06:23:11 The use of the snowmobile has most likely dwindle a lot now that everyone has moved to the cloud and AWS most likely does not offer the option to move stuff out with it 13:51:45 I have this urge to set up a bunch of cardpunches and 9-track drives in a old uhaul or something and brand it as the Slowmobile 13:52:54 that_lurker: they don't offer the option to move out with snowmobile, but I imagine moving from AWS to *on-premise datacenter* would be rare 13:53:21 and you can't use a snowmobile to move to/from another cloud, since the other cloud won't let you pull up with the truck to their physical datacenter 13:53:25 cloud off-migration is a real thing 13:53:52 i hear if you pay cloud provider enough big bucks they will let you pull up wherever you want 13:55:16 can I pay Microsoft enough big bucks that they will let me pull up with an AWS Snowmobile to move my data from Azure to AWS? :P 13:58:27 so for that, you need the Microsoft Bingmobile to meet the Snowmobile in a dimly-lit parking lot... 14:00:31 nicolas17, maybe 14:01:02 but it might be the same price of $your contracted rate for TB which is xx % off sticker price + the price of the bingmobile 18:41:55 https://www.vox.com/money/2024/4/17/24133324/boeing-senate-hearings-whistleblower-sam-salehpour-congress 18:42:47 "Pierson, the ex-Boeing whistleblower, testified today that this couldn’t be true. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this: This is a criminal cover-up,” he said. “Records do in fact exist. I know this because I’ve personally passed them to the FBI.” 18:42:55 Oof 18:50:06 "internal and external critics say that Boeing’s priority was maximizing its profits" 18:50:15 coincidentally I was just reading (and being disgusted with) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_v._Ford_Motor_Co. 18:53:45 Corporations do corporate stuff. Who knew? 18:55:44 JAA: worse, in the US they are legally mandated to do "corporate stuff [derogatory]" 18:58:17 I'm not sure about the legal situation in Europe, but the outcome is more or less the same. 18:59:04 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benefit_corporation like how is this not the default 19:00:26 because we live in hell. 19:00:28 this is hell. 19:00:39 there is no redeemable quality to any of this. 19:00:47 we were put here to suffer, and so we shall. 19:01:13 any short glimmer of happiness is only to crush you harder when it's taken away. 19:01:30 it's nothing but an endless cycle. 20:48:18 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/292335182c684c7c/image.png 20:48:34 wow from zucc to would fucc 20:49:21 21:08:01 😵‍💫 21:31:24 TIL IA uses application/json-l for JSONL. This is still not standardised. 21:44:25 tsk tsk 21:54:12 fireonlive: He's had the 2024-03 zuccbot update which adds a more humanlike appearance and 300+ new interactions. :-P 22:09:27 ooh :P 23:45:13 okay I think I figured out what issue each of these magazine pages belong to 23:45:39 the cover lists *some* of the contents and I guessed the rest 23:46:41 if the cover of issue 4 says it has electronic experiments 5, 7, 8, then almost certainly it has experiment 6 too 23:47:54 if the cover of issue 5 says it has electronic experiments 10 and 11, it probably has experiment 9 too, it won't be part of issue 4 since there were only three or four on each