00:18:04 thuban: just have to check - does the live OS I use to install grub have to be the same as the OS one? I'm also seeing stuff about booting in EFI mode to install grub so I don't get a legacy version and I'm not sure how to make that work, am afraid I'm going to botch something because I'm not sure of what I'm doing 00:19:49 I did see all the instructions about doing it from the correct system and all that 00:21:23 Oh... https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/0a4dee95e15b796e/image.png 00:21:44 Doranwen: in theory, no (especially if you follow the chroot instructions). in practice, maybe. sometimes you just have to try stuff and see if it works 00:21:47 you already have a backup, and you can always repartition your drive if you have a problem, so there's no real risk here 00:22:09 * Doranwen nods 00:22:54 good evening everyone 00:23:58 Hey there 00:26:05 getting here has been a wild ride 00:26:18 but i think it started with a hacker news article about Anna's Archive 00:30:07 oh! 00:30:14 welcome :) 00:30:34 to the world of yesterday.... 00:31:15 Tomorrow 00:31:28 something like Hacker News > Anna's Archive > ipdl.cat > freeread.org > mhut.com > /r/DataHoarders Discord > here 00:42:58 thuban: I'm assuming that just updating grub isn't sufficient, that I need to actually install it - since this comp had legacy grub on there before, is there something I need to do to make sure it installs the EFI version of grub or will grub-install automatically do the EFI version? The answer's old enough that it's unclear and I'm seeing msgs both ways... 00:55:58 yeahhhh, it just says "This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible!" and fails to install, bah 00:56:13 It's not doing it as efi for sure 00:57:36 Doranwen: yes, you will need to do grub-install before update-grub. using the appropriate `--target` (probably x86_64-efi) can't hurt. whether your `grub-install` supports efi targets may depend on the version and/or your distro's packaging; you may need to install a separate efi package 00:59:44 That's what I got when I tried grub-install 01:00:11 I'm doing it from a live disc for Mint 21.2 01:03:09 Aha, reinstalling grub-efi may have fixed it 01:03:14 It only had grub-pc installed 01:03:41 Yay, no error reported 01:05:11 However, one of the checks it had was to run `blkid | grep -i efi` and compare with ` grep -i efi /etc/fstab` - but when I run the first command, it doesn't find the efi partition at all 01:05:38 Iirc, it didn't have the mountpoint of /boot/efi, I may have missed something when I was setting it up 01:35:32 tfw CRO's repsonse to "we should purge unengaged recipients" is "omg no we can't possibly do that panic and accuse him of unprofessionalism because i suck at my job" 01:35:46 (re the spam thing yesterday) 01:49:12 did they operate a scam call centre in their past life offering "windows security refunds"? 01:49:15 🤔 02:37:15 >Oh My Git: An open source game about learning Git 02:37:15 https://ohmygit.org/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39976634 02:41:33 ohhhhh I need that 02:46:16 I thought games were supposed to be fun, not stressful 02:52:11 x3 03:05:40 Another update on one of the SBNation podcasts - https://www.podbean.com/media/share/dir-8pi3g-1e269490 03:06:00 oops meant for -bs 03:50:14 realizing I'm an AWS spot instance 03:51:02 oh? 03:51:34 can be useful 03:51:37 can have great performance 03:51:50 but don't use it as the load-bearing part of anything important, you can't rely on its availability 03:51:56 it can be interrupted or shut down at any time 03:52:30 uwu 03:52:34 * fireonlive pats nicolas17 03:55:25 if you use it for extra processing capacity, it can be very helpful, if you make it Responsible for the Project, you're gonna have a bad time when it unexpectedly fails 04:19:11 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/57ff0f2149ac6e2a/navy.png 04:19:28 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/8aca18635abfa8bf/navy2.png 04:19:36 notice anything lol 04:20:37 "I eat ass (heart)"? 04:20:45 indeed! 04:20:58 I guess the official social media didn't really care lol 04:21:28 amazing 04:22:20 one of the images is here, https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/igphoto/2003407025/ 04:22:38 should see if can find the others in case they yoink 04:23:42 https://www.defense.gov/Multimedia/Photos/?igsearch=James%20Burrous 04:23:48 hm only 1 result 04:26:47 isn't the navy infamous for having a ton of gay dudes (atl east when compared to the other branches of the military)? 04:27:47 that is the stereotype, but I wonder if that is accurate 04:28:02 yeah, looks like they killed the post 04:28:07 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/b9f9bc803384695b/image.png 04:28:24 all I found was this one person screenshotting it and tagging them 04:28:37 scrubbed all but one image too I think 04:30:20 I wonder if the photographer or the subject got a dressing down for that 04:32:22 ooh probably 06:30:07 To the lounge users here. Remember to add the database cleaner configuration before updating https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/blob/f5867c3643ba8ef24dcf5a7010f39fd6050d0954/defaults/config.js#L321 06:30:58 that_lurker: it's off by default if missing right? 06:31:15 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 06:31:22 hm 06:31:29 would be good to explicitly define though yeah 06:31:33 :) 06:36:46 Oh well I enabled it for my instance as after 10 years I don't care if you joined, left or changed status :P 06:37:41 "- `statusOnly`: Only delete message types which are status related (e.g. away, back, join, parts, mode, ctcp...) but keep actual messages from nicks. This keeps the DB size down while retaining "precious" messages." 06:38:34 :O 06:39:13 that_lurker: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/d4ba4e80d890fc50/wtf-delete.png 06:40:21 Well it will delete it from the DB, but text version of the logs should still contain the data if I understood correctly 06:41:13 true :) 06:42:54 Would be nice if the cleanup code would also rotate and compress the text logs though 06:43:02 zstd all the logs! 06:43:18 also if the lounge would take more care for weird channel names 06:43:26 but a lot of clients have odd problems with that 06:44:00 (#// and # are the same file f.e.) 06:47:27 That's just good storage optimization. Why have two files when you can just have one :P 06:48:12 :P 07:22:08 [381] We would like to take this moment to remind you that we accept absolutely no liability for the insanity you're about to endure. 07:22:09 :D 08:24:41 new technique for blocking ssh attack botnets https://discuss.systems/@ricci/112247553557306560 08:24:53 (based on sets of usernames) 13:33:25 Cloudflare IPO video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcbcklrmNdM 15:21:36 https://i.imgur.com/tbvqSs9.jpeg 15:49:04 gm fam 15:54:19 👋 16:47:20 https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2024-April/225407.html 16:48:17 yee :3 16:49:22 see also https://circleid.com/posts/20120713_silly_bing https://mailman.nanog.org/pipermail/nanog/2024-February/224864.html 16:50:00 >A few years ago the bingbot got trapped but fortunately I knew someone at Microsoft who could pass the word. He reported back that while he could not go into detail, there was a great deal of animated conversation at the other end of the hall, and shortly after that it stopped. 17:31:03 nicolas17: when next apple homepod 17:33:04 can i run Warrior from a dedicated server? 17:43:32 deadorbit, yes, you could also run the project docker containers directly, though 17:44:20 katia thats what i mean, run warrior in a docker container on a vps 17:44:27 wasnt sure if the commercial IP would be a problem 17:47:22 deadorbit, see https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/telegram-grab 17:47:37 there's a docker command to run the project container directly 17:47:47 it'll be probably be less overhead than warrior 17:47:50 and you can set higher concurrency 17:48:04 ok 17:48:46 i'm getting 429'd like a mofo on the roblox project haha 17:49:04 i set up multiple instances in my house, maybe that was a bad idea >_> 17:59:35 dead0rbit, yeah, you want 1 instance, with concurrency 1, per IP, there, the rate limit is like 20/minute 18:02:47 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40002532 18:07:26 for roblox comments anyway 18:49:18 https://twstalker.com/itssimontime/status/1761902529078837287 18:49:20 it's back! 19:37:51 pabs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idwkj3bFfe0 (I didn't watch it yet) 19:53:54 ugh i hate mailing list software i can't just chop off my unique email ID and forward it etc 19:54:02 dun want someone to unsub me 19:54:04 etc 20:36:10 > I ported THOUSANDS of apps to Windows 95 20:36:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTUMNtKQLl8 20:44:59 >EXT - STREET 20:44:59 >"why was dotnet not released on windows 95" 20:44:59 >"what is windows 95 again?" 21:17:24 this is weirdly pretty well produced? 21:17:28 (just background noise) 21:32:49 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/ee16a1a8e4871aa8/preserve.png 22:04:11 fireonlive: Oh, yeah, MattKC is really good production quality 22:04:31 He's a good balance between technical and general audiences 22:06:19 oh sweet 22:15:15 MattKC is always a good watch. Man is entirely too skilled for the shitposting he does. 22:17:01 fireonlive be like *adds to auto-download list* 22:17:31 Another is kkclue/planet clue 22:20:08 :D 22:20:20 i shall check out kkclue too thanks 22:23:33 He goes by planet clue these days 22:23:38 Still good content 22:23:44 ah :) 22:23:47 Just slightly less skilled than matt 22:23:52 But very fun stuff 22:23:59 that .net thing was a ride for sure 22:24:08 (by matt) 22:24:12 Like, matt will reverse engineer a forgotten Lego game because he can 22:24:26 And then make a whole suite of modding tools 22:24:41 (The Lego island saga is amazing) 22:25:02 i should give that a watch; i somewhat remember playing it as a kid 22:25:26 This man be making this game run properly on modern computers 22:25:29 On his own 22:25:40 amazing 22:25:58 This saga is truly worth a watch 22:26:13 i'll take you up on that for sure 22:26:35 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpl-gZkNl2Db4xcAsT_xOfOwRk-2DPHL 22:26:57 :3 22:27:03 And the decomp series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpl-gZkNl2COf_bB6cfgTapD5WduAfPz 22:35:35 I can also recommend bringus studios. Very amusing 22:42:40 "Jailbreaking a Prison Laptop to play Prison Games" haha 22:44:16 Heh was just about to post the MattKC video - very well done 23:09:06 :3 23:31:25 Ooh, new version of the 'Google is using brain waves to control us all' email just dropped. 23:34:33 Meh no need to worry imo - Google Brain Waves will enter the Graveyard soon enough. 23:35:16 :-) 23:38:05 tfw *you* end up on killedbygoogle.com 23:40:04 http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5587 x_X 23:41:38 and a follow-up replies on twitter: https://twstalker.com/amichlin/status/1778492673113936007 23:42:22 and a noteworthy reply to the above: https://twitter.com/phys_ballsocket/status/1778545338338464145 23:42:47 Ouch 23:52:02 twitter's new '3 clicks to see who liked this tweet' thing sucks 23:52:22 hi nicolas17 23:52:24 :3 23:52:46 what 23:55:05 you tweet liker you