00:16:16 nicolas17: i hope so/it causes absolute chaos that whatever organization one day 00:16:25 at whatever* 00:32:26 https://dl.fireon.live/irc/6c8b26194cd61be9/illuminati-chat.jpg https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/illuminati-chat/id1186130241 00:32:29 wtf lmao 00:33:48 description/ https://dl.fireon.live/irc/ddb9a4604450d2a5/illuminati-chat-desc.png 00:34:35 we open unique 15,630-bit encryption for rveryone 00:37:21 Custom crypto, WCGW? 00:38:23 damn I need to make sugmachat with 69,420-bit encryption 00:41:17 sugma? 00:41:44 sugma balls 00:42:32 nicolas17 bonk 00:42:36 Dammit 00:42:43 nicolas17 bonk++ 00:42:45 -eggdrop- [karma] 'nicolas17 bonk' now has 1 karma! 00:49:49 >Uloz.to modified their plans and cut all of the storage limits in half. Prices at least seem the same for now. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept making cuts though. They also got rid of their yearly plan 00:49:50 https://forum.rclone.org/t/unlimited-alternatives-to-google-drive-what-are-the-options/36529/1696 00:49:53 this thread is never ending fun 01:30:57 Message the file here in binary and use https://hackint.logs.kiska.pw/ to retrieve. Free storage courtesy of kiska! Follow me for more unlimited storage hacks. 02:14:33 no such thing as unlimited 02:18:30 Limited unlimited 02:18:52 Can't spell unlimited without limited 02:43:32 xP 02:43:37 rip kiska 03:10:16 fireonlive its gonna be RIP kiska if i make it to 20 million queued in downthetube as per their challenge 03:27:34 xP 03:27:43 you're still the one who shot the gun ;) 10:43:20 lol, fireonlive, did they read "too much crypto"? https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1492.pdf 10:43:47 also if this is 16k rsa... well... i have bad news for them 14:03:13 Set up new NAS. Copying data off old NAS. Disk in old NAS dies in the middle of a copy. 14:03:58 On one hand, I guess I feel extra justified in setting up a new one? On the other hand, damn, that sucks and now I have to deal with the exact situation I'd hoped to avoid 14:06:32 JUT copying 14:06:34 JIT 14:07:17 :-| 14:07:25 ddrescue to the rescue 14:34:03 it's hardware raid 3 14:34:14 that I've always been extra skeptical of but I wasn't the one to set it up 14:37:38 sus 14:38:24 well ok I always thought it's raid 3 (and the mountpoint is named raid3) but the dip switches indicate it's raid 5 14:39:36 sussy 14:46:07 time to find out i guess 14:47:05 has anyone read this: https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/07/to-preserve-their-work-and-drafts-of-history-journalists-take-archiving-into-their-own-hands/ 14:47:36 there's some collab to be done 14:49:38 "When I asked Cooper what she would do if she were an archivist for a news outlet that was shutting down, she said she would reach out to organizations like Archive Team or the Library of Congress, and ask them if they could take on the task of archiving the site and sustaining the archives long-term." 14:58:43 i might just send an email linking to our irc and see where it goes ;-) 15:02:41 Always a good idea to contact multiple organisations/groups for archival :-) 15:03:40 Linking to the logs? 15:04:22 no, the wiki page to find the various channels and their purposes 15:04:28 Oh okay 15:32:35 !ig 840pa04fwhf1v8lvmgrk8wbc6 ^https?://w\.soundcloud\.com/ 15:34:59 nulldata: :-) 15:35:20 got an OOO message :-) If we can establish a link that'd be awesome 15:36:38 You saw nothing! 15:36:46 * nulldata waves hands 15:38:07 nulldata: https://giphy.com/embed/SwyTq2jJxc9im6BYnN 15:39:32 !status nulldata 15:39:57 Katia - 404 16:22:12 I have found something funny :D 16:22:12 https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/glibc-2.2.3/html_node/libc_78.html 17:02:42 lol 17:12:32 whyyy 18:02:43 https://x.com/vxunderground/status/1820121939773411658 18:02:43 nitter: https://nitter.lucabased.xyz/vxunderground/status/1820121939773411658 18:02:49 i want a camera pointed at that booth :D 18:04:34 I mean, they did prevent those computers from getting breached.. 18:04:56 true xP 21:14:58 Sanqui: I would've been very interested in what even supports RAID 3. That's an odd one to see in the wild. 21:16:19 indeed 21:16:56 * fireonlive looks at no-longer-raid-zero-mount-point-named-raid-zero-because-updating-everything-that-points-to-it-would-be-too-much-work 21:17:42 RAAAAAAAAAAID 21:18:21 * fireonlive sprays it everywhere 21:18:42 if only that worked for programming 21:18:57 * Flashfire42 Crawls back to the safety of #down-the-tube 21:19:03 * fireonlive pulls Flashfire42 back out 21:19:04 fireonlive: That's when you move the mountpoint and create a symlink to the new place. :-) 21:19:12 oooh true! 21:19:15 :) 21:21:50 i just realized i forgot the +b $j in my channel setup commands; how embarrassing 21:22:46 * JAA grabs the cone of shame. 21:23:04 * fireonlive dons the cone 22:00:09 https://server8.kiska.pw/uploads/583e77c7ed5c06c3/image.png 21GB of sleeping tabs is fine right? 22:02:17 22:04:15 hot 22:09:34 you guys dont like my tabs? 22:13:38 i don't remember anything aobut this 22:13:42 but in think it was mentioned here 22:13:44 https://romhacks.org/news/about-the-drama-with-rhdn/#comment-185 22:27:56 https://github.com/lvkv/whenfs https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41154616 22:27:59 WhenFS turns your Google Calendar into a FUSE filesystem. It whimsically supports the following features: 22:28:00 Create a filesystem out of existing Google Calendars, or create a new one from scratch 22:28:00 Read and write files, directories and... well, just files and directories 22:28:00 Mount your friends' WhenFS calendar file systems to share files in the silliest way possible 22:28:25 lmao the mona lisa jpg 22:29:12 > WhenFS is an example of a harder driveā€”a hard drive we didn't want or need. 22:29:15 Nice 22:29:22 :D 22:29:40 links to http://tom7.org/harder/ 22:31:40 Oh, this looks like a fun paper. 22:32:59 The first harder drive is chainsaw juggling. 22:33:37 Not actually, but it's off to a great start. 22:45:05 it's an awesome video