02:53:57 http://youtube.com/post/UgkxgpbTQvL2WptvJavFLv_yiqHfrXqTK0b3 03:47:11 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/aa3d7b984f2e95da/nreach-alert.png 03:47:17 breach* 03:50:36 oh no 03:50:51 D: 07:51:46 in which CBC asks, "Are we too dependent on Microsoft?" and then the host proceeds to blow my fucking mind and question his masthead with the first sentence in this god damned segment about the CrowdStrike incident: https://dl.fireon.live/irc/6be9fe2086f00fbb/CBC-are-we-too-dependent-on-Microsoft.mp4 (src: 07:51:46 https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6469022) 14:22:55 https://youtu.be/b6vQlvefGxk 19:46:37 a wikipedia page seems to have blindly replaced links to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfGevFIVKw4 (video no longer available) with https://web.archive.org/web/20110323095802/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfGevFIVKw4 19:46:49 which doesn't work either because the video was *not* archived 20:02:49 smort 20:03:19 I guess they have a bot doing it automatically, and the web.archive.org link "works" (doesn't return 404) 20:03:38 Yeah, I've seen a bot there before. 20:10:36 do/should we #down-the-tube youtube videos on wikipedia? 20:14:50 That's off-offtopic. 20:16:31 well this video was *long* gone from youtube 20:44:25 https://www.howtogeek.com/no-we-are-not-running-out-of-qr-codes/ LMAO 20:45:57 lmao 20:46:30 we are running out of books 20:47:58 :O 20:48:01 panik 20:48:58 wait 20:48:59 wait 20:49:01 that article has wrong info too 20:49:07 "The 32-bit format of IPv4 creates a pool of possible addresses simply not big enough to account for every unique device in existence, at least at the pace the Internet is growing. IPv6 was created to solve this problem, creating a pool essentially 1,000 times larger." 20:49:36 ... 1000 times? 20:55:42 4,294,967,296 vs 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 20:57:27 hm now I wonder what's the *actual* ratio 20:58:08 2^96, duh 20:58:22 removing the reserved addresses, loopback... 20:58:39 Those are still valid IP addresses though. 20:59:13 for the purposes of "we're running out of IPs!", 127/8 is not a usable range 20:59:40 Aren't various people already abusing reserved addresses because of the shortage? 20:59:54 I don't see why they'd stay away from 127/8 if it comes to that. 21:00:05 there's people abusing non-reserved addresses owned by others 21:00:54 I don't think 1/8 was "reserved", but when it started being used it broke many things, like captive portals using 21:01:48 some day someone is gonna get in legal trouble for "the DoD isn't advertising this range in routing tables for external use, let's take it" 21:35:06 https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/2/24212298/mrbeast-beast-games-crowdstrike 21:35:18 lmao 21:40:45 “In a text message, a spokesperson for MrBeast said the shoot “was unfortunately complicated by the CrowdStrike incident, extreme weather and other unexpected logistical and communications issues.” The spokesperson said MrBeast had started a formal review and had “taken steps to ensure that we learn from this experience.” 21:49:19 >a spokesperson for MrBeast 21:49:19 weird lol 22:36:31 https://x.com/CircleToonsHD/status/1819026330165325957 22:36:32 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/CircleToonsHD/status/1819026330165325957