01:06:34 🆓 https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/lumbearjack-b5bedf 01:09:28 fireonlive: I thought you didn't like beavers. 01:09:33 x3 01:50:01 I just randomly got this abbreviated Git commit hash: 1323457 01:50:04 So close, but still neat. 01:50:31 And the eighth char is 9, too. 04:31:38 https://github-roast.pages.dev/ 06:28:52 roast & praise on @archiveteam: https://bpa.st/HLFHPXJBC6DJXAXPSUB7W3ZCHM 08:16:13 Holy shit my hands are sore after all that down the tube work 08:18:41 " 08:18:48 oops 08:18:56 " 12:59:18 fireonlive bonk++ 12:59:20 -eggdrop- [karma] 'fireonlive bonk' now has 66 karma! 12:59:37 (preemptive) 16:17:05 🥵 16:17:10 😵‍💫 18:08:44 https://www.news24.com/citypress/news/cops-investigated-after-claiming-criminals-turned-into-cats-and-escaped-from-cells-20240717 18:17:32 confusingly written 18:17:46 but it sounds like the "turned into cats" claim came from another detained person? 18:29:36 ahh yeah 19:25:00 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/05/google-loses-antitrust-case-over-search.html 19:25:58 https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/business/google-loses-antitrust-lawsuit-doj/index.html 19:27:15 "But the ruling could ultimately upend how Google makes its search engine available to users, by impacting its ability to make the pricey deals with device makers and online service providers that were at the heart of the case. " 19:28:28 Mozilla: https://c.tenor.com/I6GFaw6IR3YAAAAC/tenor.gif 19:32:02 https://www.404media.co/nvidia-ai-scraping-foundational-model-cosmos-project/ 19:32:14 >Slack messages from inside a channel the company set up for the project show employees using an open-source YouTube video downloader called yt-dlp, combined with virtual machines that refresh IP addresses to avoid being blocked by YouTube. 19:32:49 nvidia-AT collab when 19:38:25 As long as they eventually delete the data it's still 'streaming'. 19:42:39 no wonder they're targeting yt-dlp users lol 19:48:52 it's pointless to keep the original data after you train your AI 19:48:57 AI will fill all the gaps ;) 20:00:02 🥵 20:31:06 nulldata: https://notnow.dev/objects/edaed63c-f53d-4bc4-895e-cbd72b49d0a2 20:35:27 Baby Google Bells 20:37:56 Taking bets on how soon after the Google breakup the spinoffs will start to acquire each other. 20:52:39 nulldata: I read that AT&T is now bigger than it was when it got split 20:54:09 Wait Google Brokeup? 20:55:58 flashfire42|m - not yet. They lost the antitrust lawsuit today. Haven't done sentencing yet nor appeals - but one of the things the DOJ might propose is breaking them up 21:03:42 https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EN225/ 22:38:03 > Google's core search engine, where it traditionally competed with Yahoo 22:38:11 Uh, when was Yahoo actually competitive? 22:40:23 1996 22:40:51 Back when there was a Web Rings button 22:40:58 Didn't Ask Jeeves dominate then? :-) 22:42:08 Dunno, let's ask him 22:44:59 pretty sure we switched from altavista to google 23:01:20 So uBlock Origin is no longer released for Chromium now. Just in case anyone is still using a browser based on Chromium.