01:45:05 pabs: https://app.swapcard.com/widget/event/nerdearla-chile-2024/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfMTg4MjM1MQ== 06:32:16 https://www.nvidia.com/content/dam/en-zz/Solutions/homepage/v2/sfg/nvidia-nemo-sfg-2560x1440.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/cq5dam.thumbnail.600.338.png 06:32:19 'en-zz', interesting 14:27:41 Wonderful, I had to clutch start my car :( 19:45:31 kiska: :/ 22:07:10 https://www.xda-developers.com/first-leaks-windows-11-ltsc-image/ https://archive.org/details/26100-ltsc-x64-enus 22:07:27 the ISO might steal all your bitcoin and mail your gay porn to your church tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 22:44:07 https://looking-glass.io/ 23:25:06 why is the internet so bad 23:25:20 99% spammers and people whose business models are reliant on hosting spammers 23:25:35 and genAI making the spam more efficient 23:25:37 nobody wants it, not even the people hosting it nor the people sending it 23:25:51 nobody reads it, there's way too much 23:26:26 because the internet allows you to do anything you want, including scams 23:26:54 google is kept alive by ad fraud and click bots 23:27:06 Because it's profitable enough to be worthwhile. 23:27:26 for the people hosting it? yes. for the people sending it? i honestly find that dubious. 23:28:04 my biggest problem is that there are invariably like 10 links in the chain who *could* do something about it, several of which don't even directly profit form it, but they *won't* do anyhting about it... 23:29:02 a few companies significantly reduced their ad spending triggered by the pandemic 23:29:03 but hey we have can-spam so we're good, we don't need to take any legislative action against it \o/ 23:29:18 and they realized that they got negligible effect on actual revenue 23:29:59 steering: https://www.forbes.com/sites/augustinefou/2021/01/02/when-big-brands-stopped-spending-on-digital-ads-nothing-happened-why/ 23:30:05 i was looking at $work's emailer account earlier today, we hvae like a 5% open rate 23:30:53 wonder how much money we spend on the person who writes the emails etc, plus my time setting up dns records and making sure we don't get shitlisted and can't send even transactional/person-to-person emails anymore 23:31:24 we almost certainly don't make as much money from it as we spend on it 23:32:03 5% lmao 23:33:03 and like im not saying we aren't particularly bad at email marketing (we are) 23:33:22 i do wonder what the average is, i can't imagine it's that high 23:33:24 but when's the last time you put your email in somewhere and didn't promptly get 2-3 emails and then another email every week... 23:33:40 * fireonlive 👀 $clothingretailer 23:33:53 somehow the same specials keep being a limited time offer 23:34:25 and if you *don't* allow images then even the people sending you important transactional emails will show you a popup every time you log in and ask you every time oyu call in "hey is your email still right? you haven't opened any emails from us" 23:34:55 (*looks at discover and statefarm*) 23:35:19 roleplaying i see 23:36:35 I like the ones that ask you at signup/purchase time whether you want to receive the newsletter, you don't check the box, and then they send it to you anyway. 23:38:26 thank you canada's CASL laws 23:38:27 :3 23:38:33 confirm-opt-in required 23:40:30 Oh, it's required by law here as well. Doesn't mean they care. 23:41:39 JAA: oh you mean like work 23:41:56 (i actually dont know if we have a box but we definitely do send to everyone) 23:42:09 also if you ever talk to a salesperson or see us at a show 23:42:13 :c 23:43:11 I send an angry email to everyone doing this. I hope you get a lot of angry emails. 23:45:29 (What I really hope is that whoever makes those decisions slips and falls onto a cactus.) 23:46:30 JAA: same and same 23:46:50 I spend a loooooot of time trying to keep my inbox sane enough that I can... actually find the emails I care about 23:47:41 using a different address almost everywhere, firing off nastygrams to the involved abuse@ and the company themselves, blocking senders, blocking to addresses, clicking spam 23:48:09 the latest one is @vxunderground -> virus.exchange -> spam from substack 23:49:37 :-( 23:49:55 abuse⊙sc (and/or postmaster@) replies with a nice email from zendesk telling you to fill out a ticket online 23:50:02 Virus? 23:50:30 vx pls :( 23:50:35 ^ 23:51:51 thankfully with google's new sending requirements -> our provider (klaviyo) made us switch to using our own domain as envelope -> our reputation has tanked and our spam rate has skyrocketed 23:52:03 so i might actually be able to convince mgmt to change things 23:52:04 Sadge moment 23:54:09 urgh 23:54:26 i feel conflicted on this but 23:54:29 Google++ 23:54:30 ? 23:54:30 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Google' now has -1 karma! 23:55:19 yes, howeber 23:55:22 Google-- 23:55:22 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Google' now has -2 karma! 23:55:24 steering: klaviyo uses kmail-lists.com 23:55:50 and then KDE gets people complaining about spam because people google kmail and end up finding KDE's email client 23:56:04 since they enable emails so senders can already track you but then dont give senders any real signals of spam 23:56:29 nicolas17: loooooooooool but haven't seen that domain anywhere afaik, maybe they stopped? 23:56:32 nicolas17: lordy lol 23:56:46 p sure the "shared" envelope senders was like klaviyomail.com or smth 23:56:49 steering: true 23:56:54 see if i can find an old one... 23:57:18 >via ksd3.klaviyomail.com 23:59:14 < steering> since they enable emails <-- images*