02:14:24 https://x.com/mmalex/status/1066111290580582403 02:14:25 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/mmalex/status/1066111290580582403 03:02:00 lost my old account on this irc, and don't remember the proper channel to post about impending shutdowns, but https://forums.steamrep.com/pages/eol/ 04:49:20 tempguestbringingbadnews: That has already been done :-) 04:51:03 Correction the forums are done. The main site was heavy on javascript and cloudflare so that was not done 04:59:07 okay, i didn't see it in the wiki, so i wasn't sure. thank you! 05:03:25 yeah I never added a wiki entry for it. There are still some forum links that need grabbing also. Good thing there is still time as the forums close at the end of the year 06:51:37 main site got buttflare'd because they did not want a backup of that data 07:36:54 SPN browser crashed while capturing site... seems like cockroaches got more active... 17:27:27 https://x.com/majornelson/status/1817696206761705758 17:27:27 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/majornelson/status/1817696206761705758 17:27:47 Xbox 360 Marketplace shutting down within the next 8 hours 17:31:29 aaand i can't access the xbox marketplace anymore 17:31:30 https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Fez/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584109c0 17:34:15 redirects to https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/browse 18:11:34 [remind] kiska: downsample project stats 22:15:39 https://defcon.org/html/defcon-32/dc-32-speakers.html#54502 <- Cant wait to see Daniel get on the stage; he's really happy about this talk happening.