13:44:35 [remind] kiska: downsample project stats 14:38:12 !remind kiska 1d upsample project stats 14:38:13 -eggdrop- [remind] ok, i'll remind kiska at 2024-08-01T14:38:12Z 14:38:30 😇 16:22:59 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/geekifyinc/neopets-official-tabletop-roleplaying-game-ttrpg 16:23:13 🤨 17:22:46 https://youtu.be/mkMe9MxxZiI 17:24:37 If you are an EU citizen, please take a moment to sign this EU initiative for games preservation. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci 17:28:51 and if you are a US citizen, get boned because we've gone full regulatory capture. :( 17:34:58 Signed and shared forward 18:15:40 free boning? 18:15:41 where? 18:19:43 you only get free bonking :-) 18:20:26 nulldata: PirateSoftware(thor) talks about that https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2201559519?t=9h57m43s 18:41:30 x3 19:57:00 https://www.friend.com/ 19:57:12 what's with these startups buying the short cool domains i swear 19:57:15 but also wtf 19:57:30 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Q1hoEhfk4 19:58:15 nulldata! you beat me to it :3 20:45:26 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/6f15700dd7ad0f27/sex-with-friend.png 20:45:43 (founder: https://x.com/AviSchiffmann) 20:45:44 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/AviSchiffmann 22:12:46 https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2024/000007_en# <- guys in the EU, you can do something 22:31:53 https://x0.at/er6g.jpg 23:02:02 https://t.me/durov/340 23:02:05 *tina belcher noises* 23:02:57 >Big day! Today we introduce the Telegram Browser and Mini App Store, plus many other innovations 23:02:57 >The Browser lets users switch between viewing websites and messaging, merging communication with news consumption. .. It is equipped with all the features you would expect from a browser ... 23:02:57 >Most importantly, Telegram Browser allows people to view decentralized websites called TON Sites. This opens the world of blockchain-based web (often called Web 3.0) to almost a billion users. To try it out, update Telegram and open a link (like tonsite://getting-started.ton) 23:03:09 👺 23:04:21 JAA: archivebot support for tonsite://? :P 23:04:30 * JAA barfs. 23:04:34 xD 23:04:37 yeah. 23:20:55 'Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription' https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/07/logitech-has-an-idea-for-a-forever-mouse-thatrequires-a-subscription/ 23:24:44 ????? 23:25:27 >Faber said subscription software updates would mean that people wouldn't need to worry about their mouse. 23:25:31 ???????!!?!???!!!? 23:26:31 That ChatGPT button isn't going to update itself! 23:29:57 I hate supporting this company but they do have the best mice :( 23:30:06 Aye 23:30:31 I have the Ergo Plus (trackball) and the MX master 3s 23:30:54 I have two MX ergo and they have quite extensive traces of wear :D 23:31:12 so not sure what a subscription for software updates would do for me 23:31:24 it would also not replace the shitty micro usb port with an USB-C one 23:31:37 ^ 23:31:37 Whoopsie-doopsie, you haven't unlocked that feature yet! Get UNLIMITED middle-click usage for only 3.99$/month! 23:31:56 That's the one thing I hate about the ergo. It's the only device in my house with microusb 23:32:11 Also same, only using Logitech mice at this point 23:32:47 the market for trackballs is worse tbh 23:32:54 there are barely any for lefthanded people 23:33:05 and the quality is generally meh 23:33:22 Ploopy! 23:33:24 anyway, new management gets hired, they'll turn up the enshittifcation dial 23:33:38 yeah ploopy indeed, but $$$$ and importing it to europe :D 23:34:12 for sure. They are expensive :( 23:34:23 I have the headphones and they're super good 23:35:05 210 CAD for the assembled one 23:35:11 https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LOGI/ 23:35:22 which is 140 EUR + customs and taxes 23:35:29 It blows my mind that they're trying to monetize so hard. They're doing super well as it is 23:35:56 And Logitech is *the* brand for work peripherals. I don't think I've ever owned a non-logitech webcam 23:36:08 logitech webcams are as shit as the rest of them 23:36:25 the newish gimbal ones suck less tbh 23:36:35 Aren't those like $150+? 23:36:36 obsbot, insta360 23:36:39 lol yeah 23:36:43 stupid expensive 23:38:33 nukke: I reckon you don't own any rechargeable bike lights? Because USB-C is still a tiny minority among those, even on newly launched products. 23:40:47 nah mine have replaceable AA batteries 23:42:50 Ah 23:43:41 My front light doubles as a powerbank. It has a USB-A out. 23:54:34 what is the yt archive room? 23:54:43 #down-the-tube