10:57:51 Reddit is now overtly blocking Tor access. "Your request has been blocked due to a network policy." 10:58:09 but only sometimes 12:02:47 immibis: It's ok, you're not missing much 12:02:50 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/F4MAfQSP/image.png 12:02:57 This was the first thing I saw going to reddit.com today 12:05:48 You should do a TIFU post about that :P 18:45:49 oh fuck https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/5RKhT/chrome_938VdBophq_2024-04-24_19-45-02.png 18:58:23 the thomas midgley jr of search? 18:59:12 ok someone resurrect altavista to kill google and the circle of life will be complete 19:04:47 how is he destroying google search though 19:05:19 AI is destroying search results 19:06:27 gaming metrics, ambiguating search results and ads, encouraging incorporation of ai (against the recommendations of engineers who favored more transparent processes), etc 19:07:08 (disclaimer: have not attempted to fact-check article) 21:47:10 what you should get from this is that if you make a good search engine now, you can replace google and make eleventy trillion dollars 21:49:55 I have gone to the next level of crazy and I'm indexing the Samsung opensource files 21:51:30 https://transfer.archivete.am/inline/SHbJo/SM-G977U_NA_12_Opensource.zip.json like this 21:52:14 IA lets you see the file listing of a zip and even download individual sub-files in it, but it won't recurse into a .tar.gz inside a .zip 22:05:51 oops 22:05:54 src/chrome/test/data/image_writer_private/test_corrupted.tar 22:05:57 recursing into this didn't go well 23:20:14 > Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised by how much laying off 1,500 employees negatively affected the streaming giant’s operations 23:20:17 https://fortune.com/europe/2024/04/23/spotify-earnings-q1-ceo-daniel-eklaying-off-1500-spotify-employees-negatively-affected-streaming-giants-operations/ 23:20:20 23:21:21 ahahahah 23:22:25 perfect heading