00:55:10 thuban: in case you wondered, I *did* get the comp booting fine, discovered a command to set a partition code as EFI and after that I tried booting and it worked beautifully - now I can get back to work on YG and archiving fic - thank you again for all the help! the page you linked was the first key to getting it working 01:46:33 https://twstalker.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1778471125913161739 02:06:45 my brain has been microwaved, everything is confusion 02:06:49 o_o 03:36:54 Doranwen: you're welcome, glad it worked out! 03:38:54 Anyone here ever had the error "The maximum number of active connections for UID 1000 has been reached"? My latest Mint throws it at me after a few days (currently blocking me from opening a program I need to open) and I'm wondering if I'm the only one who ever has it because there is literally nothing out there on it that's not years and years old. 03:45:36 Huh, syslog says it's a dbus-daemon thing. Well then. 03:45:48 -+rss- Amazon virtually kills efforts to develop Alexa Skills, disappointing dozens: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/amazon-virtually-kills-efforts-to-develop-alexa-skills-disappointing-dozens/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40008170 03:45:49 >"Dozens" may sound like a dig at Alexa's ecosystem, but it's an estimation based on a podcast from Skills developers Mark Tucker and Allen Firstenberg, who, in a recent podcast, agreed that "dozens" of third-party devs were contemplating if it's still worthwhile to develop Alexa skills. 03:49:08 fireonlive: at least with my MUA, I can do forward/redirect, then edit the file in the "Outbox" Maildir, then send and it will send the edited version 03:49:18 so you can drop unsub links that way 03:51:59 ah yeah, i suppose i could just edit the email as well for p2p 03:52:32 though I suppose it would be nice for archivebotting stuff if 'view in browser' wasn't polluted too 03:59:25 thats harder yeah 04:02:07 mailchimp at least lets you see the email still after removing the ?e= param 04:05:54 https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/CalendarImage/CustomFormat?imageDate=2024-04-12&outputMedium=fullImage 04:05:56 neat 04:06:10 used as the header image on https://www.ourcommons.ca/en 04:06:49 doesn't actually respond to the URL parameters 04:06:53 they're probably just for cache busting smh 04:06:53 ah JAA started a job there 04:07:04 oh boo it doesn't :| 04:07:32 ... i hope they don't take a new picture daily and upload it to the website lol 04:07:50 probably not 04:08:21 see if an older one is archived? 04:08:55 https://web.archive.org/web/20210309042031/https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/CalendarImage/CustomFormat 04:09:08 looks the same 04:09:23 =] 04:11:02 okay so it *is* dynamic and not a new picture daily lol 04:18:25 https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/11/24127545/discord-suyu-sudachi-server-shutdown-account-ban 04:18:31 discord++ 04:18:33 -eggdrop- [karma] 'discord' now has -6 karma! 04:21:42 hey i need to report an error on the wiki 04:23:12 nukke: why ++? 04:23:54 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior#How_can_I_run_tons_of_Warriors_easily? 04:24:10 the link to https://fsfe.org/activities/nocloud/ is 404 04:24:48 what should the link be? 04:25:53 https://web.archive.org/web/20190808012706/https://fsfe.org/activities/nocloud/ 04:26:04 as far as i can tell the page no longer exists 04:27:11 updated 04:27:17 (-bs in future) 04:27:54 thanks for the shout though 04:27:56 :) 04:28:45 s/ though// 04:51:55 what do you mean -bs 04:52:05 oh, #archiveteam-bs 04:52:09 it's our main 'on topic' channel 04:52:33 ahh gotcha 04:52:52 :) 05:37:36 https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/osm-standard-tile-layer-hacked/111583/11 05:38:45 woops, actually just vandalism 06:50:12 https://github.com/lmorchard/fossilizer - A static site generator for Mastodon exports 08:03:47 night kittens~ 08:56:43 Hello there! There's a very large and old (2003) arabic forum for general media (with heavy focus on anime and western media) that has been on the limbo for a while now that the registration is closed and new posts are far apart 08:57:27 I used the google sheets > ia tool for a while but it's very tiresome to use and a bit clunky at times 08:58:59 I can help crawl it myself since I have a few idle vps' but just need the guidance (point me somewhere, no need for indepth). the forum has 1,034,827 threads and 37,761,407 replies. 08:59:05 link http://www.mexat.com/vb/forum.php 08:59:48 the parent site (mexat.com) isn't very important since it's a portal for the threads that are already in the forums. 11:00:36 https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/11/24127545/discord-suyu-sudachi-server-shutdown-account-ban 13:21:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djIufZ7Fyms 14:15:35 fireonlive: https://github.com/aaronjanse/dns-over-wikipedia 14:15:36 :D 15:35:37 https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/11/24127906/x-premium-users-can-no-longer-hide-their-blue-checks 16:07:16 kiska: :D nice 16:07:24 im totally guilty of doing that lol 16:59:25 https://github.com/1fishe2fishe/EXODUS 18:01:03 Notrealname1234 because we merged with WiiLink and it was necessary to do a step down, other people on their team wouldn't cooperate unless I did it and I think it was time anyway since the wii community is filled with children your age that are edgy 18:01:28 Thats sad 18:01:45 I was already cutting back and WiiLink was making their own versions of everything and many of the developers working on RiiConnect24 wanted to be with them rather than us 18:02:09 so it was either I don't step down and there's 2 versions of everything or I leave and I done a good favor for the community 18:02:21 Sadge 18:03:17 Do you allow me to share that on the discord? 18:03:29 Unless they have image permite 18:03:51 Perms* 18:04:20 WiiLink before made drama when I took a response header to fix an error code and got over 1k likes on twitter for a statement saying I stole their code and weeks of their effort, months later they created a pdf statement about me saying I copied their code when they had open sourced it (even though it made no sense because anyone can use the code), 18:04:20 and then after I stepped down I was trying to make a revival service for wii shop called rii shop, rather helping people out with it, and they claimed I doxxed people by displaying their wii numbers / serial numbers / console nicknames on a voice chat, which was not true 18:04:43 no, I'm not on the discord and I don't want to know what they are saying about me 18:04:48 Thats evil 18:05:31 I also was hurting working on RiiConnect24 primarily because of a member called HEYimHeroic which used their 9k+ followers to amplify drama and make me very upset and also sided with WiiLink on everything 18:05:51 Gonna share this on twitter then 18:05:58 no 18:05:59 DO NOT 18:06:00 SHARE 18:06:00 THAT 18:06:04 ALRIGUT 18:06:06 DON'T SHARE ANY OF THIS WITH ANYONE 18:06:08 thank you 18:06:14 what do you want me to do 18:06:37 Just mentally note that down, many people know my story, just keep it to yourself 18:06:49 Alright 18:07:00 I'm scared to even mention it on a public setting 18:07:32 Wait 18:07:46 The irc is public 18:07:50 ... 18:08:02 Uh oh 18:08:07 it's fine 18:08:33 I'm not sure if there's public logs anyone can see of it still 18:08:52 You are wrong 18:08:53 https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/archiveteam-ot/20240412 18:09:33 Yeah im going 18:09:55 it's not really google indexed, but thanks for reminding me 18:10:33 "it's not really google indexed, but thanks for reminding me" np 18:11:03 I didn't really say anything that I regret except the heyimheroic part 18:11:06 I don't like HEYimHeroic 18:11:17 and I doubt they'll ever see this conversation 18:14:16 Larsenv: the archiveteam-ot page did get indexed on Google 18:14:55 Accidental share on the internet 18:17:13 ... hello? 18:20:29 what? 18:21:22 Nothing 18:22:29 I'l give you a hint, check the messages 18:48:03 very cool video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ae5Mq2lJE 19:43:53 https://isitfridayyet.net/ 19:51:31 yay 20:04:31 Seagate Mozaic 3+ HAMR 30+TB Hard Drives - Deep Dive https://youtube.com/watch?v=JNGsTHuFcvM 20:04:50 My body is ready but my wallet isn't 20:04:57 :O 20:05:06 i wish i had unlimited money 20:10:19 sugardaddy where your daddy pays you with storage space instead of gifts 20:10:40 um 20:10:48 nukke: yes pls 20:10:55 Notrealname1234: he's talking to me 20:11:08 alright 20:13:11 lol 21:35:53 https://opentofu.org/blog/our-response-to-hashicorps-cease-and-desist/ 21:41:43 daaamn that's an extensive analysis 21:45:58 Discord-- 21:45:58 -eggdrop- [karma] 'Discord' now has -7 karma! 21:48:14 lol at DNS over Wikipedia, nice. I've done that but with Wikidata before.