00:18:38 > outgoing seqnr wraps around 00:18:41 Uhh, is that bad? 00:19:26 Context is autossh, and I can't find anything about it. lol 01:04:19 https://github.com/antonyantony/openssh/blob/3b55f5f0db74bce2e71cf30ce253f26714cbd10f/packet.c#L1172 01:05:36 Not the proper repo, but has the code that leads to that error :P 01:06:44 -+rss- Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu: https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/12/24128640/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-app-recommendations https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40018948 01:07:37 middle finger emoji 01:08:21 "Now, it’s up to Windows testers to file feedback on these changes to see whether Microsoft might be forced to not include these ads on shipping versions of Windows 11." 01:18:36 +rss- YouTube has a new design on desktop and everyone is mad about it: https://www.androidpolice.com/youtube-new-desktop-design-nobody-likes/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40018199 01:18:39 what the fuck 01:18:54 are the designers at google all doing too many drugs 01:19:05 first the sign in screen redesign 01:19:07 now this 01:29:58 most likely all the data shows that most people view content in teather mode so they tried to change the regular view to look more like it. 01:37:52 Oh yeah that new design! I actually saw it over two months ago, I guess I was part of their A/B testing 01:38:19 It's actually... decent, surprisingly, reminds me a bit of old old YouTube 01:41:41 oh hm 02:23:33 !tell ikkoup archivebot.com has an archiving job for mexat.com/vb running since 2023-07-17 02:23:34 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell ikkoup when they join next 02:35:34 https://d-shoot.net/kagi.html https://www.osnews.com/story/139270/do-not-use-kagi/ 02:37:01 fuck 02:38:11 >Now, you may ask, why did we go through all this trouble and allocate nearly a third of our investor-raised funds to produce and freely distribute 20,000 t-shirts? 02:38:20 i do remember this and thinking it was dumb 02:39:35 is there discord linked somewhere i can slap a dump on it 02:41:17 https://kagi.com/discord 02:43:43 thank 02:45:35 JAA: if a server has HSTS and an expired certificate, how do I bypass that in Firefox? 02:46:26 started dump of 849884108750061568 : Kagi Search 02:47:17 they don't use forum channels so i can get it all 02:47:48 you had to join the server first right? 02:48:00 yeah 02:48:36 join and check if there's any weird gates (click reaction to get channel access kinda thing) then 02:48:47 s/ then// 02:56:02 fun fact: discord's api lets you see every channel and section's name even if you don't have access to it 02:56:43 in kagi's case, nothing juicy just "moderator-only" so far lol 02:59:50 i think maybe you can see the topic too? unsure 03:00:05 DigitalDragons would know tho 03:03:17 http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5587 says "Resource Limit Is Reached", is it hosted on a potato? 03:04:59 oh i was just about to say it made it to HN it seems 03:05:05 and that this is... a take.. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40018990#40019975 03:05:37 oh that's the older one hm 03:05:48 https://web.archive.org/web/20240413015819/http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5587 03:06:01 newer one: https://web.archive.org/web/20240413025740/http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5591 03:06:38 fireonlive: the followup is worse https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40020075 03:06:42 also 03:06:55 the blog post loads if you refresh a few times, and ofc there's always WBM 03:06:56 but 03:06:56 hotd with... NetActuate, Inc? 03:06:58 hm 03:07:01 *is* it hosted on a potato? 03:07:19 i do wonder 03:07:53 seems to be a different host outwardly than the wiki 03:08:26 nicolas17: nice followup indeed lol 03:08:32 waiting for a AI sales pitch next 04:53:18 fireonlive: channel name, channel topic, timestamp of latest message and latest message pin, and typing status 04:54:17 DigitalDragons: wait, the content of the latest message pin too? 04:54:20 or just the TS? 04:54:27 Just timestamp not content 04:55:48 ahh 04:55:55 still though that's a lot lol 04:58:27 Yeah, the topic thing is especially bad since people might put sensitive information there 04:59:09 (unless you go naming channels #my-password-is-12345 since I guess you can write there too) 04:59:53 indeedy 13:40:03 https://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/halolz-dot-com-freshfishofbelair1.gif 13:40:09 https://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/halolz-dot-com-freshfishofbelair2.gif 13:40:12 https://www.halolz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/halolz-dot-com-freshfishofbelair3.gif 14:30:54 !seen Larsenv 14:30:54 -eggdrop- [seen] Larsenv (~Larsenv⊙vcn) was last seen quitting from #youtubearchive 4 hours 48 minutes 59 seconds ago (2024-04-13T09:41:55Z), stating "Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat" 18:22:36 I just remembered this work of art https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/588741-super-metroid/faqs/10114 19:10:41 lmao this didn't take long to get funded https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1556971210/llamas-with-hats-epilogue/ 22:57:28 that_lurker: Hmm, thanks. I did suspect it to be encryption-related. That seems kind of bad, but only the other one triggers a rekeying. 23:06:58 nicolas17: Requires messing with about:config IIRC, but I don't know the details. 23:50:58 nulldata: good, he deserves all the money for still holding onto animation on yt