00:54:32 we should probably archive crowdstrike related mememery 00:54:45 including youtube videos like https://youtu.be/MFDwFOygx_g 00:54:55 ..and this is -ot 01:50:36 https://www.romhacking.net/news/3074/ 01:50:52 >ROMhacking.net Moves to News Only, Database and File Archive Released to Internet Archive 01:52:44 :o 02:12:54 https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/yes-nasa-really-could-bring-starliners-astronauts-back-on-crew-dragon/ 02:18:20 I totally forgot about that and didn't even know they were still up there. Oof. 03:41:11 nukke: it's incredibly sad to see that it wasn't the corporate machine that killed the site in the end, but just garbage people