03:13:13 !tell that_lurker we miss u 03:13:13 -eggdrop- [tell] ok, I'll tell that_lurker when they join next 03:50:03 !remindme 9h see previous ping 03:50:04 -eggdrop- [remind] ok, i'll remind you at 2024-07-30T12:50:03Z 04:02:46 can tech just... work please 04:17:19 no 05:45:35 [tell] that_lurker: [2024-07-30T03:13:13Z] we miss u 05:56:32 Getting tired of these soju issue so shall move to znc soon™ 05:56:44 s/these/this 08:01:07 whats the soju issue? 08:09:27 Gets stuck and needs a restart 08:11:00 Something in the latest con fixes are causing this, but not sure what as I don't have crashdumps 12:50:03 [remind] kiska: see previous ping 13:44:35 !remindme 1d downsample project stats 13:44:35 -eggdrop- [remind] ok, i'll remind you at 2024-07-31T13:44:35Z 16:38:39 https://azure.status.microsoft/status Looks like someone pushed a quality network config again 17:32:23 maybe they pushed crowdstrike n-1 version in prod 17:32:32 just to be sure 18:21:15 !remindme deploy crowdstrike on all computers 18:21:15 -eggdrop- [remind] unable to parse time: unable to convert date-time string "deploy": syntax error (characters 0-5) 18:21:21 :p 18:50:52 azure-- 18:50:52 -eggdrop- [karma] 'azure' now has -2 karma! 18:50:58 digicert-- 18:50:58 -eggdrop- [karma] 'digicert' now has -1 karma! 18:51:09 crowdstrike-- 18:51:10 -eggdrop- [karma] 'crowdstrike' now has -1 karma! 18:51:24 microsoft-- 18:51:24 -eggdrop- [karma] 'microsoft' now has -4 karma! 19:27:04 The issue is with Azure Front Door. The Azure Back Door service threat actors have had access to is likely fine. 19:28:13 lol 19:42:54 If you pay for a ladder, you can use our premium Azure Second Floor Window service which is not affected by this outage 19:50:41 if your monthly could services bill less than $1million you're doing it wrong 19:58:39 I just love it when these cloud companies that have datacenters in multiple countries still for some reason go down everywhere when a there is an issue. 20:49:42 that_lurker: it's the nsa box that went down ;-) 23:42:20 #Build·time·autogenerated·kernel·key0-- 23:42:20 -eggdrop- [karma] '#Build·time·autogenerated·kernel·key0' now has -1 karma!