kind of pirate they actually bother to catch, good job 02:04:02 lolno 02:07:25 yeah nah 02:07:31 unless they're selling it for profit 02:07:47 Yeah 02:08:01 "A focus on FOSS funding" https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/967001/baf3f34174cf99df/ 02:08:03 Assuming it's even illegal where they live. 02:08:22 ah that too 03:36:48 On the local eBay competitor, someone is currently trying to sell a lot of three thousand 320 GB 2.5" HDDs. 04:04:32 :O 04:10:57 o_o 04:25:30 pabs: interesting... maybe there needs to be more collaboration to get that kind of funding info? 04:26:35 like, if you design a standard format for sponsorship data and ask sponsored organizations to use it, they'll probably tell you "yeah right like we have time for that" 04:27:29 but O'Brien seems to have scraped public information and he doesn't seem to have *asked* the orgs for more info where it was ambiguous or incomplete? 06:25:01 "Minning" power supplies: https://gamemaxpc.com/productkkk/list-252-en.html 07:55:13 -+rss- Microsoft blocks even more customization apps in Windows 11 version 24H2: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-blocks-even-more-customization-apps-in-windows-11-version-24h2/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39950557 11:54:55 fireonlive: Engrish used to be correlated with low quality stuff, but now there's enough quality stuff made in and for non-english countries that it's no longer an indicator 11:55:18 eventually we'll be the ones speaking crinese 11:55:29 cringese 11:56:08 not that it is cringe or anything it was just a letter away 12:23:17 fireonlive: dont use windows! 12:23:26 it is as easy as it is 12:28:57 Another complaint of TheLounge: When you get disconnected, your unreads go poof and the red bar that indicates the last message you saw just doesn't exist until after you go into the channel. 12:30:51 This happens whether you disconnect or get disconnected, to be clear. 12:33:46 whats the lounge? 12:51:25 UwU, a terrible web based irc client 12:52:41 so can i put all old stuff on archive.org without worries ~2003 released files for example 12:53:59 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/6a62bad9e78cca67/image.png :O 12:54:06 Closing Firefox produced that :D 12:54:29 windows :( 12:54:35 [Total: 1.04 PiB][used: 477.29 TiB/44.7%][free: 590.23 TiB/55.3%] 12:55:14 UwU Unless you have a way of getting my Oculus Rift S working well on Linux... 12:56:20 Or get Escape from Tarkov working on Linux 12:56:36 Without it kicking you from the game due to the anti cheat 13:01:17 oculus rift: facebook account required -> i wouldnt buy such - game not working with proton i wouldnt buy or play it either 13:01:28 its all DRM infected 13:03:45 if denuvo can be removed by single guy anti cheat is a piece of cake to bypasss 13:03:54 so it is not consumer friendly 13:04:06 for cheaters at least 13:04:33 anticheat is a server side job for the industry 13:04:43 they just dont do it because they would lose the cheating customers 13:04:54 i see that at cs:go with the ban waves 13:06:19 statistics could catch cheaters instantly always 13:06:23 like with llms today 13:06:50 no need to protect the client installation for online games 13:15:24 if you are a cheater and your accounts get banned at avg 6 month you will rebuy it more likely if it just takes 1day or 1wk 13:15:57 thats how it works today business 13:19:53 at steam side it would be easy to do that if you factor in account creation, games owned and the probabilties of human factors inside the game to decide on a ban without analyzing client side code 13:22:44 just let 100 ppl cheat and collect massive data train a model :) 13:23:13 anyway i am off too many windows users who sold their life to other data collectors 13:24:34 o.O 13:25:34 https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/04/microsoft-blamed-for-a-cascade-of-security-failures-in-exchange-breach-report/ 13:25:49 jfc Microsoft 13:26:26 hii windows user nukke!! 13:26:48 I am a PROUD windows user 13:27:11 🫡 13:31:58 fireonlive: Ooooh https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/ba0556616fe07cda/image.png 17:06:03 https://meow.camera/ 17:06:21 -+rss- PiVPN v4.6.0: The End: https://github.com/pivpn/pivpn/releases/tag/v4.6.0 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39953207 17:06:27 ooo cattos 17:28:50 JAA: I know how much you *love* webrecorder... I kinda found this when browsing https://netpreserveblog.wordpress.com/2020/12/16/openwayback-to-pywb-transition-guide/ 17:33:44 today's project: https://social.pixie.town/@joepie91/112224857049010103 18:02:03 kiska: At least that's only the playback part, I think? That's kind of fine. 18:03:32 JAA: I present this https://netpreserve.org/projects/browser-based-crawling/ 18:03:32 :D 18:03:36 :-( 18:03:57 Ah, the funding thing, yeah. 18:04:19 hexa- confirmed to be a hacker. 18:04:35 lmao 18:04:51 lol 18:05:01 apparently my client certificate expired … *inspects the openssl output* … on jan 31 2024 18:05:10 JAA: But if I am reading the page right, then the project has already been delivered 18:05:14 Oh, yeah, that's a thing, right. 18:05:25 I wonder whether I made mine valid for 10 or 100 years. 18:05:36 yeah, and mine is tied into the nickserv account 18:05:40 and I don't even know my password 18:05:44 Same 18:05:55 also no o-line without cert 18:05:59 Heh 18:06:34 I went with 100 years. Future-proof! 18:06:41 Very much so :D 18:07:00 I went with 4 years, because 365.25*4 arrives at an even number:) 18:07:21 surely something better will replace IRC within those four years, right? 18:07:22 But but but it's 365.2422something! :-P 18:07:29 uhhhhhh 18:11:54 Now I wonder whether/how the ircd handles certificate revocations. I guess the answer is 'not' because there's no CRL or similar. 18:18:14 IRC will never be replaced. 19:25:00 revocations … hahahaha :D 19:25:15 sure, let me run my own ocsp endpoint for my cert :p 19:27:53 :-) 19:29:40 Maybe you could present a regular certificate e.g. from Let's Encrypt to it. 20:12:55 people check revocations still? :p 20:13:13 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/a7be64fa6034286b/dave-xz-backdoor.png 20:13:18 thats a title/thumb 20:39:07 hexa-: and I guess restricted with ilines to connect from particular hosts? 20:39:24 well for opering up 20:42:41 aye 21:16:40 10/10 paper title https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.9b00184 21:43:14 "Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most Read." 21:43:17 Hrm... 21:47:06 Google Public DNS’s approach to fight against cache poisoning attacks: https://security.googleblog.com/2024/03/google-public-dnss-approach-to-fight.html