00:12:48 * Doranwen is ready to tear her hair out trying to find a guide for her specific case - migrating from legacy boot on one comp to uefi on another... 00:13:06 Everything's either migrate uefi to uefi, or convert in place. 00:13:28 Do such guides actually exist? 00:17:57 Yes, a guide for everything exists 00:37:25 archive team breaks out our vintage bags: https://www.instagram.com/break.archive/reel/C5gbMdJiPtC/ 00:40:11 Would've been helpful if they'd actually said *where* to find such a guide, because my searches aren't turning it up. :P 00:41:06 hmm, migrate in place and then move hdd maybe? or configure new pc to legacy boot 00:54:52 I can't actually migrate in place because the clone of that drive won't boot - GPT with legacy boot and the BIOS is complaining about it 00:55:10 I've no idea *how* the original drive booted all this time, then - and it's just about dead 00:55:51 I've got a good clone that's relatively recent, and a more-or-less complete backup file-wise that's VERY recent, but which won't work for booting - and neither one do I want to risk in trying to set up this system over again 00:56:21 Was going to try copying existing partitions on the clone but I need to set up the uefi stuff right on the new disk 00:56:37 The swap partition's plenty big so if I have to make it a bit smaller to compensate for lost space, that's not an issue 00:56:59 But exactly *how* to do this process I'm not quite sure 00:57:44 I've got it booted off a live DVD (not the OS I've been using, but it's got gparted and was close at hand so I used that) with the new (blank) drive in the tower and the good clone connected via a docking station, and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out the next step 00:58:18 And the hdd that's in the tower and what was used was 4TB, most of it all one partition, so legacy boot isn't an option as far as I can tell… 00:59:21 If I have to, I'll install the OS afresh but I really don't want to go through the process of having to install every bit of software I had set up and everything… if there's *any* way to avoid that I want to take it 01:00:25 Considering the time and effort you've already expended attempting to avoid a fresh install, perhaps you really should consider this as the more viable alternative 01:00:30 Doranwen: what distro do you use again? most package managers should be able to export/import a list of installed packages 01:01:01 I can't boot the OS at all to do anything with it because of the GPT/legacy boot combo that it didn't like 01:01:01 (obvs if you have a lot of locally-built or otherwise non-package-managed stuff this won't work that well, but) 01:01:16 And this is - you're going to think I'm crazy - a Mint 13 system, lol 01:01:20 * Doranwen has good reasons for keeping one around 01:02:13 I'd migrate a lot of my work on it to a VM but I have IDJC set up and configured on there and everyone in the family likes listening to my station and I cannot make IDJC work in a VM no matter what I've tried 01:03:47 (The main reason for using it in the first place was due to a font - yes, a font - that worked perfectly on Mint 13 and on every other OS and version after that the line spacing was completely messed up - of course, that font was what I used for a TON of materials I created and sell online, and was not about to go change them all. Hence using Mint 13 for that purpose. IDJC happened there because I didn't need the sound for anything on 01:03:48 that system and it sort of knocks everything else out, using JACK.) 01:04:41 nyany: But shouldn't there be a way to just copy the partitions over? At this point it would still take less time than setting everything up, hoping I've remembered all the installed programs, etc. 01:05:02 The question is exactly how to set up the partitions and run something to point to the right spot so that it'll launch the OS. 01:05:26 Well, I'll leave this with you in case you do change your mind late 01:05:27 r 01:05:31 sudo apt list --installed 01:05:52 returns a list of all packages that have been installed using apt/apt-get 01:06:10 might wanna update them all too 01:06:20 How do I run that when I can't boot the OS? 01:06:43 oh right, you're up shit creek 01:06:49 hm 01:07:10 I cloned it with ddrescue, but the clone is GPT with legacy boot, and I have no idea how it worked on the original drive because the clone absolutely won't boot, gives the error message about that 01:07:28 This comp *can* do UEFI fine, I got it in probably 2016 or so 01:07:36 does the clone boot on the current machine or are you attempting to move it to another machine 01:07:38 I don't think I set it up myself 01:07:50 Iirc someone who got me the tower did the initial install 01:08:04 No, the clone doesn't boot because it complains that it's GPT-formatted and can't boot legacy 01:08:35 Can you not simply enable legacy boot or is that defeating the true purpose of your intentions 01:08:44 It's set to legacy boot 01:08:50 It doesn't like that the partition table is gpt 01:08:56 And won't go any further 01:09:13 I never get any screens besides that error msg 01:09:44 Restore hard drive 01:10:24 Doranwen: i'm a little confused by your description of the situation. 01:11:09 Original hdd is basically dying/dead, I thought I could just plug a clone (made with ddrescue) in and it would boot, but it is giving me this error msg 01:11:16 do you have a new hard drive you want to partition, and a clone of the old hard drive off which you want to get the data? or are you trying to repartition the clone of the old drive? 01:11:23 So I bought a new hard drive 01:11:36 And *that* is what's in the tower now, that I need to partition 01:11:44 And copy the data partition off the clone onto it 01:11:55 ok 01:12:04 And make it UEFI this time so it won't have fits 01:12:26 Instead of trying to do legacy boot with a GPT hdd (that's 4TB, so gpt necessary) 01:13:04 partition the new drive just like you would for a fresh install (including your efi system partition), then instead of doing a fresh install copy the root partition from the clone to the root partition of your new drive 01:13:08 It's got one single data partition that's most of the drive, a swap one that's like 16 gigs or so, and of course the bios-grub one that isn't working 01:13:38 I don't remember why it didn't get a separate / from /home but it doesn't, they're all one partition 01:13:55 (Again, I did not set this up originally, so) 01:14:26 Will try that 01:17:06 It sounds simple, I was just getting overwhelmed by the complicatedness of the situation 01:18:17 https://superuser.com/questions/594203/how-to-copy-entire-linux-root-filesystem-to-new-hard-drive 01:18:50 All the guides suggest separate / and /home partitions, and I do *not* have that to work with, though - do I just set the one partition to be / and it'll automatically find /home where it should be? 01:18:57 I assumed I could just use GParted to copy the partition 01:21:29 …except this one's weird, there's no way to set an EFI system partition up :P 01:24:51 if you want you can create separate /home and / partitions, then copy home to the new /home and everything else to /, but if you do this you need to do your copy at the filesystem level, not the block level (ie not using gparted) 01:24:53 separating /home is a matter of taste for desktops imo, different distros have different conventions (i've never bothered) 01:25:00 Aha, scrolling down one of the secondary answers has a solution for that 01:25:15 Nah, separating /home and / isn't super important for this one - it's never going to be upgraded in place. 01:25:54 If I ever abandon it and go to a new OS/version, I'll extra back up everything and start from scratch 01:29:06 i'm not sure what you mean by "there's no way to set an EFI system partition up" 01:29:18 The guide I was looking at had a way to just pick it from a dropdown 01:29:44 That this doesn't have - but the guide you linked does have - a little ways down - specifics on how to create the partition a bit more manually 01:30:04 Says to format it as fat32 and manage flags to boot and esp 01:30:27 * Doranwen has never had to create one outside of a distro installer which has the option in a dropdown, lol 01:30:37 Or at least, if I have, I don't remember it 01:30:44 that's not on the page i linked ?_? 01:30:46 * Doranwen clearly doesn't do this enough to remember 01:30:47 but it is correct 01:30:55 Oh wait, it's not 01:30:58 Sorry, wrong page 01:31:00 I thought it was yours 01:31:20 No, I did a search for how to set one up, forgot I had 01:32:39 Does it actually matter which order the data and swap are in? 01:32:48 no 01:33:30 I didn't think so 01:34:37 Thank you - it's copying over and finishing the formatting, I'm hopeful 01:35:26 It'll take a few hours to finish that 01:35:48 I'll go back to work on Yahoo Groups, lol 01:36:48 * Doranwen would like that done and uploaded *before* those drives start to fail, even if she *does* have backups 01:39:09 note that the efi system partition you've just created is empty, so you'll need to actually put a bootloader in it 01:39:38 Right, I was just trying to figure out how to do that 01:40:35 whether I need the live disc for the corresponding OS to do it from, or whether the current live disc can be used to do it from 01:49:19 https://www.404media.co/email/d72b3844-9d62-4961-b52f-86ba9f237480/ 01:49:20 >‘AI Instagram Influencers’ Are Stealing Women’s Bodies 01:49:20 …I'm having a hard time finding a guide that makes sense to me - most seem to be talking about dual-boot situations, adding boot options to an existing working system, etc. 01:51:49 oof 01:51:55 not surprised, but yeah 01:53:15 thuban: is this guide about what I want to do, then? https://www.fosslinux.com/115040/a-complete-guide-to-installing-grub-bootloader-on-linux.htm 01:56:29 https://www.404media.co/sansan-chicken-zoom-cashier/ 01:56:36 i saw one about a dental clinic doing this 01:56:37 but huh 01:57:39 apparently it's happening in drive-thrus in the US as well; you get AI order takers, then someone overseas takes over if it gets confused/etc 01:57:48 (though this is a real person) 01:58:29 Doranwen: i would use this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows 02:02:00 (since you've booted from a live disc, you want to make sure you change to the install on your filesystem before installing the bootloader, to reduce potential issues--the page you linked mentions this briefly, but only in the troubleshooting section and without adequately explaining it) 02:03:26 why is the meeting ID and password right on the register 🤦 02:05:02 🙄 02:07:07 nb: i have never been in this specific situation, cannot guarantee compatibility, etc etc. since you have a copy of your old filesystem, if all else fails you can ask the package manager (on a live disc or a fresh install) what you had installed on it https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/580121/where-does-apt-or-dpkg-store-the-list-of-installed-packages 03:57:26 when you typo `mdir` instead of `mkdir` and have no idea what the fuck you're looking at for a second 03:57:30 Can't open /dev/fd0: No such file or directory 03:57:30 Cannot initialize 'A:' 03:58:01 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/cf84f41afa78ce89/wut.png 04:04:19 fireonlive: what do you get if you typo 'sl' instead of 'ls'? 04:04:59 $ sl 04:04:59 zsh: command not found: sl 04:05:03 sadly no fun 04:06:48 you need to install sl then 04:06:54 distros should install it by default smh 04:07:43 i think one did but people got buttmad 04:07:49 could be wrong though! 04:42:59 https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/google-vids-is-googles-fourth-big-productivity-app-for-workspace/ 04:43:04 Google Vids 04:44:38 > beagle, shibainu, quetzal, frigate, turaco, kakapo, cockatoo, puffin 04:44:43 these are codenames 04:44:52 what could be the next one in the list? 04:45:41 I'm looking through birds on wikipedia trying to figure it out (and it takes me 10000 HTTP requests to see if it's correct... assuming it's even deployed already) 05:15:53 hmmm 12:38:33 XZ is back on GitHub https://github.com/tukaani-project 12:51:57 https://github.com/tukaani-project/xz/commit/77a294d98a9d2d48f7e4ac273711518bf689f5c4 > The other maintainer suddenly disappeared. 12:51:58 :D 12:58:23 hm, i wonder why 13:21:45 nyany: I also wonder why. 14:19:34 That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point. 14:20:40 JAA: Meh. 14:35:07 3 hosts of one of the affected SBNation podcasts did a live stream giving some information on what's going on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aAWensLaYo 15:03:47 Ok this is hilarious https://krebsonsecurity.com/2024/04/twitters-clumsy-pivot-to-x-com-is-a-gift-to-phishers/ 15:07:44 oh yeah, it really is 15:08:37 * JAA likes space-twitter.com in particular. 15:51:01 i can't believe there was no one involved in that process who pointed out what a stupid idea it was. 15:51:14 then again, if they had they probably would've been fired for hurting someone's ego.. 15:58:39 https://www.today.com/video/whistleblower-claims-boeing-s-787-dreamliner-jets-are-flawed-208690245619 16:00:54 Another whistleblower from the same plant that the one who was suicided worked at 16:47:14 THANKS 16:47:18 -Jia Tan 16:47:25 👏🏻 16:47:36 what 16:48:02 from imer's link earlier https://github.com/tukaani-project/xz/commit/77a294d98a9d2d48f7e4ac273711518bf689f5c4 16:48:47 nulldata: wonder if this whistleblower will "commit suicide" 17:18:54 fireonlive: https://github.com/tukaani-project/xz/commit/780cbf29d5a88db2b546e9b7b019c4c33ca72685 17:37:20 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1777505144709550302.html 17:37:27 on SoS 17:37:50 nicolas17: awesome haha 18:43:05 https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/08/ms_dos_easter_egg/ 18:43:08 boooo microsoft 18:47:35 lol 20:09:01 oh I found the codename btw 20:09:13 > beagle, shibainu, quetzal, frigate, turaco, kakapo, cockatoo, puffin 20:09:23 the next one is peacock 20:09:35 * nicolas17 preemptively bonks fire_onlive 20:09:40 Peacock but remove pea 20:09:55 * nicolas17 bonks Notrealname1234 20:10:03 Coc- 20:10:34 nicolas17: 😵‍💫 20:10:43 :P 20:25:05 https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/09/microsoft-employees-exposed-internal-passwords-security-lapse/ 20:27:35 https://support.google.com/a/answer/9105393 20:27:49 >Alert retention 20:27:49 >Alerts are retained in the alert center for approximately 10 years. 20:27:49 >Note: Starting in April, 2024, the retention period for alerts will be 6 months. 20:28:00 "oof ouchie my storage usage" ~ google these days 20:33:41 Google's trying to find lost storage in the couch cushions 20:33:51 haha yes 20:41:18 For fireonlive: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/297/355/cb3 20:42:42 🥺 21:08:38 Damn US only sales https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/7b7f67baa87bc1c6/image.png 21:09:54 :( 21:33:07 kiska: damn that's hot 21:33:34 imagine all the por - i mean imPORtant archiving stuff i could store on there 21:39:40 :D 22:55:09 imPORtaNt* 22:55:26 important is what you say dummy 22:56:12 It's a lot of storage for Linux ISOs. 23:13:34 nyany: droves of gay pornogrpahic material 23:13:52 😸 23:14:13 backup .+tube when