00:37:26 kiska: that is quite slow. I find I can tear through one in about 3 minutes 00:39:12 that's what he said /cc fireonlive 00:40:20 :3 00:48:16 ;) 00:48:35 kiska: ooof rip 00:52:39 I wonder what data rate would be acceptable for distributed computing nowadays 00:56:05 in dialup era, SETI@Home downloaded <1MB of recorded signal data and processed it for multiple hours 00:57:29 at the other extreme, downloading a 1GB file to process it for 5 seconds and delete it and download the next 1GB file wouldn't be acceptable, most users would have an idle CPU and a saturated Internet connection 01:00:54 (actually, on my local machine it is closer to 1gb/80s) 01:03:10 1GB/80s still seems "too fast" for distributed volunteer computing, many users would download slower than that so it would use a ton of bandwidth and won't keep CPUs busy 01:03:19 I wonder where's the acceptable line 01:34:45 kiska: for processing the common crawl cdx i found gz decompression to be the bottleneck 02:35:16 +rss- New theory on Satoshi Nakamoto: https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1bxqnpq/new_theory_on_satoshi_nakamoto/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39965250 02:35:19 it'll never end eh 02:35:29 let him be ffs 02:35:35 Oh boy, that Canonical thread... Now all the job listings make sense. 02:36:14 which 02:36:22 https://hachyderm.io/@sara/112117125241735836 02:37:05 oh that, yeah I saw it a while ago 02:37:24 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/fab71ac5243286c6/FW_FW_FW_RE_FW_RE_FW_RE_FW_FW_FW_IMPORTANT_NEWS_PLS_FWD_TO_ALL_UR_CONTACTS.png 02:39:10 it's amazing the people that believe this kinda thing 03:46:15 sshd's CPU usage from a bit of rsyncing at 100 MB/s: ~50% ಠ_ಠ 03:53:26 yeah, if you don't do rsync compression or deltaing against an existing file, ssh's crypto easily becomes the bottleneck 03:56:02 Yeah, haven't seen it that bad before though, usually at significantly higher speeds. 03:57:16 But it's a low-power CPU, so that does seem reasonable. 04:12:48 the N100 boxen? 04:14:47 I JUST RAN RSYNC --DELETE TO THE WRONG DESTINATION NOOOOOO 04:14:50 it's joever 04:15:15 FUCK 04:17:38 Oof 04:17:50 I never use --delete. I rsync, then double- and triple-check, then rm. 04:19:11 Although obviously you can still fuck things up that way. 04:19:19 well I was running it periodically 04:19:25 Right 04:19:28 but I made two mistakes 04:19:58 fireonlive: Yeah, the N100. I also desperately need a bit of cooling for it. The SSD is getting quite sad. 04:20:13 first, if I had used --delete-delay (I think --delete means --delete-before) I might have Ctrl-C'd it in time 04:20:20 aw poor ssd :( 04:21:18 I don't have a 3D printer nor a friend with a 3D printer to make a nice bracket for a fan to put on top. :-( 04:21:26 second, I should have used an absolute dest path instead of ./, so that it didn't make a disaster when I re-ran it from history from the wrong cwd 04:21:40 Ah 04:22:10 up-enter strikes again 04:22:25 :( 04:22:34 local library with a 3d printer? 04:22:40 or makerspace? 04:22:50 Yeah, will have to check. 04:25:04 * fireonlive hopes so 04:25:20 so basically I lost the directory where I was keeping all of these https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/ALLyt/downSrcMPop-uploadId-12371.txt 04:25:27 (the html popups) 04:25:41 ahh 04:25:42 but no big deal for files that are already archived 04:26:50 it used to be simply https://opensource.samsung.com/downSrcMPop?uploadId=12371 before they started making things harder :P 04:30:16 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/833206397051207690/1226333803983933531/nthcte4morq51.png?ex=6624635b&is=6611ee5b&hm=36501684535023e4061c987108f715d02d79ff69725b5dd935749829614971e9& I feel old 04:31:37 back when we used http everywhere :( 05:27:10 >Results for people are limited 05:27:19 fuck you google 05:27:23 :| 06:10:00 What if i'm a robot? Are the results still limited 06:35:49 🤔 maybe if you're clearviewai no 06:36:04 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/c49d99e5e4e3e209/reddit-mould.png 06:36:25 accidentally held too long on the upvote button on reddit's mobile app and... lol 06:36:43 on a comment that is 06:37:45 i guess giving gold moved and also a new(?) restriction? 13:07:40 fireonlive: yep Reddit decided to delete their formerly biggest revenue source. Probably their revenue is all from AI training data collection now. 13:08:06 as well as selling the right to present propaganda as well as selling lists of those propaganda accounts to AI companies to ignore 13:10:05 it happened shortly after the CEO tantrum 13:47:36 Holy cow, this one is wild https://old.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bytj4m/boomer_fil_bankrupted_his_family_in_less_than_3/ 13:55:49 this thread is worthy of being framed, tbh: https://twitter.com/rauchg/status/930972471326416896 13:55:52 for all the wrong reasons 13:56:17 (all that is left of spectrum.chat today, is the 'discussions' tab on github repos) 14:27:32 wrong link? or i just don't get it, it mentions quora 14:31:26 it's one tweet in a thread 16:24:55 I don't get why people do threads on twitter. I thought musk increased character limits to like 10k 16:25:16 are people just being obtuse on purpose? 16:27:31 nukke: iirc the character limit thing requires a monthly subscription 16:28:31 that guy has a blue checkmark tho 16:29:40 in some cases threading can make sense still I reckon (well, at least going by fedi experience) 16:30:08 Here is basic https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/0e9ec1ad85a12477/image.png 16:30:09 I think that specific one isn't actually a thread 16:33:31 tweets from 2017! 16:33:39 don't think limit was 10k then 18:17:56 I don't get why people do twitter. I thought musk. 18:22:53 twitter is dead, musk killed it 18:41:02 there's still some good porn on there 18:41:10 ...so i hear 18:52:23 Can't see the eclipse cause the sky is covered in clouds 😭 18:57:38 nukke: It's beautiful here in New Brunswick 18:57:39 nukke: Yeah, same :/ 18:57:59 it's also +16 here 18:59:15 ooh warm 18:59:30 *visits nyany* 18:59:47 for some reason I don't remember this much NASA hype and show in october 2023 19:02:34 ew canada 19:03:51 aside from our absolute unit of a government it's a nice place 19:07:07 apparently on the X iOS app they're replacing twitter.com links with x.com 19:07:32 https://twitter.com/Ryoga_exe/status/1777255961364971827 19:07:39 someone twitter netflitwitter.com and it shows up as netflix.com 19:07:44 tweeted* 19:19:05 lol i thought it was just the previews 19:19:38 but i guess they're following the redirect as a fallback there too? 19:21:08 idk what happens if you actually tap the link 19:21:27 I'm on a pre-acquisition app version lol 19:23:06 ah nice lol 19:33:51 -+rss- Major data center power failure (again): Cloudflare Code Orange tested: https://blog.cloudflare.com/major-data-center-power-failure-again-cloudflare-code-orange-tested https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39969448 19:34:49 rip the portland DC again 19:40:51 fireonlive: I have some pictures for you two 19:40:55 Let me get them off my phone 19:41:15 ooh :3 19:46:41 i chose bluetooth 19:46:44 i chose violence 19:47:34 fireonlive: is there more info about the *previous* incident? 19:47:40 the blog post had some unanswered questions 19:47:55 hm not that i've seen 19:48:38 nyany: 🔷👄 19:54:20 fireonlive: 19:54:47 they're not the greatest but they're what i was able to manage 20:01:11 o3o 20:11:39 nyany: very cool :D 20:16:49 lol qwertyasdfuiopghjkl i saw you added it to the archivebot 20:17:54 https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/bG4mu/aatt.png :) 20:18:26 haha yup 20:18:40 I'm gonna kill the server since it's just running with the python httpd thing 21:00:02 clouds cleared up here jut in time for totality, was great 22:13:01 https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%201-m&geo=US&q=my%20eyes%20hurt,why%20do%20my%20eyes%20hurt&hl=en 22:18:07 ... 22:51:39 < joepie91|m> (all that is left of spectrum.chat today, is the 'discussions' tab on github repos) 22:51:43 ^ their shutdown message explicitly promised "no 404s" 22:51:46 of course, the reference cited on deathwatch to support this is an ia capture, because--guess what! 22:55:18 lmao :) 22:55:34 I especially love that they use quora as a reference 22:55:43 y'know, the thing that completely went to shit not long afterf 22:55:46 after*