01:01:28 JAA: I found there was a phrase I can type in the warning page 01:20:26 nicolas17: theybadded one?! 01:20:30 what is it :o 03:10:32 fireonlive: https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/29a129010da97c45/image.png 03:10:33 :D 03:30:18 :D 03:37:56 This is pretty good for doing that amount of traffic https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/dbf845e55577b579/image.png 03:38:45 https://twitter.com/mbrkhrdt/status/1779204283293991100 04:06:23 nicolas17: whats the password nicky 04:13:33 what 04:35:11 fireonlive: password for what 05:29:00 nicolas17: hsts bypass in firefox 14:51:25 Well, if a major company does it, we gonna do it too: https://proton.me/support/inactive-accounts 18:33:59 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/paywall-problems-media-trust-democracy/678032/ 18:34:15 🤌🤌 18:36:13 The irony is exquisite. 18:42:54 paywalls incorrectly assume people will subscribe to Their Preferred Newspaper 18:43:37 if I go to the atlantic to read an article, it's not because I'm a regular reader of the atlantic, it's because someone shared a link to a specific article on IRC 18:43:55 this is not a long term relationship with the website 18:46:20 so you're saying we need a Netflix for newspapers? 18:46:42 Actually that would make sense since most.large newspapers are owned by a single corp 18:47:19 maybe they need to be a lot more generous with number of free articles? 18:47:44 also there's some website that recently started telling me "this is your last free article" 18:47:56 and when I close the popup saying that, it shows the paywall and doesn't let me read it 18:47:59 ?! 18:48:16 so then I use the browser Reader Mode and it just works 19:23:19 did you know - you can sometimes lookup infos about a tar file by hash: https://whatsrc.org/artifact/sha256:f42ee9efa489e9ff5d328baefa26f9c515be65021856e78d99ad1f0ead9ec85d 20:20:30 >In memory of Jia Tan 20:20:34 lao 20:20:36 lmao 22:16:57 nicolas17: Please do tell. I know that exists on Chromium (typing 'thisisunsafe' IIRC) but haven't seen it on Firefox before. 22:20:26 * fireonlive wonder if "AlsoJAA" is gone for good 22:24:46 JAA: If you're wondering about reader view in Firefox it's between the address bar and the bookmark star button 22:24:50 It's a page icon 22:27:38 icedice: No, the previous discussion was about overriding HSTS. 22:28:59 Oh, I missed that one entirely 22:29:37 when you open anew tube of superglue and it jizzes all over your fingers like it's not been touched in a year 22:29:39 :| 22:36:49 I think it's the same phrase? but I can't test it anymore because now my browser forgot the site has HSTS 22:41:46 Huh. The relevant issues on Bugzilla are still open, so I didn't think it could work. I don't have a test case currently though. 22:42:33 I'm not aware of a phrase for Firefox either 22:42:59 there is https://badssl.com/ for all kinds of tls issues 22:43:29 https://subdomain.preloaded-hsts.badssl.com/ 22:47:44 when you open anew tube of superglue and it jizzes all over your fingers like it's not been touched in a year 22:47:46 hot 22:47:49 /jk 22:48:05 xP 22:48:15 luckily i got most of it off 22:48:40 Well, if a major company does it, we gonna do it too: https://proton.me/support/inactive-accounts 22:48:54 "Can someone else take over my email address after it was deactivated? 22:48:54 No. For example: You’re on a Proton Free plan and your email address is alice⊙pm If your Proton Mail account is inactive for 12 months or longer, we may deactivate it. This means you will no longer be able to access your account. No one will be able to use alice⊙pm either." 22:49:12 "Why can’t I reclaim my email after it was deactivated? 22:49:12 When offering new email domains such as @proton.me, in the interest of our users, we want to: 22:49:12 Ensure that a diverse choice of email addresses is available. 22:49:12 Protect our users by preventing different people from sharing the same username on different domains. For example, there should never be 2 different users owning john.smith⊙pm and john.smith⊙pc This helps prevent impersonation attempts." 22:49:13 hm thisisunsafe didn't seem to work on fx there 22:49:33 Those two seem like conflicting statements 22:50:00 Or is it just my caveman brain not understanding CERN gigabrains? 22:51:22 Like if they're not freeing up deactivated email addresses (which they shouldn't) then that does jack shit to "ensure that a diverse choice of email addresses is available" 22:51:43 And the "Protect our users by preventing different people from sharing the same username on different domains" part seems like something that is solvable without any of this 22:54:54 hexa-: I tried that one, and Firefox lets me add an exception normally. lol 22:56:11 badssl.com has been poorly maintained for a while, sadly. There are several certs that should be valid but expired two years ago, for example. 23:13:24 :( 23:13:52 i forgot who maintained it... part of my mind says april at mozilla maybe but... also not sure 23:14:21 Well, it links to https://github.com/chromium/badssl.com so I'm guessing not Mozilla. 23:14:27 ah, oop 23:15:06 ah ok i recognize the names in https://github.com/chromium/badssl.com/commits/master/ now 23:15:29 well, the ones from 2018 :) 23:17:43 Oh yeah, there's April. 23:18:40 apparently she's at dropbox now! 23:23:39 alright, finally unveiling fire's channel list: https://irc.fireon.live/hackint/channels.html also on IRC as #fire-channels (join to get invited to them all, thanks for the idea JAA :3) 23:23:41 cc arkiver 23:24:18 * JAA has hit the chan limit. lol 23:24:34 x3 23:25:01 i see "You've already reached the maximum number of channels allowed." a lot lately haha 23:26:19 I'm in at least 1-2 dozen channels that I meant to destroy a long time ago, so this is on me. 23:27:21 512 channel limit when? :3 23:27:52 i hear there's a user mode equivalent of the chanmode +L 23:27:59 more channels et 23:28:02 etc 23:28:50 hm, maybe not on chary 23:32:51 ah https://github.com/charybdis-ircd/charybdis/blob/master/doc/reference.conf#L779 23:32:59 but idk how one would even trigger that lol 23:34:36 ah, it's a priv 23:34:45 extend_chans. so auth block 23:34:56 i thought i was going crazy for a bit 23:35:49 (not requesting one or whatever just was like coulda sworn one existed...)