00:07:10 It's probably significantly harder to set something up so you can access it while on the road, especially if CGNAT is in play, too. 00:07:44 I'm using IRCCloud behind ZNC 00:15:40 Cloudflare Tunnels and Access takes care of the CGNAT and dynamic IP issues 00:20:54 Or tailscale 00:21:40 I think one of the issues is both spare machine availability and energy costs 00:22:50 I wish hackint would cloak your IP/host by default but I remember that Noname person's IP was from somewhere in a region energy prices are pretty high and are also prone for prolonged power outages 00:24:40 via https://gay.sex.life : https://the.company/ 00:24:52 i guess they just bought a bunch of domains o_O 00:25:20 >This simple web page was created for informational purposes only. We don't sell anything. We don't buy anything. We don't offer any services. We don't need any services. We do not give any advice. We do not need anyone's advice or recommendation on our own affairs. Best Regards, THE COMPANY 00:25:33 >THE COMPANY 00:25:33 >DREAMS COME TRUE 00:25:38 >Our goal is to complete all these projects within 10 years 00:25:39 lol 00:26:04 (thesword's title is gay.sex.life which auto-linkified for me in the lounge) 00:26:13 (and i clicked on it wondering if it existed) 00:26:40 good thing they're working on... happy.world and safe.world tho 00:27:05 I wish hackint would cloak your IP/host by default but I remember that Noname person's IP was from somewhere in a region energy prices are pretty high and are also prone for prolonged power outages < me too... i wonder why they don't 00:27:11 But also on fake.world and crazy.world... 00:27:54 welp 00:28:27 Nice find :-) 00:28:34 :) tks 01:00:06 A new video from our robot overlords https://youtu.be/-9EM5_VFlt8 01:06:22 RIP atlas 01:25:52 I like how it sometimes goes into an "ow my balls" stance 01:44:13 -+rss- Boeing whistleblower says 787 fleet should be grounded: https://thehill.com/homenews/4598076-boeing-whistleblower-says-787-fleet-should-be-grounded/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40059174 01:57:27 posted in #discard, but thought it relevant to those outside the project too: -+rss- Site claims to have harvested 4B+ Discord chats, all yours for a price: https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/16/discord_network_sale/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40059022 01:57:42 >Yes, all the info is already public in a way – Discord is kinda like IRC on steroids 01:57:46 IRC mentioned, we're still relevant 02:00:25 >Enhanced User Privacy. 02:00:25 > We prioritize your privacy as a user searcher. Your searches are secure and confidential. 02:00:27 lol 02:00:56 >You are fucking with the captcha. Please stop. 02:00:58 in red 02:01:04 no i just have JS disabled but thanks 02:03:42 "Request removal" /remove redirects to /lmfao.mp4 lol 02:05:37 (https://dl.fireon.live/irc/6d6fe1cc24e2e3d8/lmfao.mp4) 03:04:54 TIL some protocols in the vein of gopher/gemini and how to access their specs: 03:04:54 echo nex/info/specification.txt | nc nightfall.city 1900 | less 03:04:54 echo 'spartan.mozz.us /specification.gmi 0' | nc spartan.mozz.us 300 | less 03:04:54 echo 'R scorpion://zzo38computer.org/specification.txt' | nc zzo38computer.org 1517 | less 03:05:39 * pabs guesses IA is not able to archive these - /cc arkiver :) 03:07:39 :o neat 03:25:13 https://openjsf.org/blog/openssf-openjs-alert-social-engineering-takeovers 03:29:13 oof 03:30:32 pabs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffEHNMOz-oU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idwkj3bFfe0 may be relevant to your interests 03:54:32 posted in #discard, but thought it relevant to those outside the project too: -+rss- Site claims to have harvested 4B+ Discord chats, all yours for a price: https://www.theregister.com/2024/04/16/discord_network_sale/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40059022 03:54:53 They're dipshits at least for using Porkbun 03:55:01 One complaint and that domain is a goner 03:55:10 Anyone here wants to light the fuse? 03:57:54 I wonder how I'd tell if my stuff was in there. 03:58:28 has anyone had any luck running standalone warc archive scripts 04:35:16 https://x0.at/hWjj.png 07:42:01 https://adobeandteardrops.com/ sadly this is not a site criticizing Adobe the maker of reader, photoshop, etc 07:42:16 just wanted to share my disappointment 14:00:46 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1779885123363635572.html https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/1779920066840055847 14:12:35 fug 14:13:55 I've added a new feature to my source code indexing site: https://whatsrc.org/artifact/sha256:81e9516553370b8146f54c0cef08ef27d1ede976aa674d4ba9d915d64e42b4f3 14:14:04 Not sure how to feel about the Discord thing - it's pretty despicable but if anything happens to the guy I feel like it could happen to AT as well 14:14:35 Kinda reminds me of archive.eu in being an evil, commercial version of AT or the IA 14:30:48 has anyone had luck using standalone archival scripts 14:39:47 deadorbit22: what's standalone archival scripts? 14:40:10 WAIL for instance 14:40:25 or browsertrix 14:51:49 someone's scraping discord apparently https://stackdiary.com/spy-pet-is-harvesting-your-discord-history-with-no-ability-to-opt-out/ 14:51:54 but not in a good way 14:52:26 wym "not in a good way"? it's all public servers 14:52:45 I mean they don't seem to publish their scrapes as far as I can tell 14:52:48 so no private/invite-only discords, or DMs 14:53:02 just a private search interface that costs "tokens" to use 15:11:21 say hello to our new overlords https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29ECwExc-_M 15:15:26 that a community is publicly accessible does not automatically mean that people are okay with others mass-scraping it to build a spying system out of it, particularly a for-profit one 15:15:57 there exist legitimate reasons to scrape things, but "it's public" in and of itself does not excuse any and every kind of scraping for any purpose 15:40:19 * DigitalDragons considers sending angry legal notices to spy.pet 16:06:16 Anyone using IRCCloud suddenly unable to access the client? 16:21:03 DigitalDragons: given their "Request removal" at spy.pet/remove i dont think they'll care too much 16:24:29 fireonlive: considering this "remove page" specifically I think cloudflare won't host them for long because the person running this site can't argue they operate in good faith with this 16:25:03 one still needs to go do the necessary steps though 16:33:40 DigitalDragons: email it to DSA-legal-representative⊙cc, it's the contact in charge of (EU) 2022/2065 16:35:48 alternatively go for https://abuse.cloudflare.com/general 16:36:54 ^ this is most certainly the better contact way, I think the email is for something else 16:38:13 I didn't notice there's a "General" section while looking for something more specific for this situation 16:40:44 ah, they even mention "DSA certification of bona fide belief" on the submission form 17:00:52 fireonlive: yeah, hosting providers may care though 17:22:54 the cloudflare form even has a box to send the hosting provider a copy 17:27:31 why is browsertrix so garbage. at this rate it will take me 90 days to archive this website. 17:38:57 Running a full browser will do that. Also, it's webrecorder, so it won't write proper WARCs. 17:42:05 well that sucks 17:42:54 there's uh 17:42:57 hm 17:42:58 what is the difference between spy.pet and a search engine which makes one okay but not the other? 17:43:08 internetarchive's one 17:43:17 brozzler - but it's also full chromium 17:43:34 but presumably writes correct warcs since they tend to actually care about that stuff 17:46:17 someone should sponsor me to write a pcap to warc converter 17:47:56 steering: because Google doesn't let you pay $0.10 to stalk users across login-required spaces 17:51:04 * fireonlive gives nicolas17 one meme 17:51:22 * fireonlive pays nicolas17 in exposure 17:52:34 I considered biting you, then realized you might like it so nvm 17:53:50 i mean 17:54:07 👀 17:54:25 i'd totally hate that don't do it 17:54:31 can't do anything to fireonlive when he has every kink 17:54:47 xD 17:57:33 telegram ceo is saying in his channel he did an interview with tucker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ut6RouSs0w o_O 18:02:06 makes sense, both are big fans of putin 18:03:53 oh god I had to close the video after the first two minutes 18:09:06 I slapped that in the queue 18:11:12 telegram ceo hotter than i thought he would be 18:26:14 bonk 18:34:55 😵‍💫 18:44:39 lol 19:16:13 DigitalDragons: you're right, they let you see the cached copy for free instead. remember how that used to be the simplest way to bypass paywalls...? 19:16:50 i don't see how that's relevant here 19:17:02 i don't see how it's not 19:18:31 that's the paywalled site explicitly letting Google see the content for free 19:18:46 and this is discord letting spy.pet see the content, cool 19:18:47 not Google going out of its way to login with a fake account to scrape the content 19:19:15 also "news articles" and "your messages" are not remotely the same thing 19:19:21 umm 19:19:22 ^ 19:19:36 i'm not sure what you think the web was like in 1998 19:20:04 this channel is publicly logged 19:20:16 if it wasn't, I wouldn't want Google to join a bot to IRC to index it 19:20:38 * joepie91|m notes that people who believe that nonconsensual spying on people is okay, will always find a justification for it 19:20:42 yeah it's more like someone publicly logging every irc channel they can find without asking anyone 19:21:04 joepie91|m: don't worry, i know it's only okay when stealing from companies :) 19:21:44 nicolas17: and how would you stop someone from doing so? 19:22:01 "it's impossible to prevent it" doesn't mean it's okay 19:22:10 it's not impossible to prevent it, though. 19:22:31 then why are you bringing that argument 19:22:50 because it's actually quite easy to prevent, if you want to prevent it. 19:23:01 if you don't take any steps to prevent it, you really shouldn't be surprised when it happens. 19:23:07 step 1: don't make stuff public if you don't want it to be public 19:24:16 do you think talking on an IRC channel is "making stuff public" because theoretically anyone could join it? 19:24:21 "don't wear a short skirt then" 19:24:40 consent is really a very simple concpet 19:24:42 concept* 19:26:59 DMS-10: The first phone call! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-R64-zYBHc 22:53:15 https://gizmodo.com/piece-of-iss-battery-pallet-crashed-through-florida-hom-1851412968 23:49:17 -+rss- House passes bill requiring warrant to purchase data from third parties: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4601266-house-passes-bill-requiring-warrant-to-purchase-data-from-third-parties/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40070853